Sentences with phrase «on teaching the book»

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Sutton wrote the book on the field of reinforcement learning, a technique which allows AI to teach itself what the best actions are using a reward - punishment system of its own, an area of deep learning that played a role in the success of DeepMind's AlphaGo project.
Alexa can tell jokes, read books, teach math — the list goes on and it's expanding regularly.
Knocking on doors to sell books taught me invaluable lessons that apply to every form of sales.
The list is based on the teachings of Dr. Robert Cialdini, author of the popular book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.
My time with the Red Sox organization taught me more about sales challenges than any book I ever read on the topic.
So I would put the focus back on magic by creating a special edition of each of the books that teaches kids how to perform magic effects.
Fans of the book say Isherwood refrains from preaching and from passing judgment on Ramakrishna's teachings.
He's spent his career lecturing to and on the aerospace industry, having taught for several semesters at George Washington University while publishing countless papers and research reports as well as one book on the industry.
In the book, Blanchard does an amazing job on illustrating how to turn customers into Raving fans, but he is really validating Godin's teaching around tribe - building.
A former computer - game addict with chronic lateness problems, he pruned distractions from his workspace effectively enough to enable him to write this book on top of his teaching duties.
Here's an experience I've had over time that I'm guessing you can relate to: many of the books I've read that have taught me the most or had the greatest impact on me do not appear on the recommended lists of business luminaries, famous authors, or Hollywood stars.
Unlike other management books that focus on principles, Green teaches the principle and then gives sample dialogues for just about every situation imaginable.
However, this book teaches strategies and mentalities to get out of your head and focus on what truly motivates you and makes you happy.
So part of my consulting role was to teach micromanagement of the service provider's appointment book to make the most of their available seconds while keeping their schedule as close to on time as possible.
In his online course, «Kindle Launch Plan: $ 1400 in 30 Days & an Amazon Bestseller,» Loper teaches his students how to build a foundation on Amazon and then successfully launch a book even if an author doesn't yet have a large audience of fans.
That's because in a service business everything happens every day on the front line and there's no time to consult a rule book or a manager — you've got to go with your gut, and with what you've been taught, seen and internalized.
Franklin taught himself pie making via YouTube videos and books and now he has his own large following on Instagram.
Danny Iny, Mirasee's founder and CEO, takes a break from writing the revised edition of his book, Teach and Grow Rich, to reflect on where online education is heading and how independent online course creators can start capturing their markets today, while the industry is wide open.
In Trump: The Art of the Comeback, a book with two chapters on his prenuptial agreements and one on his collapse, he chalks up his survival to the timing of his debt negotiation, playing hardball with his lenders, and teaching one holdout banker a better golf grip.
Best - selling author John Mauldin's new book teaches you how to read the direction of the market, so you can make decisions that capitalize on today's investment opportunities.
Her excellent book teaches you how to form habits based on your personality type, a huge factor in making them stick.
I teach a class at Princeton on how to grow ideas into self - sustaining enterprises and I could not find good materials to use for my class so I wrote this book.
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP)-- A small but growing number of science and math teachers aren't spending the summer at the beach or catching up on books, they're toiling at companies, practicing the principles they teach.
Three books later, I travel the world speaking about Buffett's investment strategies, appear regularly on cable news, host the annual «Value Investor Conference,» and teach an Executive MBA course at the University of Nebraska at Omaha's College of Business Administration.
Miles, now the author of three books on Buffett and Berkshire Hathaway, says he never saw himself teaching an MBA course.
After a successful and lucrative career in which he taught over 300,000 people his secrets on trading, co-authored twelve books, and founded — and sold — the world's most trusted financial education company, Tom's back to help Money Map subscribers reach their financial goals.
What My Granddad Taught Me About Money» (Beckham), will be giving away signed copies of her book on the following dates and cities.
There are a lot of books out there that explain how to do DCF valuations and I would highly recommend Aswath Damodaran's free online course on valuation where he teaches how to do DCF valuations if you are interested in those kinds of valuation techniques.
Maybe passion can't be taught but execution skills can and this book does a wonderful job providing a structure and wisdom on each step to help entrepreneurs be more successful.
If you want a Christian resource on this, check out any book by Brad Young, a well known Christian authority on Hebrew, Jewish traditions, and Rabbinical teachings.
What fishon fails to realize is the teachings of the NT (synoptics for sure) are based on teachings of the Torah (5 books of the law)... he does not understand law and the debating of law for the formation of understanding the idea better.
you believe in a narrow view of a god based on ancient fairy tales and that if you adhere to the teachings of a supposed son of god you will go to disneyland in the sky forever... which is damm ridiculous... I consider myself an atheist but I am aware of the possibility of a creative force which created the universe... but that god chatted with people 2000 years ago and brought out a book is childish and stoopid!
They don't teach you that in your text books or on msnbc do they?
The best summary of Jesus» teaching on poor vs. rich is found in the book, «A Monkey Could Do It: How Wall Street Robs Main Street.»
For a Catholic - ish novel — for a novel of any kind, really — the book is aggressively sexual in its interests, and McKenna's dismissal of Church teaching on sex is more casual than is sustainably credible.
Get rid of Old Testament and New Testament departments and teach the Bible as one book, centered on Jesus.
The purpose of the fifteen - page statement is to «identify problematic aspects of the book and provide a positive restatement of Catholic teaching on the relevant points.»
The prophet testimonies in both books / scrolls, are now on earth today; I used them both to teach God's children in Rome, even as Paul did.
Here is a link to a book review and an excerpt from the review that addresses theosis and the Latin / Western Churches» loss of the teaching on theosis:
I do believe every word on the Bible, I do believe it is His Word, not just a book I can learn from, but a book He uses to teach.
Also, I was preaching at this time through the book of Ephesians, and my research and study on Ephesians 1 helped me to see that this chapter does not teach Unconditional Election as many Calvinists claim.
It is christians who are out attempting to impose their views (ie: denial of gay rights b / c their book apparently says so; denial of women's rights; using the threat of hell; teaching dis - proven creationism to innocent children) on the public.
I would say to any person commenting on your 10 Ways the Non-Violent Atonement Changes Your Theology blog, to read your book first (its not an expensive purchase) before launching into any detailed discussion or disagreement.It answers many of the potential concerns people have and gets the reader to reflect very strongly on what they have been taught about the atonement and to put on a new set of glasses when reading scripture.
Bondi, who teaches at Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta, recently wrote Memories of God (Abingdon) and is now working on a book about prayer titled In Ordinary Time.
In fact, I have tried to keep silent on certain issues over the years, but the problem, or maybe I should say the benefit, of teaching through books of the Bible the way I do, is that I can not avoid certain issues for long.
This statement comes from one of my ninth graders in response to yet another lecture of mine on how important it is for students to bring their literature books to class — a particular hurdle in my case because I teach at a military school....
(ENTIRE BOOK) In this important work, Dr. Grant provides a dozen vivid chapters on Mark, the earliest gospel — how it came to be, and what its main teaching are.
The present volume is really a collection of studies, and it might easily have grown to twice its size if other topics had been included: for example the miracle stories — I should have liked to examine Alan Richardson's new book on The Miracle - Stories of the Gospels (1942)-- or a fuller study of the so - called messianic consciousness of Jesus, the theory of interim ethics, the relation of eschatology and ethics in Jesus» teachings — see Professor Amos N. Wilder's book on the subject, Eschatology and Ethics in the Teaching of Jesus (1939)-- the influence of the Old Testament upon the earliest interpretation of the life of Jesus — see Professor David E. Adams» new book, Man of God (1941), and Professor E. W. K. Mould's The World - View of Jesus (1941)-- or sonic of the topics treated in the new volume of essays presented to Professor William Jackson Lowstuter, New Testament Studies (1942), edited by Professor Edwin Prince Booth.
And the book also offers a deliberately wide array of approaches to trinitarian issues, including not only historical and systematic theologians, but biblical scholars and analytic philosophers of religion, writing from a variety of theological and communal points of view» Roman Catholic, Protestant, and, in one case, Jewish (the New Testament scholar Alan Segal, who contributes an instructive if somewhat technical chapter on the role of conflicts between Jews and Christians in the emergence of early trinitarian teaching).
I want to ask them if they have read anything outside of the New Testament (Even then, you have the book of Revelation and various teachings on hell).
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