Sentences with phrase «on such measures»

Schools where principals set high standards and involve teachers in decision making are seven times more likely to make substantial improvements in math than schools weak on such measures.
The more weight a state places on such measures, the more important it becomes for them to invest in rigorous, reliable implementation, which can be both costly and time - consuming.
For years, students in the United States have lagged behind students in many other countries on such measures of achievement as the PISA and TIMSS assessments.
But the Democrat did not say how he would vote on such a measure.
There are too many uncertainties and inequities to rely on such measures for high - stakes personnel decisions.
Agencies that rely on such measures tend to be «more and more risk - averse, choosing «safe» projects over those» with greater potential for major gain.
However, when Jared Horvath at the University of Melbourne in Australia pooled the results from 117 studies, he found no clear effect of tDCS on such measures.
The calculations will affect only one of the state's two types of school rankings: where schools stand in comparison with those that have similar characteristics on such measures...
And though the state is still struggling to turn around numerous low - performing schools, it excels overall on such measures of student performance as the National Assessment of Educational Progress.
If the bottom 25 percent of teachers on such a measure were not retained, we would expect average student achievement to rise by.09 student - level standard deviations.
She discovered that students who had learned to summarize did significantly better than a control group on such measures as identifying important concepts, excluding un-important concepts, and constructing the thesis of the article.
This is in addition to important consideration of whether an analysis is measuring what you want it to measure and whether there are undesired consequences from focusing importance on such a measure.
But will the new House, shaped by Tea Party priorities, see any reason to move forward on such measures (particularly as the race for the White House in 2012 heats up)?
Whatever the Facts on E CLimate, the Facts on Energy are absolute, and any challenge to an exposure of the professional decit on such measures is must succeed on the facts.
However, widespread protest caused by both the DoS attack and connectivity issues has resulted in a statewide protest to suspend funding penalties based on test results, although the state senate has yet to vote on such measures.
MSCI on Wednesday gave Snap one of its lowest grades of corporate governance, a «B,» labeling it a «laggard» on such measures.
The bill is still being drafted and Ms. Brewer told the Observer that discussions with Mayor Bill de Blasio, who would have to sign off on any such measure, have not yet begun.
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