Sentences with phrase «on the confusion assessment»

Not exact matches

And it should be no surprise that, as we have these confusions on assessment types, that the state teachers» union is running TV spots on how horrible testing is and how there is nothing a test can tell a parent that a teacher can't already relay.
This will undoubtedly lead to confusion on the part of the student (or parent) when reviewing the results of a performance assessment rubric completed by the teacher.
First, let's define summative and formative assessment, as often there is confusion on what these are and how they are used.
The argument to «learn what else drives climate» is a complete red herring, as if scientists are not already figuring out everything they can (which in turn is then being repeatedly re shaped to use to try to refute Climate Change by «skeptic» websites, as is everything), and is just used as another false refutation of, or confusion on, the basic assessment and risk range that the at this point fairly well known and well substantiated general concept of Climate Change represents.
The global assessment of the likelihood of confusion should be based on the overall impression given by the marks, bearing in mind their distinctive and dominant components.
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