Sentences with phrase «on the conscience of»

Put another way, I think Teilhard's vision was Cuomo's means of countering the number the Vincentians» Irish priests did on the conscience of an Italian boy from Queens.
In a statement read in Sunday Masses in the capital, Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle said: «We knock on the consciences of those who kill even the helpless, especially those who cover their faces with bonnets, to stop wasting human lives.
Fredom fundamentally allows all expressions short of those causing physical harm to others and calls on the consciences of men to help them make decisions for the greater good of their fellow citizens.
That there is a gaiety, an absence of alienation, a vigorous and contagious hope at the center of this movement is obvious and this optimism is the main source of its hold on the conscience of America, particularly young America.
And the cause for this shameful, dark spot on the conscience of this country lies on the hands of those who sit in the seats of power (government), but have done NOTHING to prevent this crime against the citizens of this country.
He described the situation as a scar on the conscience of the world's most leading advocate for democracy.
This will continue to remain a scar on the conscience of this world body if not remedied.»
Taking part in a horrific crime should lay heavy on the conscience of a «normal» person but wouldn't have much effect on a sociopath.
So we have to fall back on the conscience of our business leaders.
Tens of thousands of these cases exist in hardcopy and rest heavy on the consciences of those... [more]

Not exact matches

Both men and women of good conscience are fearlessly acknowledging the elephant in the room — the disturbing, age - old trend of men in power taking advantage of their status to prey on women (and other men) working below them.
March for Life is not a religious group, but can similarly object on grounds of moral conscience, the federal ruling says.
Remember the reason you became an entrepreneur and keep it close — in your conscience, on your phone or on a piece of paper in your pocket.
7th US Circuit Court of Appeals nominee Amy Coney Barrett, a Notre Dame law professor, was questioned intensely about her Catholic faith as a result of past writings expressing her beliefs on whether Catholic judges should recuse themselves from death - penalty cases if they believed they would be unable to impartially uphold the law, writing that — in limited situations — judges should step back in cases that conflict with their personal conscience.
«The notion that Christians may exercise their faith on Sundays but forget about it when they step into work on Monday is not real freedom of religion and is not freedom of conscience,» Scoffield told the court.
And thank you to the hundreds of businesses and individual leaders who acted on their consciences and took positive steps for change.
The dispute over the panels began on Monday, when Merck & Co.'s Kenneth Frazier took a public stand against Trump, saying that quitting the manufacturing council was «matter of personal conscience» and said that U.S. leaders had to reject «hatred, bigotry and group supremacy.»
Since Donald Trump preempted mass resignations from his business executive panels last week by disbanding two of them (on manufacturing and economic policy) and canceling a third (on infrastructure), pundits have fallen over themselves to praise CEOs as the moral conscience of the nation.
What of the credit - ratings agencies whose AAA writings were as much up for sale as the conscience and honesty of politicians on the Senate and House Banking Committees?
«Such social doctrine provides directions but, with few exceptions (for instance, the defense of innocent human life), does not provide directives of immediate applicability to policy questions on which people of good faith, guided by reason and conscience, can come to different conclusions.»
But Podesta and his candidate want to force a religious order of Catholic women to cooperate in the provision of contraceptives and abortifacients; they want to compel small businesses to cater to same - sex marriage ceremonies; and they want physicians to refer troubled patients for «transgender» treatment — all against the Catholic understanding of the right to act on one's conscience (in these cases, one's rightly formed conscience).
On Wednesday's broadcast of CNN's «Wolf,» Representative Steve Cohen (D - TN) reacted to White House lawyer Ty Cobb's departure by stating, «Nobody can stay around Donald Trump long who has a conscience and who has character and who believes in ethics.»
Even the well - staffed professional portfolio manager labors under a long list of occupational hazards: the seductive lure of linear extrapolation, the itchy trigger finger and, of course, the vicelike grip «group think» effortlessly secures on the collective conscience.
Hitchens writes: «Violent, irrational, intolerant, allied to racism and tribalism and bigotry, invested in ignorance and hostile to free inquiry, contemptuous of women and coercive toward children: organized religion ought to have a great deal on its conscience
Also, any standard examination of conscience you can find on the web will have a FULL discussion on contraception and abortion.
Hell is what you create for yourself here on earth - it is your conscience — Heaven is peace — you need to clear your conscience to find peace — Death releases your soul — your soul continues until you learn all of life's lessons --
The Romney of last night's debate, on the other hand, would rather assure women of their continuing access to contraception than assure religious groups that they will not be forced to betray their consciences.
Thus, on the first national celebration of Martin Luther King Day in 1986, Jesse Jackson decried the widespread focus on King's great, unifying «I Have a Dream» speech, and stressed instead King's opposition to the Vietnam War — an opposition, be it noted, that King came to only after long agonizing with his conscience, and that he always carefully distinguished from the position of the extremists within the anti-war movement.
On the album opener, «Cape Canaveral,» Oberst goes stream - of - conscience over a simple acoustic strum, painting images like «Watch the migrants smoke in the old orange grove / And the red rocket blaze over Cape Canaveral.»
... while Paul VI did write that it was his responsibility to sift the material he had been given by many advisers, including the papal commission on marriage and fertility that Pope John XXIII had established and that he, Paul, had expanded, he also made clear that the teaching of Humanae Vitae rested, not on the personal conscience of Giovanni Battista Montini, but on the mature conviction of Pope Paul VI as custodian and servant, not master, of the Catholic tradition.
«Conscience» is not a matter of determining what I want to do and then doing it; «conscience» is my search for truths that can be known to be true and then binding myself to those truths, which stand in judgment on me and on society: «If, in keeping with the prevailing modern idea, conscience is reduced to the subjective field to which religion and morality have been banished, then the crisis of the West has no remedy and Europe is destined to collapse upon itself.
All they are saying is they should not be forced to compromise their conscience by facilitating contraception to women, when these women can get the pill on their own by simply writing their insurance companies — insurance companies would gladly even pay the shipping of this pils to women, rather than paying for more expensive birthings, pre and post natal care, and even abortions.
Based on the context of this verse, causing a fellow Christian «to fall» means causing him to do something that violates his conscience by imitating an action he believes to be wrong.
(Meanwhile, the government warned Catholic schools with state contracts that merely to sponsor debates on gay marriage would be received as an attack on «freedom of conscience.»)
BUT, to stigmatize all those who are poor and pretend that if they are poor and have fallen thru the cracks, is their own fault and the consequences of their own doing or lack of providing for themselves,, is the SIN that this country will not shake of, it is a dark spot on this country's conscience, and it will not go without dire consequences....
Stories like these helped me recognize the «good» within people; not the 2 - dementional stereotypical characters that we tend to see in moviesand associate as «bad guys» (dark eyes and a goatee); that is just movie makeup that plays on the social consciences of that era.
Even though I was clearly conservative, and still am on many issues, I recognized that people of good conscience can and do disagree on many of these issues.
The peace of mind and conscience we seek, and strength to go on, hope, etc. comes from him.
God started to work on Paul, and he began to have a conscience about some of the things he was doing.
Liberal Catholics respond by downplaying the Church's authority, putting an accent on freedom of conscience and emphasizing that there's room for questioning and doubt.
«We call on the Vietnamese government to release all prisoners of conscience in Vietnam, and to uphold the right to freedom of religion for all.»
After reading, reviewing, and writing on Hannah Arendt, I have come to think of her, fairly or otherwise, as a special voice, one of many» they range from Thomas Mann to Karl Jaspers to Marlene Dietrich» who came through the fires of hell called Nazi Germany with their consciences intact.
On the contrary, the Constitution extends the highest protection to what the framers believed to be the inalienable right to exercise religion according to the dictates of individual conscience.
Marty joined 17 other religious leaders and signed a statement pledging «to risk fine or imprisonment to assist young men who resist [ed] the draft on grounds of conscience» (December 13, 1967).
Now this Tradition lives on side - by - side with the Bible — each confirming the other... and of course, we still have our conscience!
It remains reasonable for atheists to affirm their reality and act on the dictates of conscience, which Evans highlights as one highly important way in which divine commands may be communicated.
Marsh's research on the religious roots and inspiration of the civil rights movement enlivens his account of Bonhoeffer's turn «from the phraseological to the real,» an awakening in social conscience that occurred during his year as a post-doctoral resident at Union Theological Seminary in New York in 1930 — 1931.
Buber's argument was based on the promptings of moral conscience, but he was adamant that there is no real distinction between morality and true religiosity in his understanding of Judaism.
God's laws are no longer written on tablets of stones, or ink of paper, but written in our Spirits, as imprints of laws, or conscience.
«The Obama Administration's obsession with forcing mandates on the American people has now reached a new low by violating the conscience rights and religious liberties of our people,» said Rubio, a Florida Republican.
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