Sentences with phrase «on top of the pie»

Then, pour the filling on top of the pie crust until the pie is full.
Slice half a banana on an angle, place on top of pie leaving a border around the edge, top with half the whipped coconut cream and smooth to cover slices.
Also, cut the same number of stars or any other shape you like, to put on top of the pies.
When the pie is cool, lightly dry each slice of citrus with a paper towel and arrange on top of the pie.
Carefully flip the pie crust and parchment paper over on top of the pie dish and slowly peel off the parchment paper.
As a cherry on top of the pie, I also finally got to meet several of my fellow bloggers which I didn't get a chance to meet yet.
Don't worry — making a meringue to go on top of this pie is actually a really simple process.
Layer the sliced strawberries on top of the pie and sprinkle the granola on top.
You can enjoy it alone or dollop a little non-dairy whipped topping on the top of the pie.
I wish I could remember how you put those beautiful wheat patterns on the top of the pie.
When your dough is the size you need to cover your pie plate, place the pie plate upside down on top of the pie dough.
To prepare the filling, wash and slice fresh strawberries and layer on top of pie crust until crust is covered.
It should be liquid enough to brush on top of the pie.
Once you've folded the pastry shut, brush egg wash on top of the pie.
Roll the top pie crust into a 10 - 12 inch circle and lay on top of the pie.
I like some color on the top of my pie, but if it gets too dark, cover with foil.
Or use it as a whipped cream replacement and put a generous spoonful on top of your pie or crumble this fall.
I chose to sprinkle the chips on top of the pies instead of folding them in... either way will be delicious.
You can sprinkle a little sugar on top of the pie, or bake it without.
Arrange coated pecans on top of pie and drizzle remaining topping over the pecans.
It also looks pretty because you make little hearts out of the pie crust to place on top of the pie.
To prepare the filling, wash and slice fresh strawberries and layer on top of pie crust until crust is covered.
No matter how the citrus is arranged on top of the pie, it will be delicious and beautiful.
Carefully turn over and flip the crust on top of the pie plate, don't worry if it tears a bit, this dough is very forgiving!
Whip cream to stiff peaks with powdered sugar and vanilla and spread on top of pie.
If desired, pipe extra whipped topping on top of pie then drizzle with chocolate syrup and top with chopped peanuts and candy bar pieces.
And cut ribbons with dough and make lattice on top of pie.
(I added a smaller heart - shaped piece of dough on top of each pie for decoration.)
Drop remaining batter on top of pie filling in teaspoonful amounts.
Arrange the reserved pecans on top of the pie in two concentric circles.
To transfer the crust to the pie pan, gently flip the parchment or wax paper over on top of the pie pan and slowly pull away the parchment while forming the crust into the pie pan.
A thick skin developed on top of the pie that ballooned in the oven.
Garnish by drizzling the peanut - butter on top of pie.
I added some chocolate swirls on top of this pie using a mixture of cocoa, sugar, and butter.
Pile the frosting on top of the pie before serving (an hour or two ahead of time is okay).
Spoon on top of pie and serve with a dusting of cocoa powder or with fresh berries.
Cracks on top of the pie are ok, don't get upset if your pie shows a crack, usually they vanish once the pie its out of the oven, cools off and settle a bit.
Using a large star tip, you can swirl a ring on top of the pie that can be filled with stars of meringue and then torched.
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