Sentences with phrase «on whale hunts»

I had my doubts when the Oscar - winning director of «The Cove,» the searing documentary on Japan's annual slaughter of dolphins, told me he was confident that Japan's policy on whale hunts could be changed under rising pressure from within triggered in part by outside pressure — a force called gaiatsu in Japanese.
Yesterday, to explore the stasis in negotiations, I had a Skype text chat about the disconnect between countries focused on whale hunting and whale protection with David Rothenberg, a friend and neighbor who is a professor of philosophy and music at the New Jersey Institute of Technology and author of «Thousand Mile Song» — a book about whale communication.
But after high - seas clashes between the whalers and activists in the frigid Southern Ocean, the brief detention of activists on a whale hunting ship and diplomatic protests from Japan, Environment Minister Peter Garrett would not promise a repeat.

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One would hope the US Attorney would find time to harpoon this «Whale of Corruption» once he's done sharpening his aim on the political guppies he's hunted so far.
It is bad enough to be offered this «delicacy» in every restaurant and have it justified on the grounds that this is a poor country in the middle of the Atlantic which has to continue to hunt whales to survive.
Stories on the social value of aging female killer whales, a frantic meteor hunt in the Australian Outback and the unusual brain of the world's greatest solo climber are among the winners of the 2017 AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards.
It also defeated a US bid to remove restrictions on bobcat pelts, as well as Japanese efforts to engineer support for dolphin and whale hunts.
At a hamlet on the southern end of Ellesmere called Grise Fiord, whose Inuit name means «the place that never thaws out,» the Inuit have watched the sea ice that supports their traditional seal, polar bear and whale hunting decrease every year.
Learning from Inuit hunters that killer whales use specific methods to hunt bowheads, beluga, narwhal and seals, Ferguson discovered at least two different killer whale groups based on prey preferences.
Dr. Jeremy Goldbogen believes that this research can tell us how whales may be changing their attack strategy depending on the prey they are targeting in order to maximise their hunting success.
To study the effects of intense hunting of sperm whales in the Pacific Ocean, Whitehead and his wife, marine biologist Linda Weilgart, collected data on the whales» vocalizations and tail scars, which may indicate how well an animal fends off predators.
The drive - hunting of dolphins has a long history in the Solomon Islands, particularly at the island of Malaita, according to Marc Oremus, a biologist with the South Pacific Whale Research Consortium and lead author on the study.
That was also the case for two kinds of bats and toothed whales, a group that includes dolphins and certain whales, that have converged on a specialized hunting strategy called echolocation.
Once abundant, blue whales were hunted to just 500 individuals before a ban on commercial whaling came in during the 1960s.
«The present study is the first on apes to show by means of networking analysis that habits travel along paths of close relationships,» he says, adding that a similar idea was shown not long ago for humpback whale hunting techniques.
The team found that Cuvier's beaked whale dives to more than 1000 metres on average to hunt for the deep - sea...
If you're an oceanographer who studies marine mammals, perhaps you'd go to sea on a ship with a good pair of binoculars and hunt for whales.
We are walking on sunshine Japanese whaling, in terms of active hunting of these large mammals, is estimated by the Japan Whaling Association to have begun around the 12th cwhaling, in terms of active hunting of these large mammals, is estimated by the Japan Whaling Association to have begun around the 12th cWhaling Association to have begun around the 12th century.
When the culture of a society is weak on women, the amount of masculinity required of a man to thrive in all areas must be Japanese whaling, in terms of active hunting of these large mammals, is estimated by the Japan Whaling Association to have begun around the 12th cwhaling, in terms of active hunting of these large mammals, is estimated by the Japan Whaling Association to have begun around the 12th cWhaling Association to have begun around the 12th century.
I believe another stopping point for this story is that the culture has moved beyond the acceptance of whaling as an honorable profession, to the point that I, and I assume others, was on Team Whale after witnessing a bloody hunt.
Instead of chasing whales on the sea, the crew of the diesel train Medes hunt moldywarpes — enormous, man - eating, molelike creatures who are only one of the countless menacing species who burrow in the perilous earth beneath a tangled ocean of train tracks.
The whales hunt using a technique known as bubble net fishing in which a group of humpbacks surround their prey by blowing bubbles and then feasting on the «surrounded» bait.
Black explained the hunt can take anywhere from an hour to a few hours, as the mother gray whale desperately tries to protect her calf, using her tail to fight back and rolling over belly - up with the calf on top.
I'm in Belize on the hunt for whale sharks — but I'm not watching them from the boat, I'm plunging into the water to scuba dive and snorkel with the world's largest fish.
Some Alaska Native peoples continue by tradition to hunt bowhead and beluga whales on a subsistence level, with low annual bowhead total quotas set by the International Whaling Commission in conjunction with individual village limits set by the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission.
[citation needed] Aboriginal hunters, including those on Vancouver Island and the Makah in Washington, have hunted gray whales.
Such a wonderful sight to see as we hunted them almost to extinction on our coast, up until whaling stopped in 1965.
The Makah Indians, whose reservation is on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington state, may soon resume hunting gray whales for the first time in 70 years.
Humpback whales, once hunted close to extinction have made a dramatic resurgence in recent years, and sightings are likely, though not a certainty on this trip.
Orca whales are returning to their spring salmon hunting habitat on the west side of San Juan Island right now.
Although they may get lucky and see them a couple of times over the entire summer, they certainly won't be seeing them on a near - daily basis like we do along the western edge of the San Juan Islands in the prime killer whale hunting and feeding area.
Spend your day beachcombing, agate hunting, kite flying, whale watching and tide - pooling on the clean, beautiful beach.
April is the best time to experience orcas on the hunt, as they attack gray whales, sea lions and other marine mammals in the bay.
«They (killer whales) learn different methods of hunting from different areas so it's passed on through the generations,» she said.
You could be sailing along and see the allure of a treasure chest on some remote island, decide you want to hunt a whale or shark, pull out a treasure map, or maybe you want to cause chaos and take down other ships.
As Game and Level Designer for this game about whales and the ocean I got the chance to do tons of research on humpback whales, their navigation, digestion, and human interference like noise pollution, whale hunting, and more.
Whether you're off hunting whales like they're going out of fashion or digging for treasure on a tiny island in the middle of nowhere, Assassin's Creed: Rogue always has piles of stuff to do.
The Cetaceans Gallery presents specimens — including a 18 - meter - long fin whale skeleton -, and sections focused on Cetaceans» biology, on the history of whale hunting, and on the various species of cetaceans living in the Mediterranean Sea.
Now is this whale hunt based on an obsession with a «cover» of scientific research.
Keeping the whale hunt going in the face of such near - universal condemnation is meant to set a precedent, whereas if they caved in on this issue they'd be making future fishing crimes even more politically difficult.
In this case, with Japan, which believes its culture is superior to all other cultures, almost to the point of brainwashed mindcontrolled religious belief, Japan will never change its policy on «scientific» hunting of whales.
Mr. Revkin, please report on the ongoing situation with the whale hunt in the Southern Ocean.
The seemingly unbridgeable divide over whale hunting that was on display earlier this week at the 62nd meeting of the International Whaling Commission had as much to do with clashing cultures as international politics or other factors.
I have queried the government of Iceland and the Obama administration on the expanded whale hunt and will update this post as responses come in.
The hunts have gone on for years in the name of scientific research, using a loophole in the 1986 moratorium on commercial whaling under the International Whaling Commwhaling under the International Whaling CommWhaling Commission.
Summer ice breakup on western Hudson's Bay now occurs two weeks earlier than it did 20 years ago, and killer whales have moved their hunting into the bay.
On his Facebook page, Carl Safina, the author and ocean campaigner, put up a link to the Times article on the sushi find and said: «This is why whale hunting must be crushed once and for all — not expanded.&raquOn his Facebook page, Carl Safina, the author and ocean campaigner, put up a link to the Times article on the sushi find and said: «This is why whale hunting must be crushed once and for all — not expanded.&raquon the sushi find and said: «This is why whale hunting must be crushed once and for all — not expanded.»
On Earth Day, the leadership of the International Whaling Commission issued a long - discussed proposal for a «peace plan» aimed at reining in expanding whale hunts by Japan, Norway and Iceland that have, in various ways, skirted the longstanding moratorium on commercial whalinOn Earth Day, the leadership of the International Whaling Commission issued a long - discussed proposal for a «peace plan» aimed at reining in expanding whale hunts by Japan, Norway and Iceland that have, in various ways, skirted the longstanding moratorium on commercial wWhaling Commission issued a long - discussed proposal for a «peace plan» aimed at reining in expanding whale hunts by Japan, Norway and Iceland that have, in various ways, skirted the longstanding moratorium on commercial whalinon commercial whalingwhaling.
But in conversations with some Japanese diplomats who sought me out after reading my posts on the film, there was a clear sense that the Japanese government was trying to gauge American views on its whaling efforts, perhaps recognizing that its ongoing investment in, and aggressive defense of, whale hunts was creating a significant branding problem, at the very least.
Environmentalists fight to sustain a moratorium on commercial whaling, but usually — as I wrote a few years ago — use arguments about rarity, rather than right and wrong, about whether they should be hunted.
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