Sentences with phrase «one's actual plan»

I've been super into planners and planner supplies lately, and I'm hoping that obsession will carry over into actual planning obsession.
• Financial planners to learn and practice what to say when presenting reports in actual plan presentation, closing, and implementation meetings.
For teens, thoughts of suicide can range from fleeting thoughts of suicide to making actual plans to end their life.
It takes an extra 20 minutes or so to crack the nut open and remove the meat — turning something that's a relatively instant process into something that requires actual planning and TIME.
Your traditional publicity agenda covers actual planned events or press coverage.
Different types of policy have been adopted in varying degrees in actual plans, strategies, and legislation.
So whatever he wants to say he can say, but in terms of actual plans for PlayStation with Gaikai, we've started to work with very talented people at Gaikai.
Bring your information, your team, and your questions, and our workshop facilitators will work with you in small groups and one - on - one, so you can leave with actual plans and solutions in hand.
Intellectual: Denial, sense of unreality, inability to concentrate, feeling preoccupied by the loss, experiencing hallucinations concerning the loss, a need to reminisce about the loved one and talk about the circumstances of the loss, a sense that time is passing very slowly, a desire to rationalize or intellectualize feelings about the loss, thoughts or fantasies about suicide (without actual plans or behaviors)
That said, my experience and actual planning process may be helpful to many and I am going to discuss my step - by - step reasoning through my parents» trip on my blog.
Even if the date mentioned turns out to be deviating from actual plans, we do have a new iPad due around fall season.
There are several factors which could cause actual plans and results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in forward - looking statements.
There are actual plans developed by many countries of Latin America.
The Fed supplied Reuters with the letters requesting plans from banks, but not the banks» actual plans because they were deemed confidential supervisory information.
too... but there actual plan is to get the poor (and by poor, I mean not rich) ignorant whites to stay on board and vote it in, and then inform them they are slaves also.
But once actual plans to increase natural gas use are actually underway, the Sierra Club backs away from its alleged support.
Coverage under Maternity New Born Under Plan A Rs 30000 in case of normal delivery and Rs 50000 in case caesarean and for Plan B and Plan C its actual
Given the nature of the reply, the story could go either way and needless to say, only time will shed more light on ZTE's actual plans moving forward.
My ability to contribute beyond actual planning and implementing of after school programs is immense — I have been largely involved in teacher training and development activities, resulting in all my coordinated programs being successful till date.
I also started making actual plans for my wedding in mid august, with my wedding on October 25th.
Don't just have a partial plan, create an actual plan.
Once gathered, they send that information on to the first responders, who formulate an actual plan of response, not reaction.
Which is why for everyone hung up on the latest rumor of a plan about a plan about a plan spread by a newspaper whose very viability is tied in with that of the banks that pay for its advertising revenue, we have one thing to ask: «show us the actual plan please.»
«Investors risk buying on the rumor and may be disappointed when they see the actual plans
By all appearances, the renewals in November were fairly routine and don't indicate that the Trump Organization has any actual plans for pursuing business opportunities in Russia in the near future.
Balancing the Budget: The House voted on a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution with no actual plan to balance the budget — perhaps because it won't be easy.
Talk Triggers Turn Your Customers Into Volunteer Marketers Word of mouth is responsible for as much as 50 % of all purchases, yet almost nobody has an actual plan to generate it.
If I had to pinpoint a specific month / year on the actual plans, I would say that is was in the end of September, early October 2013.
Spend the next four years looking for someone who has an actual plan for America and ensure they know how to articulate it.
If you are looking for an actual plan look into Engine 2.
This is so not like me... I used to live for my weekly meal planning, browsing new recipes, making a huge mess in the kitchen even on a week night (well I still do that, but it's more for blogging and less for an actual planned dinner).
I would argue against this being the actual plan.
All of that being said, if you are a team that is competing to be in the Champions League next season and is trying to win the Champions League this season then you need to go into every game with an actual plan to win the game.
Now that you know what your child's needs and concerns are for finding a time to do homework, you need to come up with the actual plan.
Even if your actual plans are just hitting the new local coffee shop and heading to the local park, actually do it.
There's a lot of work to be done, but the actual planning process will begin very soon.»
The congressman was joking, of course, but when it comes to his actual plans should the ban become reality, he doesn't sound sure about what he will do.
I.e., when you ask the client what they're trying to do online, and they reply that they have a website — which is of course just a tool, and is probably not doing them much good if it's isolated from an actual plan to put it to use.
Congestion pricing is a heavy lift at the Capitol, political observers say, and it will be impossible to fully assess the proposal's prospects until more is known about Cuomo's actual plan and the extent to which he'll embrace his own trial balloon.
«The next question is: what is the actual plan, and where will the Governor find the money to pay for it?»
«I have said he has to come forward with a plan to address what is now a crisis in terms of electrical breakdowns, signal breakdowns, constant delays, and then on top of that, when there is legitimate work being done on a line, an actual plan to handle the riders.»
It was not clear how the change in the state funding between the proposal and the actual planned spending came to be.
«The mayor's put forward an actual plan for a fair and sustainable source of new funding to help make transportation reliability a reality.»
Zellner suggests what Clinton delivered in her address than Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump did not the previous week was an actual plan.
It's still a heavy lift at the Capitol, political observers say, and it will be impossible to fully assess the proposal's prospects until more is known about Cuomo's actual plan and the extent to which he'll embrace his own trial balloon.
We need an actual plan detailing how service gaps will be addressed community by community.
Will Norris, who teaches at Frederick Douglass Academy III in the Bronx, said he took the workshop on teacher evaluations because he wanted to «know what the actual plan is as it pertains to Common Core and to accountability for teachers and students.»
But Barnhart says when it comes to an actual plan to turn the city around she's the candidate with an agenda.
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