Sentences with phrase «on the plane»

My husband won't get on a plane for fun anymore.
It makes me want to hop on a plane with my husband this very instant and go off and recharge.
Have you ever gotten on a plane with a cold?
In the midst of my excitement, I forgot to scope out the best seat on the plane for photography.
I didn't get on a plane for the first time until I was 21.
If jumping on a plane just doesn't line up with your budget, no worries.
In fact, you do not want to control 20 hours on the plane of air to dine.
And I'm still trying to decide what I'm wearing on the plane ride in... and also what to wear daytime.
Her plan was to get some much - needed beauty sleep on the plane ride.
I slept half the flight, never been able to sleep on plane on other international flights.
I used disposable wipes so I didn't have to worry about flying on the plane with a wipes solution since liquids are a no no.
I am so happy you got on that plane as well.
Small dogs can often be taken on the plane in a carrying case that fits under the seat.
Or if you're like me and are often traveling for work, they're great for taking on the plane so that you have some better options beyond the processed plane food.
Sitting on the plane before you take off, while waiting at the mechanic, etc..
They allow pet lovers to travel with their furry friends, taking them to important veterinary appointments and even traveling on planes with them.
Feeding your baby while on a plane is quite easy if you breastfeed.
He called me immediately, told me everything, and stepped on the plane home an hour later.
Well, the scenery is very pleasant and this film would kill a couple of hours on a plane.
I'm already getting cash back and can use that money on plane tickets when they're on sale.
This is why it's important to think about and analyze the specific items that will be brought on the plane for your child.
I'm sure a lot of people on your plane either have had kids or have kids, and they totally understand that sometimes there just isn't anything you can do.
I was reading on a plane when the flight attendant said «it's good to see someone reading the greatest book ever written».
I'm going on a plane trip tomorrow & was just wondering what to bring for lunch!
It does take more guts to take the decision to leave what is familiar and jump on that plane on your own.
It will be our first time on a plane with him!
Who was the last person you met who refused to get on a plane because it'd been designed using models?
I had never seen such anticipation from passengers on a plane.
Being able to read on a plane at night or at a hotel which otherwise has poor bedside lights, is a huge plus for me.
This means that you might have to purchase 10 or more seats on a plane at a possible cost of over $ 10,000.
• Use gate check - in for your stroller at the airport and ask about bulk seats on the plane so you can have more room with the kids.
Doctors advised that he should not be put on a plane or he could die.
The ability to take video and music with you (for use on planes, for example) plus buy new entertainment on the road is a huge plus.
He wasn't quite sure what the market would be until he happened to sit next to a blind man on a plane trip.
I was on a plane headed for college 3,000 miles away, to a city I've never visited.
There is no doubt in my mind that he deserves his place on the plane regardless, and I think he could have a good impact on the tournament.
They even traveled well on the plane to my workshop last week, even though they are best when cold from the fridge.
He was always working on his plane, car, or boat.
And if you ever get to go on a plane without kids again... well.
We'll also take care of the group activities all before you've even stepped on the plane!
It is important to do some research and prepare for everything before you set foot on that plane, just like military housing rental insurance.
You can also carry baby food on the plane during travel, as it is one of the only approved liquids for carry - on travel.
It is also allowable to bring a breast pump on a plane and pump during long flights if needed.
It tends to be very cold on the planes at times.
I even met a mother on the plane who had no stroller at the gate for baby and had a 8 hour wait between flights... and a toddler.
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