Sentences with phrase «on top of the fruit»

Personally I love adding a bit of unsweetened whipped cream on top of fruit.
Once the crumble ingredients are mixed together, pour the crumble evenly on top of the fruit layer and place in the middle of the oven to bake for 20 - 30 minutes.
Remove the stems of the chard and place the greens on top of the fruit.
I hope that is not a problem, there is nothing more, just the final slice on top of the fruit juice filling.
Put another layer of cottage cheese on top of the fruit and then add one more layer of fresh fruit.
When you add a sweetener on top of fruit, granola and jam, the sugar content quickly adds up.
Crumble the remaining date / nut mixture on top of the fruit and bake for 25 - 30 minutes or until golden on top.
Drizzle a small amount of honey on top of the fruit mixture for an extra sweet treat.
In addition to the fruit, I sometimes drizzle a little bit of honey on top of the fruit before I add the coconut cream.
Simply dice the fruits into smaller portions and drizzle some yogurt on top of the fruits.
Pile the crumble on top of the fruit and place the dish in the centre of the preheated oven for approximately 30 minutes.
Drop heaping scoops of biscuit dough on top of the fruit (about 7 or 9 rounds, depending on size).
Kindly tell me how to make a sugar syrup which is used on the top of the fruits on the cakes for shining and give them a glacy touch.
Remove the apricots from the fridge, arrange the crumble randomly on top of the fruit and serve cool.
One of the things I love most about these crumbles is they are essentially the same as a healthy granola on top of fruit, which means you can legitimately eat dessert for breakfast!!
In a way, it's sort of the responsible equivalent of the atrocious - but - delicious Dump Cake (except you mix a lightly - sweetened oatmeal crumble together, instead of tossing a whole cake mix and a stick of butter on top of some fruit), so it takes very little time to throw together.
Warm the orange marmalade slightly and brush on top of the fruits.
This is a healthy way to start the meal, unless the child rains a whole packet of sugar on top of the fruit, as is commonplace in France.
Ask your child to draw a circle around the fruit that Matilda can safely eat (mango) and draw an X on top of the fruit she can not eat (banana).
Sprinkle the remaining crust mixture on top of the fruit and gently press down to cover the fruits
In addition to the fruit, I sometimes drizzle a little bit of honey on top of the fruit before I add the coconut cream.
Since coconut cream is thicker than coconut milk, you can use it to create dairy - free whipped cream on top of fruit, pies, ice cream, milkshakes, and warm drinks.
Stir the maple syrup into the yogurt (if you're using it), then swirl the yogurt on top of the fruit.
Step 5 — Crumble the topping on top of your fruit mixture (I like to use my hands here to get it nice and even)
Cream the butter into the rest of the ingredients with a pastry blender until mixed together and crumbly, and crumble it on top of the fruit.
You just pour it on top of fruit cakes so that the fruit doesn't dry out.
I shook this all up and now I've got a lovely mix to add onto porridge, into smoothies or on top of fruit.
Or, sprinkle it on top of fruit or in beverages, such as coffees, cocoas or sodas.
Sweet ideas: cookies, cakes, pies, pastries; on top of fruits, Dutch baby pancakes, cereal and baked goods
Legend has it that one of the sisters, due to fatigue or distraction (and we have all been there), somehow omitted the pastry in an apple tart, thereby adding it on top of the fruit in an attempt to salvage the dessert.
Plus I'm now addicted to coconut butter, I never even thought of putting it on top of fruit Fabulous!
When I added it on top of fruit it did nt layer.
Since coconut cream is thicker than coconut milk, you can use it to create dairy - free whipped cream on top of fruit, pies, ice cream, milkshakes, and warm drinks.
Tastes amazing on yogurt, a smoothie bowl, on top of fruit or all on it's own!
By pressing down on top of the fruit's hard outer shell, you can loosen the skin and begin to peel away the outer layer.
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