Sentences with phrase «on top of the loaf»

Sprinkle generously with paprika on the top of the loaf before putting it in the oven.
Note: If your honey is too thick to brush on top of the loaf, place the honey in the microwave for several seconds to thin it out.
Sprinkle flour on top of the loaf and slice a vent into the loaf.
Now brush cold milk on top of the loaf while it is still hot.
You should be able to tap on the top of the loaf and hear an almost hollow sound.
Like a cake, place all the sauce on top of the loaf and carefully spread down until it evenly covers all sides.
How do you get seeds to stay on top of a loaf?
The sprinkle of parmesan cheese on top of the loaf gets crispy and browned while the bread is baking — > pure bliss!
I love the additional oats on top of the loaf especially I haven't heard of quinoa flour before but it sounds great!
Place the mixture into the prepared loaf tin and if you wish place whole pecans on top of the loaf mixture.
If it starts to brown too much, just pop a bit of foil on top of the loaf.
It tasted really good, although the sunflower seeds that were on top of the loaf did burn a little.
Sprinkle a bit more flour on top of the loaves and rub in.
If not, some students will end up with unopened jars of peanut butter and jelly sitting on top of a loaf of bread!
Chop the brazil nuts and dark chocolate (is using) and sprinkle evenly on the top of the loaf.
Place the rack on top of the loaf pan and carefully invert the loaf pan (flip it over).
I'm always looking for seed combinations to put on top of loaves, I really like the poppy / sunflower seed mix.
I did half my loaf by this recipe, and for the other half, I sprinkled the Asian pears with crushed, dried rosemary, sprinkled a little rosemary on top of the loaf and drizzled just a little honey.
You can see the little grains peeking out on the top of the loaf in the picture above.
Place loaves in pan and cut diagonal gashes on top of each loaf.
Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F. Using a sharp knife, make 3 diagonal slashes about 1 / 2 - inch deep on the top of the loaf.
Smooth the top with a rubber spatula and when done mixing, sprinkle flaxseed and coarse sea salt on top of the loaf, if desired.
Arrange the skull where the two bones intersect on the top of the loaf.
Place the loaf on a parchment paper lined baking sheet, slice a deep X shape on top of the loaf and bake it for 30 to 35 minutes or until the bread feels hallow when tapped and develops a nice golden brown color.
It's smeared on top of the loaf during baking and then used to drown the poor little slices again during eating.
That's why I used my go - to vegan egg wash substitute to brush on top of the loaf before baking, and also used a little ice cube trick to create steam in the oven toward the end of baking.
For brushing on the top of the loaf (optional): 2 tb plain unsweetened nondairy milk 1 tsp canola or other neutral oil
Place pans in the oven for about 35 minutes, until the tops are light brown and when you tap on the top of a loaf it is hollow sounding.
Be sure to get as much cheese pushed down into each crevice, then the rest of the cheese can sit on top of the loaf.
In a small bowl combine TOPPING ingredients and sprinkle evenly on top of loaf.
Invert a cooling rack on top of the loaf, and gently flip the whole shebang, so the loaf is top - side down on the cooling rack.
If you notice that the top of your loaf is starting to brown too much near the end, simply tent a piece of aluminium foil and place it on top of the loaf.
optional: slice a few extra olives, place olive slices on top of loaf, and sprinkle loaf with a some rolled oats, this is simply for presentation.
Drizzle it on top of the loaf.
I did exactly this (used the rosemary gravy from the book)-- made it while the lentils and whatnot were boiling away, then just spread some of it on top of the loaf before baking.
Before baking, sprinkle a half recipe of the lovely sugar mixture from the pound cake recipe (see below) on top of the loaf and bake as usual.
Using a very sharp knife, slash a deep «X» on the top of the loaf, making sure not to cut all the way through.
You can sprinkle some on top of the loaf as it bakes uncovered, though.
Now spread this on top of the loaf before spreading the nuts on top.
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