Sentences with phrase «on velocity of money»

For more on velocity of money and how to think and invest like a banker, I strongly recommend the book «The Bankers Code» by George Antone.
These high cash value life insurance policies are an asset and can be used as tools for acquiring even more assets, through strategic private banking, where you focus on the velocity of money.
Taking out a home's equity to fund additional cash flowing properties can allow investors financial liquidity and the opportunity to capitalize on the velocity of money.
These high cash value life insurance policies are an asset and can be used as tools for acquiring even more assets, through strategic private banking, where you focus on the velocity of money.
Earning your full interest and dividend, while a loan is outstanding, is an important part of creating a financial arbitrage and capitalizing on the velocity of money, both which are key aspects of the infinite banking concept ®.

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From then on, rather than being solely a function of the money supply it was held that the general price level was determined by the money supply multiplied by the velocity of money in accordance with the famous Equation of Exchange (M * V = P * Q) **.
Velocity of money fell yet again in the second quarter, based on the most recent estimate of gross domestic product.
You just had Lacy Hunt on and he's very strong on what the issues of falling velocity of money are.
We are not suggesting that we should brace for double - digit inflation in the near future; a partial correction of velocity and money multipliers toward historical norms is plausible, however, and would put additional pressure on inflation, complicating the normalization of monetary policy.
John Rubino gives his thoughts on the increase in the money supply, velocity of money and what it means for the Fed's monetary policy in light of debt levels.
But may I point out the fact that outside of VW's extremely controlled test track that it won't allow anyone else to use (CvK has offered large sums of money to VW in order to prove his Koenigsegg's to have a higher maximum velocity than any of the VeryGoneWrong's) nary a Veyron private or corporate has even come close to the top speeds claimed by VW - Audi - Bugatti anywhere else on planet earth
Velocity Micro offers a 30 day money back guarantee on all of our systems purchased directly from Velocity Micro.
With the relaunch of Overdrive PC, Velocity Micro has the most appealing extreme performance desktop option on the market — one of the most powerful, benchmark crushing gaming PCs that money can buy, supported by Velocity Micro's US - based customer care.
Why spend your money on a product mass produced overseas and full of bloatware when you can have a Velocity Micro for the same price?
The ease of borrowing and repaying your policy will at a minimum enhance the real estate investor's ability to quickly capitalize on opportunities, adding the velocity of money to the equation, and opening up a new way to an entirely new level of freedom and success.
The net effect on the full basket of goods should be neutral if the tax is revenue neutral and the velocity of money does not change.
Instead of climate sensitivity, they depend on the constancy of the «velocity» of money or, stated inversely, the «demand» for money.
That's velocity of money in a nutshell: When you re-invest the earnings of your capital to earn even more, the overall return on your original capital increases significantly.
First of all, the concept of velocity of money can mean very different things depending on the context (i.e macro economic or field specific).
And before moving on, I'd like to define two things: Money supply and velocity of mMoney supply and velocity of moneymoney.
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