Sentences with phrase «on wild chimps»

Not exact matches

Now, in a pair of studies, researchers show that chimpanzees will give up a treat in order to help out an unrelated chimp, and that chimps in the wild go out on risky patrols in order to protect even nonkin at home.
Homo habilis could have learned to make the Oldowan tool on his or her own, much as wild chimps use sticks to fish for termites.
I am wondering what your commentary is on the diet of wild adult chimpanzees vs. the nutrient make - up of chimp milk for thier babies... I would thinking looking at the great apes and studying what adults eat in the wild vs. the nutrient makeup of the breast milk would give us an indicator of what we humans should be eating as adult in comparison to our own breast milk make - up.
With an opening that has Herzog immodestly laying out his mission statement as wishing to discover, in a roundabout way, why it is that men are obsessed with riding their metaphorical steeds into the wild unknowns, he illustrates the conundrum with a sideswipe at mankind, equating us with ants that hold other insect species as «slaves» and wondering why chimps, despite their intellectual sophistication, decline to domesticate goats to ride them on their own existential pursuits.
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