Sentences with phrase «on verifiable evidence»

TRNN claims it bases «our journalism on verifiable evidence
For the purpose of this discussion, I'm defining critical thinking as the skill (s) required to validate information and ideas based on verifiable evidence and sound logic.
Twenty Ideas for Improving the Progress of Pupil Premium Disadvantaged students I'm not an academic and many of these below are not based on verifiable evidence.
«What they (Catholic priests) do is filthy» «We should create law based on verifiable evidence and rational thought.»
The difference in the evangelism of atheism or science is that it's based on verifiable evidence to support those theories.
Multiple universes is an idea proposed by physicists and cosmologists based on the verifiable evidence to this point.

Not exact matches

It doesn't matter how many people choose to believe in concepts based on faith, that concept is still just an opinion until it is supported with verifiable evidence.
I happen to care that what I believe can be substantiated with verifiable evidence, you on the other hand accept things based off of a 2000 + year old book that can be and has been debunked numerous times over.
Please, any believer on this blog, provide any verifiable evidence that your God exists.
I would «base [my] info on inre the non-existence of God, heaven and hell, etc» on the absolute lack of even a shred of hard verifiable evidence for these extraordinary claims, and the fact that even after thousands of years of frantic and determined efforts by the most ardent and intelligent proponents of these claims, they still have been completely unable to demonstrate them in any testable manner.
«And to focus more precisely on the issue of «scientific evidence,» the sciences, ordered by their nature and method to an analysis of empirically verifiable objects and states of affairs within the universe, can not even in principle address questions regarding God, who is not a being in the world, but rather the reason why the finite realm exists at all.......
The reason for this is the codification what the verifiable evidence already suggests, viz. that people who receive an apology at the time are far less likely to sue later on.
All the evidence you have given so far is in no way verifiable and relies solely on eye witnesses, which is the worst sort of evidence you could ever hope to use.
no... how many times must you be told for it to sink in... I am not making any claims, YOU ARE so the onus is on yopu to prove it... the bible is not proof of the bible... proof requires verifiable corroborated evidence, not just «the bible says this and I know it because I read it in the bible.»
Based on evidence that is verifiable, your position is not based on as - sumption, and thus, is totally logical.
Keith: You still have no verifiable evidence for your imaginary friend, so please get back on your meds or in the least back to the asylum with your wifey HS.
Science begins there as well but then we ask for verifiable evidence, and build on it to work ourselves free from ignorance.
Noone can proof a negative but we base our expectations on our experience and knowledge — no verifiable evidence of angels has been shown so most people would expect that they do not exist until shown otherwise.
Paul, I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people who say «proof» mean evidence, and not just quotes from the Bible, special pleading, arguments from ignorance and so on, but hard, verifiable, evidence.
Evidence that would be recognizable and verifiable on this planet, in our current position of space / time.
With all the believers on here, why can't one of you just provide verifiable evidence that your god exists?
Does your new version of the christian cult include factual, verifiable, independent and objective evidence for any god and a supernatural jesus, or is it just another pile of lies on top of myths?
«There was verifiable evidence that 2 Nigerian Air Force helicopters with registration numbers NAF 574 and NAF 575 landed in Gembu on 15 March 2018 and 11 April 2018 respectively without the knowledge of the local authority.
«Those who plunged our state into debt are walking freely on the streets while EFCC is looking the other way despite available and verifiable evidence against them.»
Yet despite the reams of evidence debunking the use of student growth scores in evaluating teachers, and despite these two court rulings, Judge Moukawsher insisted that rating teachers on student «growth» scores would satisfy his demand that Connecticut's system for hiring, firing, evaluating and compensating teachers be «rational» and «verifiable
You should always consider the evidence on matters that may or may not be verifiable.
Dude, don't you know the golden role, when people on the Internet are being hypocritical, lying, or promoting a slanted Narrative, never correct them with counter arguments based on irrefutable facts and evidence, especially ones that have verifiable sources.
As many will have read and seen, the allegations made against the MSK and its presentation of the Russian avant - garde art from the Dieleghem Foundation within the permanent collection have taken on large proportions with claims backed until now with little verifiable evidence.
Climate realism acknowledges the significant difference between verifiable and replicable knowledge, and hypothetical knowledge based on indirect evidence.
BTW, defamation under CA law requires «a verifiable false statement of fact» — based on DC's evidence, are you saying that the claim of Rapp «copying vast swathes of Wegman text without any attribution» is false beyond reasonable doubt?
Objectively verifiable information, based on hard evidence, must be provided to the issuing justice.
Given that text documents are still very much the core material produced by legal professionals, and that references to text documents will remain the basis for grounded and verifiable legal reasoning regardless of the actors and technologies employed, current generation standards in the legal domain are providing a layered organization of their offerings: presentation - oriented XML is being replaced with structured XML with ample room for metadata and annotations; naming mechanisms based on URIs and IRIs provide linkable anchors both to entire documents and to smaller fragments; and document - oriented ontologies provide the necessary glue between abstract legal reasoning and the textual pieces of supporting evidence.
While seeking compensation for pain and suffering is extremely common, it is unlikely that you will win a claim based on pain and suffering alone, if there is no verifiable evidence of a physical injury (i.e., medical bills).
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