Sentences with phrase «one's affiliated institutions»

This is not a leap, since close to 80 percent of students who attend private schools go to religiously affiliated institutions.
It does apply to church - affiliated institutions such as hospitals and charities that serve the general public.
To provide the public with accurate information concerning the relationship of affiliated institutions with the Commission.
The governor urged the management of NASE to affiliate the institution with Kwara State University, Malete and University of Ilorin because of their proximity.
None of the U.S. - based affiliated institutions for either study (Cornell, Baylor, Columbia, UCSF, OHSU) appears to have done a release.
Some articles about GISS research prepared by other NASA sites and publications as well as affiliated institutions appear amongst the Research Features.
It is home to three universities: High Point University, a private Methodist - affiliated institution founded in 1924, and South University as well as Laurel University, a private interdenominational Christian university.
There is, however, a difference where religion is concerned: Just 22.8 percent of K - 12 private - school students are in secular schools, while about 32 percent of all private college students are enrolled in religiously affiliated institutions.
This rule specifically exempts, on religious liberty grounds, Catholic churches, but it does not exempt Catholic - affiliated institutions such as universities, hospitals and charities.
Ms. Jones was responsible for managing equity and fixed income portfolios for high - net - worth individuals and affiliated institutions.
Rather than arising only from narrow anti-Catholic prejudice, these provisions take theologically liberal anxieties about group religion a step farther, barring support for the full range of religiously - affiliated institutions.
But when the Blaine Amendments narrowly single out «sectarian» institutions, or when, as in Missouri, they categorically exclude all ecclesiastically - affiliated institutions, they reveal theologically - driven discrimination.
There are also broad Blaine Amendments, which more generically bar funding for any religiously affiliated institution — this being the sort of provision adopted in Missouri.
As was the case in the Soviet Union, believers will be able to evangelize only on property that belongs to their religious organizations and affiliated institutions.
«Any threat like this against a religiously affiliated institution is simply unacceptable, and the passage of today's bill is a step in the right direction toward ending this violence and hate.»
If religious institutions are so keen on unionizing workers why don't they start by unionizing the workers that work for their various organizations and affiliated institutions (churches, schools, hospitals, etc...)?
«I have canvassed that we must lay bare the budget of the Senate, the National Assembly and its affiliated institutions.
Opponents, however, say it's an end - run against the state constitution's prohibition on directing taxpayer funds to religiously - affiliated institutions.
The views expressed by interviewees do not necessarilty represent those of their employers or affiliated institutions.
Authors and their affiliated institutions, linked by superscript numbers, should be listed beneath the title on the opening page of the manuscript.
As a part of the foundation's mandate to maximize the impact of an excess of $ 2 million spent on research every day at the University of Toronto and its affiliated institutions, the first business plan competition was held last year.
Ninety - four of the injured individuals elected to enroll in an eight - institution study that began before the end of April 2013 through the efforts of Harvard Catalyst, the clinical and translational science center that facilitated a framework for Harvard Medical School - affiliated institutions to speed the review of human studies.
American alligators and South African crocodiles populate waterways a third of the globe apart, and yet both have detectable levels of long - lived industrial and household compounds for nonstick coatings in their blood, according to two studies from researchers at the Hollings Marine Laboratory in Charleston, South Carolina, and its affiliated institutions, which include the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
The ABCD Group is an informal association of system managers, programmers, researchers, students, administrators, and faculty at Harvard University and its affiliated institutions in the Boston area.
201 registrants from 6 different Schools and affiliate institutions such as SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, the VA Palo Alto Health Care System, and HP Labs were able to attend and contribute.
In several of these, Russian scientists from the Institute and affiliated institutions were joined by foreign scientists from the United States (Professors P. Micklin and T. Dietz), Spain (Prof. M. Alonso), Germany (Prof. D. Keyser), Australia (Prof. W. Williams), and the United Kingdom (Dr. I. Boomer, Dr. Steve Juggins, Dr. Basil Davis, Fiona Murray).
Argonne National Laboratory's Center for Nanoscale Materials is an affiliate institution in a new Engineering Research Center led by Boston University.
The analysis showed that readmissions declined significantly in both periods (not only overall but especially in ACOs vs. non-ACOs comparisons), suggesting that both hospitals and SNFs are improving their readmission prevention and that ACO - affiliated institutions are doing so more.
The weekly Grand Rounds series invites clinical / translational investigators from our affiliated institutions as well as national speakers to present their work at Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey with the goal of enhancing collaborations.
On Friday, the week wrapped up with a networking event that provided postdocs at both Gladstone and its affiliate institution, the University of California, San Francisco, an opportunity to mingle, collaborate, and celebrate.
Brief eclipses were discovered during observations of the star NLTT 11748 with the Faulkes Telescope North of the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope (LCOGT), a UCSB - affiliated institution.
According to the Department of Education, more than 80 percent of students who attend private schools go to religiously affiliated institutions.
If you meet iHelp's initial requirements, you will be turned over to one of their affiliated institutions like Citizen's Bank.
It also aims to give visibility to collaborating partners, affiliated institutions, artists and peers practicing in the field of contemporary art.
Selection Process Greater New York 2005 was organized by a team of curators from both P.S. 1 and MoMA, led by Klaus Biesenbach, the first jointly appointed curator for the affiliated institutions.
If you are a current faculty or staff member of Columbia or one of its affiliate institutions, we invite you to contribute your research and scholarship to Academic Commons.
An affiliated institution in London «the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art «awards grants and fellowships «publishes academic titles «and sponsors Yale's only credit - granting undergraduate study abroad program «Yale - in - London.
Giarratano will join AFA in New York, where she will help coordinate the organization's exhibition program with a view toward growing its global network of affiliated institutions.
To avoid all that, I think peer review should be double blind so the work is judged on its own merits and not its authorship or familiarity with specific authors or their affiliated institutions.
Assist with [company name] and affiliated institution's events; publicity, press materials created in house.
To strengthen educational and institutional quality through its assistance to its affiliated institutions, its evaluation processes and its programs, publications, and research.
Child Abuse in Religiously Affiliated Institutions: Long - Term Impact on Men's Mental Health Wolfe, Francis, & Straatman Child Abuse & Neglect: The International Journal, 30 (2), 2006 View Abstract Looks at men who were abused as children in a religious institution.
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