Sentences with phrase «on the brain because»

I have food on my brain because some fine Indian fare from Charlie's Café, the main eatery there, is in my stomach, having just come from lunch.
I have tacos on the brain because I'm planning dinner at a Mexican restaurant for my boyfriend's birthday — I am not a huge fan of the cuisine but he really wants me to go and have Mexican with him at least once so I figured that's the best day of any!
«Cognitive activities such as watching television, listening to music, using the computer, text messaging, playing video games, concentrating in the classroom, and completing academic assignments can place additional neurometabolic demand on the brain because they all require mental exertion.
It seems to act most powerfully on the brain because the compound is strongly attracted to fatty molecules called lipids, and the brain has the highest lipid content of any organ.
(She's on the brain because of the 20th anniversary of her death.
Just as in other toy breeds, the Chihuahua is prone to swelling on the brain because the cerebrospinal fluid can not drain properly from the skull.

Not exact matches

Business workshops work well in the morning because they help attendees turn on their brains for the rest of the day.
Because the very action of creating goals has such a strong impact on brain activity, it's crucial to take the process seriously and stick to your decisions.
Your brain is on high alert and your senses are heightened, because you're taking in new sensations and feelings at a rapid rate.
Based on research by Dr. Robert Cialdini, a leading social psychologist, it turns out that because of the sheer magnitude of information you have to take in every day, your brain has developed 6 shortcuts to help you make decisions.
It's because having sex releases dopamine and oxytocin in the brain, mood elevating chemicals which work well into the next day, resulting in more sustained engagement on the job.
Indeed, psychologists say that most people hold unconscious stereotypes and biases because our brains rely on these cognitive shortcuts to navigate everyday life.
On weekends, she sleeps in until 5:30 a.m. No caffeine, she says, because it makes her heart and brain race, and also contributes to jet lag.
Perhaps it's because your brain is still working on low - volume, cobbling together connections that eluded it when your focus was too rigorously directed in one place.
Related: 5 TED Talks That May Change Your View on LifeWhether you're looking for outstanding orators to emulate for an upcoming speaking engagement, or whether you're in the mood for Crossfit crunches for your brain just because, here are the top five TED Talks of all time.
Because while the ideas are grand, and the technology impressive, I'm concerned that we as a society simply aren't ready for always - on computers that pump information as close to our brains as possible.
That's because the more visual stimulus there is around us, the more our brains try to focus on all of it at once.
One article I read said that because everything looks equal on our phones, our brains don't know how to distinguish what's more important.
I'd returned home from almost a year on the road with a gospel choir because my dad had been diagnosed with a brain tumor.
Since there still is about 5 % of people who do not share the production of oxytocin in the brain, which has been called the empathy chemical, on stimulus which means they would feel nothing after stealing a childs candy because they are chemically unable to relate to the child and all they can think about is that they now have the candy.
@ karl: is your god so petty and paranoid that he would visit eternal punishment on one of his creations — that he is supposed to love — just because that creation decided to use its brain to question the existence of this god?
Someone who patted me on the head in a patronizing manner when I got angry because my poor little brain would never understand how great and mighty he was.
After a lot of struggling I decided to come off it, and that is when the depression really started because my brain became so dependent on the chemical (seratonin / dopamine) that when I got off the drug then there really was a chemical imbalance.
You can't comprehend that because your brain operates on a physical level.
«These mirror neurons are involved when someone views pornography because what they view, they vicariously experience and learn from,» neuroscientist and author William Struthers wrote in his published study, «The Effects of Porn on the Male Brain
Steven Hawking likens the brain to a computer, which in the strictest sense of the word is true, because like a computer it runs on electrical impulses and makes calculations 24/7.
Steven Hawking likens the brain to computer, which in the strictest sense of the word is true, because like a computer it runs on electrical impulses.
This is convenient for us, because we need to forget that the NFL admitted in Federal Court documents in 2014 that one in three of those players on that field would retire and develop some type of brain injury.
in hell, demons can open your skull and removed pieces of your brain while you lay screaming - because a wound you would normally die from on earth doesn't kill you in hell.
And I'm guessing your invented Alcohol and Chemistry and Poetry in late 1200's because you are so productive to have enough time to spread hatred and Arrogantly say THEY on the internet... what a waste of Flesh and brain...
And you only appear cute to your mother because of biological chemistry: her brain tricks her into finding you attractive in order to carry on her genes.
In which case I see three choices: get on with the party and live it up because this is it, blow your brains out since your life is meaningless, or try to be the fittest and decimate those around you (One with the most toys wins).
Go on thinking that if YOU don't believe, well then, it MUST be false, because with your big, smart brain (LOL!)
Because girls» capacity for language (located primarily in the left brain) matures earlier than boys», they rely more on verbal skills in solving problems, including nonverbal problems such as spatial tasks.
And please don't give me that «free will» BS, because some people, based on their brain / body chemistry, are much more susceptible to alcohol abuse.
Bees home in on brilliant ultraviolet patterns that we see as plain white daisies; pigeons can literally align themselves to magnetic north because of magnetite in their brains.
On the other hand; if you have doubts about his exsistence because he hasn't manifested himself to you, if you use the brain he gave you, attempt to decipher the world for yourself and look for truth, and develope your own opinion about life — you'll go to the naughty place to burn FOREVER and EVER and EVER and EVER and EVER.
And a soldier that gets hit on the head a lot — even though he may live because he's got his helmet on — he's not going to be much use in battle, and very soon, he will lose his hearing, his sight, his ability to think, and probably will end up with some serious brain damage and maybe die prematurely.
And because the underlying commitment is philosophical, the flimsiest facts are counted as evidence - as when the president of the National Academy of Sciences recently published an article arguing that evolution is confirmed by differences in the size of finch beaks, as though the sprawling evolutionary drama from biochemicals to the human brain could rest on instances of trivial, limited variation.
If you are trying to dismiss the truth because you are high on glue just collect your brain cells and go to a drug clinic so you can find your friends in need.
For this reason I have realized this: a chimpanzee does not understand math (regardless of how many hours I spent trying to teach them this) because of it's anatomy, yet I do understand math because of my anatomy (and education of course), I as a mere mortal (unlike yourself) know that my faculties must be somehow limited and that there are concepts that no matter how much I try to use my retarded brain I will never understand them because I don't have the god lobe in the ole brain like you do, none the less I keep on thinkin» in a finite fashion hoping that my future children might have a little more range than I since they too will be a «tarded snapshot in a timeline of cognitive evolution.
because almost every religion has some common like every one would say «do not harm ur neighbor, do not do drug and so on... this is where we have to use our brain and see which makes more sense...
His comments on «scientific» views of consciousness are also timely because populist evolutionary biologists and «physicalist» philosophers of mind often portray the conscious mind, indeed the «self», as nothing other than the sum total of the chemical and biological parts of the brain and central nervous system.
I could claim a typo but the equation should have been ENTIREBOOK = TRUTH + UNTRUTH and it was fully my error in haste... but neither you or I or anyone else requires a brain removal because we ALL know some TRUTH to start building on.
Simple... because I believe in a God who placed the moral code of love on my heart and gave me a brain with the capacity to identify that which does not fit.
lol now I want to sit down and pick your brain because at this stage in my life all I seem to do is seek out people who embrace a whole different attitude to our faith because if what I have experienced is all there is... I'm on my way out: c / But I haven't given up yet!
Chad, the only reason those nice guys kill people was not because atheism, simply because they were criminals such as Hitler, Pol Pot, Bush and so on, but I will not blame you after watching Fox news for days your brain has been severelly damaged.
Everyone I've ever met who saw the movie was traumatized by it and I guess the imagery was really graphic and deliberately overblown to get the maximum brainwashing impact on the schizoid brains of the viewers, because that's how they described it to me and I've seen after - effects especially in children.
Because it's been so mild this winter, I've had spring on the brain even longer than usual.
This breakfast is perfect for fueling your day because you truly need a big bowl of nourishment to keep your brain on track... or for me, I need it just to make sure I can get from rolling out of bed to that time in the mid-afternoon when I get to either take a shower or do a little yoga on my matt (ie baby is sleeping and not demanding the boob).
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