Sentences with phrase «on the work of»

As a measure of their continued stature, the Rockefeller name can add a premium of 50 percent or more on works of art and collectibles.
Amazon calls it «one of the primary business texts of the modern era, it is based on the work of the Harvard Negotiation Project, a group that deals with all levels of negotiation and conflict resolution.»
The effect of this is that the business is overly dependent on the work of the founder.
Drawing on the work of leading psychologists Edward Deci and Richard Ryan when we have the freedom (or perception of it), competence (and capacity to improve), and relatedness (having our values aligned to what we are doing)- we are poised to optimally grow — and find meaning.
This is intended to encourage «good faith editors,» while hanging a scarlet «P» on the work of paid advocates.
Building on the work of others, he proposed a decentralized system in which effectively no one could cheat.
Her argument is based on the work of Duke psychologist Patricia W. Linville, who studies «self - complexity.»
As he told, his advice is based on the work of Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck, whose teachings I've explored at greater length in previous columns.
The success or failure of your company depends on the work of your founding team.
See lots of glittering generalities or an emphasis on the work of others?
It is likely, therefore, that Morneau, whose political career began last autumn when Stephen Harper dropped the writ, will be tempted to draw on the work of the master as he embarks on a new era of deficit financing.
The comedian pointed specifically to a popular segment Last Week Tonight ran two years ago on state lotteries, which relied heavily on the work of The Oregonian newspaper reporter Harry Esteve.
But nowcasts might offer a check on the work of Bay Street and Wall Street economists; Bartlett said research suggests nowcasting produces better predictions than calculating the consensus view of private - sector analysts.
We calculated the so - called fair market value of college football players at the 20 most profitable programs using data provided by the Department of Education and based on the work of Ellen Staurowsky, a professor at Drexel.
The Global Opportunity Network expands on the work of the Global Opportunity Report.
Ben is skeptical, relying on the work of Hamilton et.
As previously disclosed, on February 22, 2016, based on the work of an ad hoc committee of the Board (the «Ad Hoc Committee») established to review allegations regarding the company's relationship with Philidor and related matters, as well as additional work and analysis by the company, the company preliminarily determined that approximately $ 58 million in net revenue relating to sales to Philidor in the second half of 2014 should not have been recognized upon delivery of product to Philidor.
Drawing on the work of New York University sociologist Patrick Sharkey, Richard Florida wrote that 70 percent of black residents in America's poorest and and most segregated neighborhoods «are the children and grandchildren of those who lived in similar neighborhoods 40 years ago.»
I'll draw on the work of TD's David Tulk (who thinks he'll cut) and Scotia's Derek Holt (who thinks he won't) and add some comments / go off on tangents as needed.
If regulators recognize (and put out clear guidance) on the distinction between tokens that have passive income streams associated which rely solely on the work of highly centralized parties as security tokens and tokens that give holders the right to use an existing digital service or contribute work to an existing decentralized organization as non-security tokens, the democratization of ownership of non-security assets will continue.
Living Off Your Money builds on the work of other retirement researchers.
Additionally, as indicated in the first report on work of the new Borrower Defense Unit, the Department is applying time limits to curtail claims for relief by borrowers the Department has found were defrauded.
The smartest bet is to focus on the work of seasoned technologists who are using blockchain technology to develop practical new platforms for business, e-commerce, and social media.
mormons are living a lie based on the work of a scam artist that got shot multiple times in a jail.
I get what you're saying and in essence, I agree, the church seems to the world a myopic organism, focused less on the work of the church in Acts which provided real spiritual and physical care for the masses, and more on church culture and agenda.
the problem is when clergy rely on the work of others, or keep on repeating the same ideas ad nauseum.
In an attempt to popularize the scientific study of the Hadith, Walliyulla wrote two commentaries on the works of Imam Malik, choosing him because in his opinion Malik's work was the foundation on which the superstructure of Hadith had been reared.
The primary purpose of the previous section of Matthew is to teach the disciples how to practice discipleship and to carry on the work of the Master.
In the lowliness of fear and the thrill of danger we carry on the work of completing an element which the mystical body of Christ can draw only from us.
This can be said of theologians such as William Hamilton, Harvey Cox, Paul van Buren, the «Mainz radical» Herbert Braun, the late Paul Tillich, and many of those who follow and comment on the works of Friedrich Gogarten and Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
I say this because I realize that in what I have written it is not simply a matter of a dogmatic theologian commenting on the work of a disciplined historical critic; there are issues involved here which are neither purely theological nor historical; they touch the manner in which we understand our existence and our need, an existence and an understanding that we allow it possible that Christ has redefined for us.
is there Christian insight into sexuality through a reflection on the work of agape in the sexual life with its frustrations, idolatries, and creative powers?
He bases this assertion on the work of the Italian patristic scholar Giovanni Cereti, whose research is now over 30 years old.
To do anything else is to waste our effort on works of the flesh (wood, hay, and stubble), it is worth nothing even if it feels good.
To understand the function of idiom (of what anthropologist Clifford Geertz called a «network of construable signs»), he drew on the work of Geertz and Claude Lévi - Strauss.
Max DePress in his books on leadership talks abot the role of elders as part of the overall focus on: Respect for the future, regard for present, understanding of the past the future requires humility to face what we can't control; the present requires attention to all the people to whom we're accountable; the past gives us the opportunity to build on the work of our elders.
Campbell: I have just finished a dissertation on the work of Roy Burkhart of First Community Church in Columbus, Ohio.
Much of his account focuses on the work of the representatives of the Local Advisory Council (LAC), a tenant organization that mediated between the residents and the Chicago Housing Authority, local police and other outside institutions.
The Theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg focuses on the work of one of the handful of trinitarian theologians who have dialogued extensively with American process thought.
Of particular note is Clarissa Atkinson's essay on the work of the 17th - century French Jesuits and Ursuline missionaries among the Huron Indians in Canada.
A «deep ecology» based on the work of the Norwegian philosopher, Arne Naess, and appealing to Spinoza for support, is promoted in California chiefly by certain professional philosophers.
We will concentrate on the work of British missionary societies.
Why not have a new religion based on the works of Robert Heinlein or Frank Herbert?
First, building on the work of the Polish philosopher Adam Schaff and the Swiss theologian Fritz Lieb, Pannenberg; declared that Marxism harbors a flawed understanding of the person, an understanding that is irreconcilable with Christianity.
If King's work is so religious then why hasn't some opportunist nutjob already formed a new cult based on the work of King?
Seifert represents the school called «phenomenological realism,» which builds on the work of the early Edmund Husserl and does spirited battle against the legions of «transcendental idealists» (i.e., subjectivists) who fight under the banner of Kant and his sometimes improbable allies.
The strong, the real «doers» in Christendom have been those who relied solely on the work of God, and not those who trusted much in human activity.
Noone can boast of any achievement as if that were not dependent on the working of grace.
When he wrote to the Corinthians claiming to be their father in the faith in contrast to «countless guides in Christ,» he was functioning through the letters precisely as a guide to improve on the work of other guides.
Based on the works of Ernest Becker, a connection can be made between death and fundamentalism.
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