Sentences with phrase «on tidal energy»

And that's a possibility: The commission's study on tidal energy earlier this month concluded that placing turbines in the waters below the Golden Gate Bridge would be too expensive.

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Such exports hit a peak of 874,260 barrels in total in July, before falling back to 346,921 in August... The re-exports have become a relief valve for both countries by reducing some congestion of supplies within the U.S. «We've got so much rail capacity now and pipe capacity is really starting to come on line, especially heading down to the U.S. Gulf,» said Martin King, analyst at FirstEnergy Capital Corp. «One way or another, the market's figured out a way to get Canadian crude to a country other than the U.S.» Tidal Energy Marketing Inc., a unit of Enbridge Inc., is one company that has shipped Canadian crude from the Gulf Coast, sending a cargo to Spain in May.
«Britain has world - leading potential when it comes to wave and tidal energy, yet the government is sitting idly on the funding which the sector so desperately needs.»
The UK is currently a world leader in the field of wave and tidal energy development, with around 25 % of the world's technology development taking place on our coastline.
What the Conservatives are doing so badly is by destroying solar power, destroying on - shore wind, not proceeding with tidal power, ending the carbon capture and storage programme, they are putting Britain's future energy security at risk.»
James Hunt, chief of environment and energy services for Boston, says climate change will be a challenge throughout the city, half of which is built on filled tidal lands.
Of course tidal barrages can have a big impact on the local environment, but they must be part of the solution if we are serious about moving to sustainable energy.
That high energy density makes OTEC a more attractive option than wave or tidal power, Cable says, especially for distant outposts like those on Guam, where a cost analysis suggests that OTEC could provide electricity slightly more cheaply than existing oil - fired plants.
Tidal energy technology is also changing so quickly that it doesn't make sense to build a full tidal turbine farm at the outset, but rather adapt to technology innovations on a short term basis, said CoTidal energy technology is also changing so quickly that it doesn't make sense to build a full tidal turbine farm at the outset, but rather adapt to technology innovations on a short term basis, said Cotidal turbine farm at the outset, but rather adapt to technology innovations on a short term basis, said Collar.
But according to its American developer, a new approach to tidal power should have a minimal environmental impact, as well as competing with other energy schemes on price.
The researchers focused on meeting each state's new power demands using only the renewable energies — wind, solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, and tiny amounts of tidal and wave — available to each state.
On Nov. 11, 2014, a global network of telescopes picked up signals from 300 million light - years away that were created by a tidal disruption flare — an explosion of electromagnetic energy that occurs when a black hole rips apart a passing star.
The tidal disruption flare from this distant black hole was first discovered on Nov. 11, 2014, and subsequent observations using a variety of telescopes have revealed curious pattern in the energy being emitted.
Waterborne offers events and building options that focus more on the coastal areas of the island, as well as providing off - shore alternatives for energy with tidal power plants, military submarines for defense, even floating luxury apartments for housing.
offers events and building options that focus more on the coastal areas of the island, as well as providing off - shore alternatives for energy with tidal power plants, military submarines for defense, even floating luxury apartments for housing.
The evening hours electric demand should be provided from generators run on landfill methane and electricity generated by tidal energy.
Other fossil - fuel replacements occasionally touted in print or on the Web include nuclear fission, subcritical thorium fission, high - altitude wind power, enhanced geothermal, hot dry (or hot fractured) rock geothermal, wave power, tidal power, open - cycle ocean thermal energy conversion, and advanced biorefinery products like 2,5 - dimethylfuran, various other furans and furfurals.
It's a one - way process, whereas the rest of nature works on material cycles and natural (read solar, tidal, and geothermal) energy flows.
More On Scotland Scotland's Battle Over the Beaver Scotland Will Get 100 % of its Electricity from Renewable Energy by 2025 World's Largest Tidal Turbine Unveiled in Scotland - Yes, It's Humongous Scotland's Big Tent Festival Adds Summer School to Promote Green Living Rare Bumblebee Species Rediscovered in Scotland after 50 Years
While part of the tidal energy is dissipated on the coasts, another part turns into the circumpolar current and is ultimitely dissipated on the ocean floor, and that current could be reduced or eliminated if the Strait of Magellan froze deep, reducing the rate of deceleration and allowing the core to catch up a little (in its deceleration).
Renewable energy generators that are eligible to produce ERCs (i.e., on - shore wind, solar, geothermal, tidal, or hydro units built on or after January 1, 2013) are eligible to receive allowances from the renewable energy set - aside.
I am working on the development of a tidal energy system, that may be efficient enough for low current speeds.
The paper «The international legal regime on the exploitation of offshore, geothermal, wave, tidal and otec energy, in search of legal challenges and solutions.»
On a larger scale, M2E hopes to use kinetic energy to enhance wind, hydropower, and tidal power efficiency.
Powers volcanoes, geysers, earthquakes, rock cycle Tidal energy -LRB-.002 %)-- energy from pull of moon and sun on Earth's oceans.
Tidal energy -LRB-.002 %)-- energy from pull of moon and sun on Earth's oceans.
The Marine section of this area of the website collates information on Wave energy, Tidal energy and Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion technolenergy, Tidal energy and Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion technolenergy and Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion technolEnergy Conversion technologies.
However, with rising levels of pollution, the government is keen on developing cleaner coal technologies as well as renewable energy sources like solar, tidal, and biomass.
My columns have covered LEDs, solar power, wind power, demand - response, green chemistry, smart grid innovation, water technologies, geothermal, biofuels (with a big focus on algae), electric vehicles, carbon capture and storage, nuclear, wave and tidal power, biogas, waste reduction, energy storage, advanced materials... you name it.
It grapples with various national and international issues that Japan is involved — conservation of Nansei Shoto Archipelago (including the coral reef in Shiraho in Ishigaki Island) and tidal flats in many places, promotion of forestry certification scheme and environmental education, prevention of global warming through promotion of natural energy and policy advocacy on the cities.
It's a two - way exercise: Kawasaki Heavy Industries is to test a newly developed tidal energy system at EMEC on the Orkneys.
At the opening of the annual All Energy conference in Aberdeen in May, Charles Hendry commented that «It is shameful that with some of the strongest winds and highest tidal reaches in Europe, the UK is currently third from bottom in the whole of the EU in its use of renewables», although, perhaps unsurprisingly, these words did not get included in the final version of his speech as rendered on the DECC website.
Those constituents are being acted upon by the same gravitational «force» acting on the cell, and the work they do is going to cancel any change in overall energy due to gravitation other than that due to the tidal forces.
Different renewable energy sources may be compensated at different rates, depending on how expensive they are to deploy — with technologies like solar and wind typically being compensated at a lower rate than less developed technologies like tidal power.
Electricity will come from a combination of solar (drawn from solar panels on the island's buildings), wind and biogas, and possibly also tidal energy.
C - Energy, in the Netherlands, have developed a vertical axis tidal turbine the blades of which rotate in the tidal flow, while the horizontal struts linking these blades to the central axis are shaped so as to lift the whole assembly up and down when acted on by wave motion: /
The determination of political and business leaders in Scotland to carry on expanding renewables of all sorts — including onshore and offshore wind, and wave and tidal energy — often sounds much stronger in tone when compared to the rather muted messages of political support coming from south of the border in England.
Ross has led teams advising on all types of renewable energy technology including solar, wind (on and offshore), biomass, biofuels, anaerobic digestion, waste to energy, wave and tidal energy, geothermal and hydro as well as conventional power.
We work with clients on developing clean and renewable energy facilities, energy efficiency and microgrids, as well conventional and nuclear power plants and a range of other infrastructure including wind, solar, biomass, fuel cells, tidal, geothermal and biofuels projects.
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