Sentences with phrase «on your mind»

Of course, you'll have a lot on your mind as you're trying to impress your contact — Is my tie on straight?
That was hardly on the minds of Barça's founders, when they organized the first pick - up game on Christmas Eve in 1899.
The disruption caused by AI has also been on the mind of Daniel Pink lately.
Ironically, the idea of polarisation is weighing heavily on his mind.
She says whatever's on her mind with no concern for others» feelings.
The Study: For years, this question preyed on the mind of Jim Collins.
«It's always on our minds.
As an entrepreneur, innovation should be the first thing on your mind when you wake up and the last thing on your mind when you go to bed.
So if you are in a relationship of any kind, it's possible that marriage is on your mind.
So here are some of the greatest benefits of capturing client feedback on mind maps:
Capturing client feedback on mind maps takes advantage of the benefits of technology while still ensuring the humanity of business.
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has a lot on his mind these days, from cutting the defense budget to managing the drawdown of U.S. forces in Afghanistan.
That way they feel bought into the topics when you meet and if they DO have a burning topic on their mind (let's say their upset about something)-- you get a chance to learn about it in advance and come more prepared.
The question that should be on the mind of every political leader and policy - maker in the country is: how do we prepare for this evolutionary change to the global economy?
If you set expectations before a board meeting and get financial information out before the board meeting and understand any issues on the minds of investors before the board meeting your actual discussion will be infinitely more productive.
However, a bigger question on the minds of many people is: Where is the best place to invest my money now that the Fed raised rates?
Feedback is fragmented into main points which stand out on a mind map in a more organized format compared to a linearly written text.
Placing your feedback on a mind map, created with a collaborative tool, increases the efficiency of real time collaboration between clients and business representatives.
Modern workplaces tend to be conflict averse, but sometimes saying what's really on your mind is the most humane approach
Beyond that, he says what's on his mind (and more important, what's on the mind of many Americans), and doesn't pull any punches.
Our 33rd president had a penchant for saying what was on his mind, earning him the sobriquet «Give»em Hell, Harry!»
It helps you keep your brand on the mind of your customer and client base, and it also helps you build a stronger business relationship with the vendors that you rely on to operate your business.
People do business with those they have the best relationship with; so post about what's on your mind.
That possibility must be weighing on the minds of investors.
The alternative likely on the minds of many investors is selling off parts of the business rather than spending millions during uncertain times for uncertain returns.
Establishing your company's values may have been the last thing on your mind when you launched.
When you feel anxious, the only thing on your mind is whatever is stressing you out.
«What's on your mind
Tesla CEO Elon Musk has Mars on his mind too.
Maybe clothes are on his mind, for his first call is on Nan Duskin, an upscale women's clothing store on Rittenhouse Square.
When I started my company, iDoneThis, the biggest question on my mind — and I'm guessing it's top of mind for other young founders too — was: «Hmm... how do I sell this?»
For this reason, great leaders wage war on their mind so it's open to the flow and keeps up with the creativity of the present opportunity on the line.
I spend a few minutes each morning jotting down what's on my mind.
Income tax is likely the last thing on your mind as the holiday season kicks in, but now is perhaps the best time to start strategizing for your 2015 return, said Manisha Thakor, CFA, director of Wealth Strategies for Women at Buckingham and The BAM Alliance.
Say what's on your mind rather than camouflage it in sarcasm.
Pictures can have a phenomenal effect on the mind and motivation.
That was true no matter how long the participants took to respond, so it wasn't the case that those with a lot on their minds were simply slower to come up with answers.
Trump has sometimes chafed at scripted events, deviating from the planned message to discuss whatever is on his mind.
In the past few years, Dawe has also shared what's on his mind.
One of the questions on the minds of Canadian officials and policy - makers is whether the overreaching aspects of the Volcker rule were intentional or just merely an oversight.
But Trump later said in an interview with NBC News» Lester Holt that Comey was fired with the Russia investigation on his mind.
Pocket Pond: When you have too much on your mind, take a break and watch colorful fish swim through crystal clear water while soft nature sounds play in the background.
Many respondents also noted that while spending on mind - expanding travel or education is great if you can swing it, you also need to at least start to get a handle on your finances.
When launching a business, the last thing on your mind is probably your wardrobe.
This helps build a community with your customers, and it keeps your product and business on their minds.
The election seems to be weighing heavily on the minds of small business owners.
The best organizations, according to Sears, have cultures where people feel safe enough to say what's on their mind.
But Trump on Thursday acknowledged for the first time that the Russia investigation — which he dismissed as a «made - up story» — was also on his mind as he ousted the man overseeing the probe.
One of the themes that's often on my mind is that governments can contribute to the culture and the economy, but really people need to look to themselves as well.
Once you have their trust, it's easy to survey what's on their minds.
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