Sentences with phrase «on these tangents because»

They go off on these tangents because that's what they do.»

Not exact matches

It is amazing how many arguments go off on a tangent simply because people want to argue the definitions of words.
Time and time again we see these christians go off on tangents always begging us atheists to help them with their logic and when we offer it they immediately storm into their defensive mode because we didn't give them the answers that they wanted to hear.
You merely go on another tangent that amounts to «No, no, god isn't (insert thing here) because that would contradict what I already decided is true.»
I also made more citrus syrups and more recipes with them because once I get on a recipe tangent I just can't quit.
On a tangent Jon my son (he's 4) asked me why he should support Arsenal, I said «well because I do, you're granddad does and your great granddad did» I was going to say its because of the values and principles that our club has but then I stopped myself because I have no idea what they are anymore other than paying a has been manager and over hyped players a fortune for non achievement while being owned by a majority shareholder that has no interest in the club other than as a business and having a board that view the fans as the gift that keeps on givinOn a tangent Jon my son (he's 4) asked me why he should support Arsenal, I said «well because I do, you're granddad does and your great granddad did» I was going to say its because of the values and principles that our club has but then I stopped myself because I have no idea what they are anymore other than paying a has been manager and over hyped players a fortune for non achievement while being owned by a majority shareholder that has no interest in the club other than as a business and having a board that view the fans as the gift that keeps on givinon giving.
It's good because he sticks to what's actually happening on screen and doesn't go off on too many tangents.
Taking this tangent is worthwhile because it is organically timed to maximize impact on the students.
I preferred listening to the book rather than reading it in ebook because Johnny and Sean tend to share a lot and go off on (super interesting) tangents when it comes to talking shop.
The result will be a bit different than that predicted by MDURATION, and the difference increases as the yield change increases (because you move further from the original tangent point on the curve).
One of the reasons for this is probably because it's not following the main story of the films, and is going off on a tangent, but I'm sure you'll...
One of the reasons for this is probably because it's not following the main story of the films, and is going off on a tangent, but I'm sure you'll agree, it looks damn good.
No before you go off on a tangent that Susuki is right the climate changes, Suzuki is making the common AGW error of assuming ALL climate change is because of our CO2 emissions.
Sam: You were but you also prompted me to go off on a tangent here which is maybe a little bit closer to your Mac Power User's world which is how do you balance doing productivity that is fiddling with your tools and trying to refine them and get them better, because you were talking about part of your desire was to have greater control over how things are done and the tools you use, so how do you balance your desire to optimize versus actually being productive in getting things done?
Because they have been learning for the sake of learning, they may end up going on a tangent that's not ultimately useful for completing the task at hand.
For all the same reasons a stranger is the best person to help with other types of counselling, they're great for career advice; but perhaps mostly because they're going to give you their undivided attention for the session, and they're not likely to go off on a tangent about who will look after your cat if you go back - packing for a year.
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