Sentences with phrase «one's action films»

It is one of, if not the best action film of the last several years.
It was first shot as a live action film with actors, and then hand - painted over frame - by - frame in oils.
While side impact collisions are often seen in action films and commercials, these accidents are not done by stunt professionals in real life.
Parents should know that this is a sci - fi action film with extended peril and violence and some disturbing images.
Few plot specifics of this sci - fi action film seem worth detailing.
Speaking of action, the best action film of the year came from a surprising yet not entirely unexpected place.
The series started out as action films from the very start, and perhaps the reboot will shift the genre of the movie into horror.
Not for the film's nominated, but for the sad sorry fact that they only found three and yet five for action film category?
His film career has been built mostly on his appearances in small, independent films, though he has appeared in summer action films as well.
And it has been repeatedly noted that he made action films of the trilogy.
What this film needs, as with most action films, is something meaty to hold it together.
It isn't thought provoking sci - fi but it's a great action film with great characters.
Other action films don't have characters like this, don't have scenes like this.
Now the four main stars of the live - action film adaptation have been revealed.
It may seem too soon to declare «Wonder Woman» the best female - led action film of all time.
I expect that length from a big action film or an even a short epic, but for a crime comedy it is far too excessive and it shows.
Would that more modern action films did the same.
The use of practical effects for the action scenes and stunts is what may make this film more memorable than other action films from the early 2000s.
Baby Driver is a high - speed action film set to the main character's personal soundtrack.
It's an R - rated science fiction action film.
A great fun action film with all sorts of creatures in it.
Hey, it's a parody of action films so if you don't like it, you must not «get it».
I have spent countless hours and dollars on mindless action films.
We went straight to the experts and polled people who have created some of the greatest action films ever made.
For the record, I love action films when they are exciting and engaging.
It proves how potentially smart this genre can be, and how dumb recent action films really are.
For intense violence, including many disturbing images and strong language, «Fury» is easily one of the hardest R - rated action films of 2014.
Hopefully, other people will embrace the fun camp of this over-the-top action film and indulge in all its guilty pleasures.
We're not going to Black Panther because it's a «diverse» action film franchise.
You rarely see a violent action film win best picture.
It's a nice way to watch action films at night without waking the kids.
This is always an interesting category because the winner usually falls into one of two (or sometimes both) categories: a major action film or the Best Picture winner.
«Die Hard» is one of those rare action films that transcends demographics, appealing to both young and old people, men and women.
All in all, it's your typical action film but because of its predecessor it will be a solid hit, so get ready for Taken 3.
I caught the movie this weekend and enjoyed it for what it was — a big dumb action film.
His live action films feel restrictive by comparison in terms of the number of aspects he can control and customize to his completely obsessive liking.
A remake faithful to the film upon which it is based and an intelligent, thrilling action film with a real story and solid acting.
I agree the visuals were pretty awesome, and there were some awesome action segments, but other than that it was a mediocre action film.
Everyone involved is trying to make an exciting action film to be respected by the gamers who have invested countless hours with the character.
I once said on this website that the cinema doesn't make simple action films anymore.
As action films go, you've seen it before, and done better.
It seems you can't have a kids - related action film without the requisite, horribly awful video game version to accompany it.
In a much more polished and well paced action film that actually delivers on its promise of through and through action movie making.
If you would like to win one of these great prizes, please leave us a comment below or send us an email and let us know your favorite action film.
I'm not saying it's going to be great or even good, but it looks like it could be a decent action film.
Speaking of which, the actual monster fighting monster scenes are done well for a cheesy action film.
Why is it that women in action films always run around with their hair down?
Sure, it's a straight - up action film, but don't look down on it because of that.
When was the last time an all female action film did well?
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