Sentences with phrase «on the right side as»

You can remove it and place it on the right side as well.
As they grow and reach the age of six months, the muscles of their arm and neck become so strong that they are able to roll over on their right side as well as the left side without encountering any trouble.
A complete archive of all posts since the blog's launch is located on the upper right side of the Eduwonk site and there is a search function on the right side as well.
Midway through the model year, Toyota will offer a power sliding door on the right side as an option on the LE and XLE.
Many times that is a good sign they are on the right side as the majority is losing money.
All the more reason to spend even more effort at getting as many people on board on the right side as possible.
The left panel is completely bare, as Huawei has placed the microSIM slot and the microSD slot on the right side as well.
The newly granted smartphone design has no physical buttons on the right side as noted in the first patent figure below.

Not exact matches

On the regulatory side, they want to make sure the spectrum auction stays as presented by the government right now.
Wide angle cameras on the left and right hand side of the screen track the presenter's face, automatically switching angles as the presenter turns.
Whoever replaces him as head of Her Majesty's Government would be likely to invoke Article 50 of the EU's Treaty, under which the two sides would have an initial two years to negotiate their post-divorce relations, notably on trade and the right to free movement.
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has shown an ounce more willingness to take sides in his attempts to combat racist and sexist harassment on his service, recently conducting a purge of accounts associated with the so - called alt - right movement — a move critics described as sorely overdue.
Nervana brings expertise on the software side that can be used right away as well as designs for specialized chips that can be accelerated with Intel's chipmaking know - how.
Right now, tight credit is holding back the market, and supply is piling up on the developer side as inventory.
These healthcare brands will have the effect of soothing out the inevitable fluctuations that occur on the pharmaceutical side, though right now, Glaxo's portfolio is boasting robust growth from small - scale HIV drugs Triumeq and Trivicay (which, as the CEO noted in the last annual report, sport year - over-year sales growth of 41 % and 43 %, respectively).
As discussed in the video, many traders fail to successfully trade on both sides of the market because, even if they have the right technical chart patterns, they simply buy or sell at the wrong time.
As such, invest a few minutes of your time right now to watch the video below and learn why the most astute and successful swing traders always utilize discipline and patience when actively trading on the short side of the market.
As I argued in An Open Letter to Congress Regarding the Current Financial Crisis and You Can't Rescue the Financial System if You Can't Read a Balance Sheet, this is exactly the right approach, since it operates on the liability (capital) side of the balance sheet, which is where the trouble has been.
After shifting from «buy» mode to «neutral» mode on October 5, then from «neutral» to «sell» mode on October 12, our rule - based system for market timing once again precisely got us out of the long side of the market within a few percent of the highs, then prompted us to sell short (and buy inverse ETFs) right as the current sell - off began.
Alternatively, people on the Right side of the quadrant are Business Owners and / or Investors and pay as little as 0 % to 20 % in taxes.
As for your plan, if I am understanding this right, you plan on living off of a net + $ 1200 / month in retirement plus so side income starting in 2019?
Trend identification is of great importance to most traders as getting on the right side of a trend can be the easiest way to be profitable in financial markets — as long as proper money and risk management is undertaken.
On the right side of this webpage, enter your first and last name, as well as the email you used to register for this event, then click the blue «Join Now» button.
With the supply of student housing being as inelastic as it is, and an ever increasing demand for affordable housing, the company has found themselves on the right side of a supply - demand scenario.
The Elliott Waves Theory can also be seen as the sum of several different scenarios that are being created on the basis on what the market has done on the left side of the chart in order to project the price action on the right side of your chart.
As in, «Admittedly, William F. Buckley wasn't always right about everything, segregation for example,» or, «Obviously Aaron Sorkin is a colossal misogynist, but let us set that to one side,» or, «I enjoyed John Derbyshire's book on the Riemann Hypothesis, despite his despicable views on race.»
In Harris» narrative, it's hard to see exactly how she comes to the conclusion that concerns for «the poor's rights» demand aligning with liberal politics rather than those of Christian conservatives, but by the end, Harris finds herself on the opposite side of the political spectrum, voting with those she had envisioned as the manifestation of evil while growing up.
On the right side, the Bible is interpreted as Priorities.
Seen as on the «right side» of every issue.
As the crowd settles down, the moderator introduces the two sides: «On my right is the left... and on my left is the right.&raquOn my right is the left... and on my left is the right.&raquon my left is the right
I fear that we will instead use her as a talisman, a manger - set figure, in order to feel as if we're already on the right side of the revolution she sings about.
I felt the Shalom of God, his unity on earth as it is in heaven, slip away as believers took sides, rallied together in disgust, and used «rights» and «amendments» as justification for ignoring the suffering of their African - American sisters and brothers in Christ.
Remember, morals change in society; look at the abolitionist, women's suffrage, and civil rights movement, all of them originally didn't have «morality» on their side, but as society changed, the morals changed.
You said: «As a Christian, this was a bad idea from the start... basically through the people on the fence about God right over to the non-believers side.
That's fine Jerry, you just stick to your hatred, bigotry and ignorance... so what if you're on the wrong side of history... as long as you have the right to be a hateful, bigoted ignoramus, that's all that counts.
Why can't we all just mind our own business when it comes to peoples bedrooms and wedding albums, neither side get's to preach in schools, though I understand how you would think of it as the atheist getting his way by just not having you preach your God to his children in a publicly funded school, but he's not sending an atheist spokesman to influence your children, he just doesn't feel it's right to allow the religious spokesman into the schools to influence any children on his tax dollar.
This new secularism plants its flag on the so - called right side of history — exactly as if historicism itself hadn't been discredited from philosopher Karl Popper onward.
In the whole of your life as you now remember it, has the desire to be on the right side of that invisible line ever prompted you to any act or word on which, in the cold small hours of a wakeful night, you can look back with satisfaction?
As J. P. Sanders once said regarding biblical interpretation, «Anytime we read scripture and find ourselves right away on Jesus» side, we have probably misread the passage.»
For a triangle drawn on a spherical surface, with segments of great circles as sides, the sum of the angles is always more than two right angles.
You want to be right you've got to have the facts on your side — and you don't and never will as long as you are on the side of liars and lies.
«On the American side, they [the Ahmadis] are acting as a positive bridge to Islam and the Americans need that right now,» he said.
As a kid in Missouri, I was a Baptist, and that identity said not only that I belonged to an important church but that I was on the right side of the great eternal divide, ready to defend my salvation against the other contenders around me.
Yet in Casey, three Justices» who had been placed on the Court, incidentally, during a period in which relative anonymity was a leading prerequisite for successful appointment» saw it as their right and duty to call «the contending sides of a national controversy to end their national division by accepting a common mandate rooted in the Constitution.»
yes, extremist will use this as propaganda, like those in this country making a religion a terrorist group... but our Muslim neighbors will stay on the right side because we lead by example.
Religious proponents of international law could draw on the prophets for biblical support: Amos, Hosea, Micah and others discerned Yahweh's law as both impartial and international, striking against the arrogant pretensions of all people and nations who violate human rights in the belief that God is on their side.
While «government must be on the side of human life» he recognized that» it is very difficult to criminalize any activity once a large portion of society comes to see it as a «right.»»
In the 1930s an observer of the world scene at that moment could well have concluded that fascism was the wave of the future and that it was futile, and possibly even wrongheaded, to resist (it is salutary to read about the sizable number of Western intellectuals, including Christian ones, who urged their contemporaries to recognize fascism as the revolution of the century and, if I may use a somewhat more recent phrase anachronistically, who urged them «to get on the right side of history»).
Not only did they see Communism as a means of opposing Nazism and Fascism; they also saw the Russian Revolution as a sign that, yes, they too were on the right side of history.
The vocal insistence of the religious right on biblical «creationism» and such doctrines as the inerrancy of the Bible is likely to create a one - sided impression of the Christian faith and to turn away people who are not aware of other Christian views.
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