Sentences with phrase «on undecided voters»

But whatever is actually going on, any bias — manually added or otherwise — could have a dramatic effect on undecided voters.
There has been no clear signal from either side in the Scottish independence vote or from the opinion polls on the likely outcome and there has been an unrelenting focus on undecided voters in the past few weeks.
She has no money, no institutional support and is unlikely to have any organized get - out - the - vote operation, meaning, she'll likely rely on undecided voters who see her name for the first time on the ballot.

Not exact matches

Forget kissing babies: Success on the trail is more about big data, online advertising, and ferreting out undecided voters by following a digital trail.
The results of this campaign are staggering, with CA reaching 50 million Facebook users, creating 1.5 million impressions on Twitter, 3.3 million on Snapchat, accruing over 28 million views on their digital videos and millions more on ads expertly placed on the televisions of undecided voters across the country.
This allowed MAN1 to focus efforts and funding on the truly undecided voters in key regions of the electoral map that would ultimately decide the race.
When likely voters were asked whether a third - party candidate who is certified on a majority of state ballots should be included in the presidential debates, 76 percent said yes; 17 percent said no; and 7 percent were undecided.
An opinion poll on Sunday showed 47 per cent of likely voters saying they will back the treaty, 35 per cent saying they will vote No, and 18 per cent as undecided how to vote in the May 31 referendum.
A further 19 % of voters would be undecided on who to support.
Very rarely will undecided voters hit your site: unless you're running a paid campaign to bring them in, or if it's a contested primary and active Democrats are educating themselves on all the candidates.
Dems believe that there are fewer than three million true undecided voters in the battlegrounds who will decide the outcome; Dems think they are disproportionately made up of independent women and college educated men under 40 who are also independents — two groups that simply won't break towards Romney in overwhelming numbers, given the Dem campaign's emphasis on women's issues, and core differences between the two candidates over issues that matter to college educated voters.
Both campaigns spent millions on television, and both campaigns mobilized thousands of volunteers to make millions of phone calls and door knocks to sway the undecided, shore up support from their base, and turn out their voters.
If this is not enough to win over undecided voters, the Conservative campaign will also focus on highlighting the personality differences between the two leaders.
British Election Study data reveal that a referendum on EU membership, were it held tomorrow, would be on a knife edge, with the battleground being for the 15 % of voters who are currently undecided.
It comes on the heels of this morning's Siena poll, which showed Zeldin and Foley tied at 44 - 43 with 13 percent of voters in the 3rd SD undecided.
For Charlie Baker, data is key in bid for undecideds: GOP banking on voter details in Massachusetts.
That said, with the polls as close as they currently are it's worth remembering that undecided voters who finally make up their minds could have a major impact on the outcome.
The remaining slate of voters — 39 percent — are undecided on the issue.
For a variety of reasons (including the impact of high levels of undecided voters in a specific poll), the actual result of an election contest may vary from the figures suggested by an opinion poll, even if the poll is carried out relatively close to election day, or on election day itself as in the case of exit polls, but the likelihood of such variation is not something that can be factored into this model.
«Many undecided voters are telling us that they will definitely cast their vote, and how the campaigns address their interests is likely to have a big influence on the final outcome.»
The focus now for all campaigns should be on convincing those undecided voters, the polling expert said.
When undecided voters are excluded, the «No» camp is on 53 % and the «Yes» camp is on 47 %, the same result reported by a recent Survation survey.
May could lose control of the narrative right at the time when the country's full attention will be on the campaign and undecided voters are finally breaking one way or the other.
It is a significant improvement since the last Survation poll on August 3rd which put support for independence at 40 %, with 46 % against and 14 % of voters undecided.
Collectively, this group — it includes current Labour and Tory voters as well as the undecided — is the Lib Dem «market» (another Coetzee label that can leave the party's more organic activists wincing), and it responds especially well to party lines, of which you can expect to hear much more («Labour wasted their opportunity and ruined the economy», «You can't count on the Tories to care about others»), including the need for the next government to be balanced and sensible.
Mandelson and Blair's dominance of the political news just as Labour members received ballot papers fatally damaged the candidate whom they hoped to help, persuading enough undecided voters that it was time for everyone to move on.
It's safe to assume the third - party numbers will drop on Election Day and the undecided voters could be swayed in the final days.
A Siena College poll released on Saturday showed McGrath with an 8 - point lead over Kaminsky, with 5 percent of voters undecided.
The exit poll suggested Gordon Brown's hopes that a last - minute surge, based on a fear of the first Tory government since 1997persuading many undecided voters back to Labour, proved unfounded.
This comes on the heels of yesterday's Siena poll, which found Valesky leading Russo, 50 - 40, with 11 percent of voters undecided.
If undecided voters break the same way as those who have already made up their minds, Schumer is on pace to received 75 percent of the vote in November, passing the modern record of 72.2 percent Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand received when she defeated Long in 2012.
Following up from his 2015 analysis on the economic and cultural positions of party supporters in England, Jonathan Wheatley uses 2017 data and finds that party supporters have become far more polarised — leaving a gap in the middle, occupied possibly by large numbers of undecided voters.
On Friday, a USA Today / Gallup survey of 577 likely voters, showed McCaskill leading Talent 48 percent to 45 percent, with 7 percent undecided.
The sad reality is that many of your «undecided» pals are probably quiet Conservative voters, who are just tired of the earbashing that they so often receive from some on the left.
The fledgling Super PAC plans to spend $ 200,000 this month in the Syracuse area on a series of direct - mail ads, live - operator phone calls and targeted Internet ads to independent and undecided voters, said David Donnelly, co-director of Friends of Democracy.
But in the run up to Barack Obama's electoral victory, a poll from Maibach's group and researchers at Yale University suggested that the Republican stance on climate change was turning off undecided voters.
«Most likely not one thing we did on Twitter persuaded any voter or even necessarily reached any undecided voters,» Teddy Goff, President Obama's digital director in the 2012 campaign, said in the study, but it «reached the somewhat elite core of supporters and then, very importantly, reached reporters as well.»
Speaking to more than 200 largely undecided voters packed into a technical - college dining room here on Halloween day, Howard Dean explained his strategy for winning the White House.
While most voters have already decided on whom they will vote for, the debate could affect the way the candidates are perceived, and that can help some undecided people choose.
The results of this campaign are staggering, with CA reaching 50 million Facebook users, creating 1.5 million impressions on Twitter, 3.3 million on Snapchat, accruing over 28 million views on their digital videos and millions more on ads expertly placed on the televisions of undecided voters across the country.
This allowed MAN1 to focus efforts and funding on the truly undecided voters in key regions of the electoral map that would ultimately decide the race.
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