Sentences with phrase «on unrepresentative»

Well, if I've told you once I've told you a thousand times; don't base strong opinions on unrepresentative bullshit.

Not exact matches

That's especially true if investors choose unrepresentative trough - to - peak periods on which to evaluate investment performance, rather than the peak - to - peak comparisons which are relevant to long - term investors.
Arguments from Treasury Wine Estates proponents such as Willibald Hajszan («Treasury Wines class action unrepresentative», AFR Letters, July 7), fail to acknowledge several issues in trying to discredit the current securities class action on foot against the global wine giant.
Fifa is insular, unrepresentative and far too Swiss, according to the man who blew the whistle on corruption at world football's governing body.
They put on a dominant performance and at the end everyone was stunned at the scoreline — it seemed impossibly unrepresentative of the actual match.
There are lots of good studies in the West on breastfeeding and immune function but I wanted to stay away from Western psychology and epidemiology papers in my post because of their over-reliance on the children of urban, white, and educated parents (an unrepresentative sample).
Moreover, samples are often unrepresentative of the population, introducing systemic biases by overweighting the preferences of certain demographics: Yair Lapid had always predicted that he would win more seats than he was forecast, because pollsters relied on calling people by landline, and his supporters, predominantly young, had only mobile phones.
In a discussion about the recent French presidential election at the Personal Democracy Forum unConference this past Saturday, Pascal - Emmanuel Gobry presented an interesting thesis: not only did Ségolène Royal's «net - centric strategy fail to win a majority at the polls, but her campaign's emphasis on citizen participation may have actually backfired entirely by undermining her perception as a leader and by leaving her dependent on a fatally unrepresentative group of voters.
Read BHA Head of Public Affairs Naomi Phillips» article on the well - funded but unrepresentative religious lobby opposing reform on assisted dying
Some people have however suggested to purposefully vote on parties with no chance of going to the parliament, with the aim of showing how unrepresentative the parliament is.
This is the case not least because their views on the ethics of assisted dying for the terminally ill or equal rights for gay people or state - funded religious schools were unrepresentative and often lay far outside the mainstream.
With Corbyn leading Labour, Farage has already made sounds about him being unrepresentative of a bulk of its core vote and how he hasn't been decisive on the EU issue.
So what will I do when I finally vote in the referendum on May 5th where on the one hand we have the incumbent First Past the Post System which we know at a national level to be unrepresentative and unfair as it returns governments with overwhelming majorities in the House of Commons even though they only have forty per cent of the vote or less, or AV which is not a representative system but more complicated with it's opaque results making it more open to election fraud or the suspicion of.
More to the point, few of these studies have yet to be replicated, and most of them rely on a handful of unrepresentative people (US undergrads) who are asked to undertake the kind of lab - controlled tasks that usually share a questionable (at best) relationship with real world activities.
Assessment of antibiotic resistance in environmental microbial communities based solely on cultivable bacteria will therefore easily generate unrepresentative and biased results [20], [23][23].
One reason big beautiful dating is becoming more popular is that many are realizing that most girls out there are of curvier body types than they see in Hollywood, and that by limiting themselves to unrealistic, unrepresentative standards they are actually missing out on some fantastic, sexy women.
Over on the 74, Nelson Smith responded with «A Few Thoughts About John Oliver's Bleak, Unrepresentative Sample of Public Charter Schools.»
L.A. Times columnist Michael Hiltzik's has a new piece on California teacher pensions, and like his last one, it's extremely unrepresentative of California's actual teaching workforce.
Some of her concluding thoughts come across as causal relationships between x SDE action and y effect on school reform in z state, which is dangerous territory to tread when two nationally unrepresentative states served as the objects of study.
Are hedge fund industry performance metrics, which are based on voluntarily reported data, materially unrepresentative?
Basically what you're advocating against is due diligence, and what you're advocating for is sales based on PR that's unrepresentative of the true experience you'll have.
Having not seen anything by the Otolith Group before, I can only go on their room in the Turner show, so this may be fairly unrepresentative of what they do.
Drugs are tested by the people who manufacture them, in poorly designed trials, on hopelessly small numbers of weird, unrepresentative patients, and analysed using techniques which are flawed by design, in such a way that they exaggerate the benefits of treatments.
The Hockey stick and its derivatives still exert a powerful grip on them even though the paleos are completely unrepresentative of the real world climate we all live in.
In S09 much of the predictive power was held by the over-represented cluster of correlated stations on the peninsula, which is the most unrepresentative sample of the greater continent that one could conceive of.
It believes the conditions in which the masks are tested may be «unrepresentative» of the conditions many cyclists will encounter on the road.
Another solution, of course, is to abolish jury trials altogether and focus attention on the seriously unrepresentative composition of the judiciary instead - but I digress.
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