Sentences with phrase «on the school run»

Now I carry my toddler on my back on the school run through the woods.
The very same scooter (with a new back wheel and brake) is still used daily by H on the school run.
They took me through snow, rain and hail on the school run.
I have a 2.5 yr old who needs the option of a buggy on the school run.
I think I will always prefer to be more smart than casual and each day on the school run I am probably more dressed up than the majority of mums.
That's great if the listening takes place on the school run or the dog walk.
You've given me something to ponder on the school run today, thanks.
Cherokee was a popular sight with mums on the school run.
It took two attempts (an overproof on the school run first time around) but this is a fantastic recipe.
Driverless cars can give working parents more time with their children on the school run and increase productivity in areas poorly connected by public transport.
The gorgeous pink, blue and lilac floral design contrasts beautifully with the navy rubber upper and would ensure many compliments whether on the school run,
I only bought it just over a week ago... I'm seeing many ways to style it in the future, so far I've worn it with my gold havaianna flip - flops on the school run & to a Blogger Brunch with my fabulous pink T - bar flats that are a dupe of the Valentino Rockstuds here.
No longer can I kid myself that my summer wardrobe is acceptable on the school run.
I'm lethal with an umbrella too — especially on the school run when it's manic!
I tried it on over my dress and loved the boho look, but I know that this is a piece that can work equally as well with jeans or skinny cords on the school run.
Working mamas will find a great range of stylish maternity clothes for the office, as well as casual clothes for everyday style on the school run.
I'll leave it for the yummy mummies on the school run and the Chelsea tractor set - give me a decent quick estate car every time.
If an SUV this big can play the role of a sled helmed by crazed journalists, it will do fine on the school run.
This is a car that looks the business on the school run, but delivers smiles galore when headed for the hills.
While the cheapest Compass models arrive with front wheel drive which may appeal to parents on the school run, it's expected that many customers will opt for Jeep's trademark four - wheel - drive, and there's a Trailhawk package with a low ratio transfer box for those who want to get really serious off - road.
Collect miles on the school run, your morning coffee or even an online shopping spree.
I traded in my Range Rover for a Lexus and I either bike or take my Fiat Bambino on the school run.
Ofsted carried out a «focused inspection» on schools run by the E-Act chain, which in the past had been heavily criticised by inspectors and which two years ago had 10 schools taken away.
I still don't really know how I feel about the kids being back at school, in some ways it's nice to have a bit of time to work in the day without feeling guilty that I'm not spending enough time with them, but I also really miss them, and being back on the school run and all the rushing round that entails isn't filling me with joy.
Ignored the cries of «I walk, I walk, no pushchair» from H on the school run, for reasons previously stated of running late.
Back in the 1990s when beefy 4x4s were a must - have for the UK's middle - classes, the old - school Jeep Cherokee was a popular sight with mums on the school run.
We'll soon see delicate creeping frost gracing our early morning windows and the grass will be crunchy underfoot when we head out on the school run.
When i first got my OTK boots I was really apprehensive about wearing them in the day, to just pop to the shops or on the school run, because they can so easily bring about the old «Pretty Woman» connotations, with her famous teeny dress and Over The Knee boots.
The proportion of children walking and cycling to school has been declining since 1995, with the number being driven to primary school increasing each year — as many as one in four cars on the road during the morning peak are on the school run.
«In the UK, one in five cars on the road at 8:50 a.m. is on the school run,» said Craddock.
They're used as the daily drive, on the school run or work commute (often both), and have to be able to cope with a family's clutter on weekends and holidays.
While it may conceivably be used as regular transport too, the hefty fuel consumption may deter many from employing it on the school run.
Funny thing is my 1st caesarean took me 2 days to recover and my 2nd took me 3 days and I was back on the school run.
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