Sentences with phrase «on voluntary participation»

Religious organizations and schools that rely on voluntary participation and contributions are likely to flourish.

Not exact matches

Obviously, we know there is a baby coming; but other than that, we sign on for voluntary participation in an unfolding live mystery.
But participation in the program is voluntary, so a product without the logo isn't necessarily short on cultures.
That the Danish clinics were rolled out slowly and participation was voluntary, and that extensive baseline and long - term follow - up data were available on such a large group of people, gave the researchers the best way to gather this kind of information.
On the other hand, students» participation was not voluntary, the activities of the project were mainly included in the school curriculum.
While the authors focused on how adults learn civic skills on the job or through participation in voluntary organizations, it is in school that people are most likely to learn them when young.
CCSSI emphasizes that state participation remains voluntary, that local educators will retain control over instructional materials, and that the federal government will not gain access to information on individual students.
But the supporters of Suburban Project Concern, which is well regarded because student and community participation is voluntary, say the board's decision made at the start of the school year was based not only on economic problems but on political pressure from the teachers» union.
For this project, entire classrooms of students were selected based on (a) voluntary participation of teachers whose schools matched specific urban, suburban, or rural characteristics and were located in one of two major climate zones in the US, and (b) consent forms signed by the students» parents.
According to Garrett, participation in this program would be on a completely voluntary basis.
Advocates are urging the FIO to require mandatory participation from some of the biggest insurance companies, instead of relying on the companies» voluntary submission of data.
In Oklahoma, for example, participation is voluntary, and the government limits its role to certifying the companies that verify emission reductions and nurturing agreement on how to measure the types of GHG reduction projects likely to be pursued in the state — such as grassland management and climate - safe farming.
The Bank provides funds to farmers who generate carbon credits, which are sold on the voluntary market to generate sustainable income, recapitalize itself and expand farmer participation in the program.
Buchheit and Gulati's proposal for solving the crisis is centered on the idea that Greece needs to ensure voluntary bondholder participation in the country's restructuring by stressing to the bondholders that more than 90 percent of the country's foreign debt is governed by Greek law.
The tribunal declined to strike on the basis of the claimant's voluntary participation, finding instead that the claimant had a reasonable prospect of success.
But «[i] n the absence of any express provision, recourse must be had to the interpretation of the relevant Treaty provisions on enhanced cooperation, bearing in mind its objectives and two fundamental attributes that govern its functioning: first, the voluntary character of participation in it; second, its openness and flexibility.»
Participation is voluntary, based on self - identification, and open to all lawyers interested in learning more about or participating in the groups» activities.
Rolled out Self - Service Termination Tool for voluntary employee terminations achieving 36 % participation and a reduction of late reports from 22 % to 4 % based on 10 - week roll out.
Today, Garcia's life is changing in many significant ways and his voluntary participation in the Fatherhood program and men's» support group have assisted him in improving his fatherhood practices and helped him enhance his skills which would be useful as he seeks to get financial aid and pursue a Bachelor's program focused on Manufacturing.
Family support programs emphasize a proactive approach toward the prevention of problems including the following characteristics: partnership with families built on a relationship of mutual respect; participants as a vital resource in program decision - making and governance; community - based and culturally relevant services; education, information and skill - building for parents; and voluntary participation.
How will you be able to get things back on track if participation is not voluntary?
Moreover, participation was strictly voluntary with no incentive contingent on completion of the surveys.
First, notwithstanding the high rate of consent to participation (78 %), participation was voluntary and based on parents» consent, so a self - selection bias can not be excluded.
There is a broad consensus on the principles that guide this system (Bailey, Aytch, Odom, Symons, & Wolery, 1999; Guralnick, 2005): (a) intervention should support family needs, desires, and priorities; (b) participation is voluntary; (c) services should be individualized and unique to the needs of each child and family; (d) services should fit into family routines and maximize family participation in the community; and (e) intervention should be collaborative and integrated across disciplines.
Although group health insurance plans are available to corporations and their employees, major A-rated insurance companies have been reluctant to offer such plans on a national scale to association members, particularly when the members are independent contractors and their participation in a plan is voluntary.
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