Sentences with phrase «one's amazement»

First of all allow me to say that God is on His throne, in control and not wringing His hands in amazement of how corrupt the system is; and the Lord Jesus is ever interceding for us.
«I just sat back and watched in amazement at their engagement and on - task incentive» to respond, recalls Rennebohm Franz.
Then when we went to a live show, I just sat there in amazement as all the kids were mesmerized by the music and dance.
I've had the privilege of a front - row seat and have watched with amazement at how God has weaved his tapestry of worship across our church streams.
I started using the Galaxy S8 + immediately after the announcement, and I still get the same feeling of amazement when I look at the phone's design.
One thing that can be a constant source of amazement for people in their 40s, is the fact that term life insurance is not all that much more expensive than it was when they were in their 30s.
Jonah and Paul also express amazement there's no Sugar Race racing based on the arcade title found in Wreck - It Ralph.
I will probably sit in amazement on that flight, marveling at the miracle of speedy travel by airplane.
I had used Trader Joe's semi sweet chocolate chunks in a different recipe and was still recovering from amazement at how good they were.
The first expressway acceleration run with the throttle pinned brings more laughs along with amazement about what the car can do and that a company would actually build something like this.
Yes, I'm still in amazement over here.
There are times when I can't quite avoid scratching a hole in my head out of sheer amazement at how bizarre TV commercials can be.
I was wondering what you'd be using the lemon curd for and I'm in complete amazement right now!
The «look» when baby's weight is announced As the midwife whisks your baby away to be weighed, that intake of breath you take waiting to hear and the sheer look of shock and wide - eyed amazement on everyone in the room's face as the 9 lbs + weight is officially announced.
The titles that form part of the bundle offer include: Catastrophe by Max Hastings, Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, As Luck Would Have It by Derek Jacobi, Faster Than Lightning by Usain Bolt, The Pagan Lord by Bernard Cornwell, Sense & Sensibility by Joanna Trollope, The Valley of Amazement by Amy Tan and The Demon Dentist by David Walliams.
You watch in slack jawed amazement as just three people out of the hundred ahead of you actually make it past the velvet ropes.
If its lush jungle mountains that you seek than a simple turn and a blink of an eye creates a 360 degree view that offers pure amazement from every corner.
In passing the shadow - line, we become, sometimes to our own amazement, grown - ups.
Feed the bird's and make a wish for her to always look at you in with such amazement in Trafalgar Square.
The authors, poet Primož Čučnik and visual artist Žiga Kariž discussed the project with Dušan Dovč, explaining its background, the impulses behind its creation, its conclusion and potential future impact, as well as their great amazement at New York City, where the poetry published in Ode on Manhattan Avenue was created.
He who knows it not, and can no longer wonder, no longer feel amazement, is as good as dead, a snuffed - out candle.
Incredible classic rock inspired sound that sends you on a nouveau psychedelic journey through lavish multi-layered soundscapes and leave you in slack - jawed amazement after every track.
One day when they were not around, she decided to open of those websites and she was overwhelmed with amazement because of what she saw there.
Nothing thrills me more than to see amazement in your eyes.
That in a somewhat tense, tumultuous time (don't pretend you're the master of chill right now, bro) this sort of humbling, remarkable and rare display of celestial beauty and wonder forced us all to stop and stare in shared amazement.
As a former beekeeper and now watching my son take care of his bee hive, I'm in constant amazement of how amazing bees are.
No anger, just amazement at the boundless ignorance and arrogance.
I'm sitting here in total amazement at your jewelry making ability.
But every now and then I'll wax nostalgic on something from childhood and with shocked amazement realize that it was purely a regional thing.
Wonderful things often come from the most unexpected of places and, in this particular case, my sense of amazement came from a short but unbelievably beautiful game called AER: Memories of Old.
The effect of that initial amazement wears off after years of seeing it retreaded year and after year by Hollywood suits saying «that's all they want anyways».
Art of Illusion The owners of this historic farmhouse are used to guests admiring their beautiful kitchen with its wood counters and leather island tops — but the admiration turns into amazement when guests learn that they're actually looking at concrete!
Biblically we always find amazement that God, the Creator, chooses to give us orientation in life (Ps.
The partner who has reached outside of the relationship will feel a deep sense of regret and remorse as well as an absolute amazement at the amount of pain that the step has caused.
Cuomo's loudly professed amazement at built - in budget boosters was greeted with laughter by the Albany Establishment: Of course Cuomo, who'd been around state government much of his adult life, knew how the sausage got made.
We had passed through amazement into acceptance that we were not the country or the people we had once been.
Inevitably, someone had to open the fridge to get a new bottle of champagne, and then the exclamations of amazement started.
I was wondering what you'd be using the lemon curd for and I'm in complete amazement right now!
Windows Central member DNHill shared their updating experience on our forums: «Well I have to now post, with complete stunning amazement and happiness...
The DD 5.1 track is serviceable, but it may not open your eyes in amazement like the DTS did for me so many times.
This is underscored by examples such as Katie watching a shark show on TV and expressing amazement while a frog glues itself to her window and eats flies.
When he overcomes the initial amazement, he realizes his father is living one day prior to the fire that claimed his life.
I remember watching Scott eat his first one during Christmas together while dating, and witnessing the moment of sheer amazement pass over his face and his eyes widen (they can't get very wide, but he tries — so I knew it was legit) as he slipped into that euphoric state, reminding me of my childhood.
Shep Hyken @Hyken Chief Amazement Officer and Owner, Customer Service Speaker and Expert at Shepard Presentations Presenting: How to Turn Social Customer Service Into a Marketing Strategy
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