Sentences with phrase «one's answer to everything»

No, not answers to EVERYTHING, that's never going to happen.
After that, speak to each agency directly to obtain answers to everything else.
There are still things to be learned, but at least we don't put a childish answer to everything we don't know.
The default / fall - back answer to everything that we don't know yet is not, «god did it».
There are simple answers to everything and ambiguity is not tolerated!
They always responded with 24 hours and provided detailed answers to everything I asked for.
This is a pretty exhaustive post but again, it's by no means the «be all and end all» answer to everything because it's on you to do the work (or hire someone to do it for you), and results vary by writer, market, reviews, genre, demographic, budget, author interaction... the list is endless.
If you want answers to everything right now, then you are just making them up (or whoever is giving you the answers is making them up).
«But there is a real problem with modern media requiring us as politicians, as leaders, to give instant answers to everything
Facebook, rather like Google also carries answers to everything.
Breastfeeding is not just about «feeding» but is about comfort, hunger, thirst, pain relief, boredom buster, tantrum stopper and basically answer to everything elixir.
It's not a magic answer to everything — sometimes babies really just want to be held — but it gives you a pair of hands back for the million and one things you have to do when simultaneously looking after a toddler.
That's the typical cookie - cut Puritan Fundamentalist answer to everything... just to label talking points that appeal to their base without even addressing any of the issues.
Of course, tax hikes are de Blasio's knee - jerk answer to everything, while Cuomo at least tries to appear to be more mindful of the state's overall tax burden.
«The pharmaceutical industry has trained even doctors to believe that there's a pharmaceutical answer to everything,» he says, shrugging.
Mark Rippetoe from Starting Strength reportedly said: «There is never an absolute answer to everything, except of course that you have to do your squats.»
Silly as it may sound, it is the fucking answer to everything
Plus, as in real - life, there aren't answers to everything and there aren't always cathartic moments that allow you to let go of the story once it is over.
I'd like to see these hackathons — they're not the answer to everything — but I'd like to see them going on every month.
Remember, you're not the only one in a conversation, nor does any one person know all the answers to everything.
The answer to everything becomes: Just get me results!
By maintaining a high degree of self - awareness and knowing I don't have the answer to everything, I am the kind of mentee who authentically works to apply the lessons passed on to me by the mentors I admire.
The Chinese CEOs that IDEO consults for, however, have increasingly shown a shift in thinking of their role «not as the person at the center who has answers to everything and can predict future, but someone who is good at asking the right questions and enabling people to deliver on answering that question.»
Linking to other sites / webpages means that you admit that you don't have the answer to everything, and you care enough to guide your user to the right place.
Science isn't meant to provide the answer to everything because there are always new questions coming up.
Care to explain where God came from and / or why God is the answer to everything you don't understand?
I don't have the urge to concoct a supernatural being in order to make me feel smart enough (that I have the answer to everything, i.e. god) or feel whole enough (that I will live on forever).
The only reason he «wouldn't be accepted» as you so high - and - mightily put it, is because unlike «you people» his answer to everything he doesn't like isn't death threats and killing.
My answer to everything in the universe is I don't know.
I was taught Jesus himself was the answer to everything.
That one young woman turns to me on the way home and I remember how she smiled it: «The answer to everything is relationship.»
And then you said to @Gordon» Well if you claim Science has answers to everything... then sadly that is not true... we must acknowledge that a Higher Power exists, his ways are not our ways, his thoughts are not ours..
Well if you claim Science has answers to everything... then sadly that is not true... we must acknowledge that a Higher Power exists, his ways are not our ways, his thoughts are not ours..
If... science does not have «all» the answers to everything, nor can «always» predict the outcomes or events... THEN, that * means * or = there is a God...?
Science doesn't have answers to everything, but at least it has WAY MORE PRACTICAL ANSWERS than your god.
I am giving a short talk tonight at a worship service on the resurrection and living as if it matters and the thoughts you have posted in this series (Christmas vs. Easter, Bored of the Resurrection, and the Resurrection is the Answer to Everything) are exactly what I have been thinking about.
The mental gymnastics that people have to go thourgh to say that every science, the things that we can oberve here and now are wrong, and that a book written two thousand years ago that has no varification as being historically, much less scientifically accurate, has the answer to everything.
Science never claims to have the answers to everything.
First, Noone has the answer to everything.
The answer to everything, huh?
That's just for beginners, but I'm sure that a $ $ with a Diploma from MIT know - it - all has ALL of the answers to everything there is!
This post follows up on my previous post where I stated that the resurrection of Jesus is the answer to everything.
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