Sentences with phrase «on the show floor»

These demonstrations will be held on the show floor at booth # 57.
Even though I may not get the opportunity to play a good deal of games on the show floor, just being able to be at E3 is a real joy for me.
Up top is the full demo which was shown during the show, and hopefully what we will be playing this week on the show floor of the convention.
Who knows, but The Evil Within sure looks promising and will probably be on the show floor in some capacity.
Look for the 25 % club symbol on the show floor for specials of 25 % or more off of product lines.
RIM is displaying the game quite prominently in its own booth on the show floor, and it's still the same challenging but delightful experience.
We've already detailed the games that are available for play on the show floor and today we show you the goods!
Here's a taste of some of the launches beauty buyers can expect to see on the show floor next month.
Keep up with what's happening on the show floor with this social feed.
A full vertical slice demo will be available on the show floor, so come by and give it a go.
When you're not on the show floor, you can attend talks, and these talks are something that people come from all over the world to see.
Many are casual stills of the dog's time on the show floor.
What are some of the popular features that attendees can expect to find on the show floor again this year?
We will be playing the demo LIVE on the show floor all week.
The company is so focused on the new project that it does not plan to have any other playable titles present on the show floor.
I must have heard it a dozen times while on the show floor, but I'm still not tired of it yet.
We're going to have cutting - edge product demonstrations on the show floor.
The energy and business transactions that took place on our show floor this year was unprecedented and sent an encouraging message that this industry continues to stand strong.
There's no word on real world performance just yet, but we'll let you know when we see them in action on the show floor.
E3 news comes in a major flurry of punches during the conferences, with more news to come during the days on the show floor.
Last year there were just four companies on the show floor.
We really like what we've seen from Honeycomb so far, and we can't wait to see more on the show floor.
They can also cost a lot of money for little return if you choose to focus solely on what happens on the show floor.
Such a plan outlines who would be useful to see, what sessions to attend, and a daily schedule detailing the hours on the show floor, in classes, and in meetings.
Many vendors on the show floor completely omitted the SoC from their information cards alongside their latest devices.
So I had no idea what was being shown on the show floor and behind closed doors alike.
We played with the device on the show floor, and here are our first impressions.
These bags were carried around everywhere on the show floor.
We'll find out precisely what all those buttons do when we get a chance to check the fridge out on the show floor later this week.
Just like you can see how many people view an ad in a magazine, you want to know how many people are viewing your marketing materials like signage on the show floor.
Relax, enjoy a beverage, and maybe meet some folks you didn't get to meet on the show floor.
Even before I saw the vehicle cockpit - style play stations on the show floor, it was apparent that this is about as hardcore as car games get.
Fans will be able to receive a poster on the show floor, and those who download the game or share posts on social media will receive an exclusive T - shirt.
It'll be awfully hard to miss on the show floor.
If you bring staff members with you, spend the evening reviewing what they found exciting on the show floor.
The auto show may showcase cutting edge automobiles and concept cars that will make you do a double - take, but don't forget about the classic cars on the show floor.
Other interns remained on the show floor to encourage families to participate in a free ticket giveaway for the best social media videos.
This is just a tiny fraction of the numerous elements I have witnessed that aren't necessarily seen by the public on the show floor.
This gave the right people the time and space for meaningful interactions on the show floor.
We're all fired up and ready to roll out the red carpet on the show floor!
Also, never compare sets which are on the show floor without doing prior research.
Well, we are too; we have a killer lineup on the show floor this year.
I was on the show floor so I'm able to give you all a detailed breakdown of what I... experienced.
You can add it to your faves and / or agenda and save any notes you need before you get there or take while visiting on the show floor.
Yes, it's as weird as it sounds, but that was about as strange as it got on the show floor.
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