Sentences with phrase «one's approach to leadership»

Leading for impact: Australian guidelines for school leadership development sets out evidence - based guidance to support a nationally coherent and standards - based approach to leadership development.
Often it requires founders and chief executives to embrace a different approach to leadership, and make far - reaching changes in company structure and culture.
I worked with women who had very different styles and approaches to their leadership roles.
His personal approach to leadership includes spending a day a week in classes observing teachers and participating in lessons.
Comprehensive approaches to leadership development: Review of selected research.
His unique and practical approach to leadership, people and project management, and workplace effectiveness is based on 30 + years managing projects and leading businesses on three continents.
By embracing a heart - centered approach to leadership, you will be in a more powerful position than you could possibly have imagined.
To avoid a reactive approach to leadership, concentrate on your company's core goals.
Peer - to - peer coaching in groups is a powerful and simple approach to leadership development.
We also describe a range of state policy approaches to leadership development, examining evidence about how these approaches shape opportunities for principal learning and school improvement.
Successful leadership in diverse cultural and socioeconomic contexts calls for the integrated use of two distinct approaches to leadership.
Her pragmatic approach to leadership helped foster a culture focused on continuous learning and professional growth.
During the summit, countries discussed their different approaches to leadership and the importance of collaboration.
This series — launched in September 2004 — examines the new approaches to leadership in education at a time of increasing academic expectations on schools.
Take risks and experiment, however I am mindful that in schools where a judgemental culture arising from a short - sighted approach to the leadership of teaching and learning using lesson gradings, it may be slightly more difficult to achieve.
In another study, Kabacoff noted that 60,000 managers and executives in more than 140 countries rated a strategic approach to leadership as more effective than other skills like innovation, persuasion, communication, and results orientation.
Keri Putnam, executive director of Sundance Institute, said, «Kim rose to the top among an outstanding field ofcandidates because of her creativity, programming experience, and collaborative approach to leadership.
«Baum and Krulwich's system is a powerful and innovative new approach to leadership development within schools.
But if you look at the mean distribution, you see very different management styles and approaches to leadership between genders.
Leading for impact: Australian guidelines for school leadership development, sets out evidence - based guidance to support a nationally coherent and standards - based approach to leadership development in all jurisdictions and schools.
A vertical dyad linkage approach to leadership within formal organizations: A longitudinal investigation of the role making process
Southwest Airlines co-founder and former CEO Herb Kelleher was famous for his pioneering approach to leadership.
In your time as commandant, what kind of changes have you seen in your own management style, your own approach to leadership of the force?
Not only are they useful advice if you're a little more low - key socially than the average executive, but they also serve as a powerful reminder of the power of the introverted approach to leadership.
We propose a multi-dimensional approach to leadership development: knowledge, application and self - awareness.
Character is itself a tool of leadership in that it enhances the leader's capacity to persuade others; and persuasion «is a far more effective approach to leadership than control,» trickery or manipulation.
The Steamroller approach to leadership is effective in leading masses of people to accomplish a certain goal.
The upshot is a McKinsey approach to leadership that, quite frankly, fails to inspire, because it's deracinated, remote, and all too often smugly superior.
«I'm confident that my unique approach to leadership and mentoring will be a seamless fit with the company culture, and look forward to working closely with the partners and team to continue to refine the IDG brand, prepare for future growth, and strive for even greater excellence.»
Michele is also the recipient of the 2015 Connecticut Nurse's Association Award for Public Service and the University of Massachusetts Graduate School of Nursing's Lillian R. Goodman Award which recognizes a doctoral student who exemplifies a humanitarian approach to leadership, scholarship, and a deep commitment to the development of professional practice, education and research.
She has impressed many with her serene and composed approach to her leadership role — but she will face considerable challenges both before and after she can stand beside Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and Mr. Klein as a true power player in Albany.
In comments caught off - camera, the Conservative backbencher — and three - time contestant for the Tories» top job — has a joyful yet brutal approach to the leadership race
Instead of a top - down approach to leadership, some members of Republican clubs from all different areas of the borough have discussed bringing members, which include petition - carriers who often gather signatures for various candidates, together on their own terms, according to the political insider.
Zolner says that one of the institute's goals is to get everyone thinking about multiple and more nuanced approaches to leadership.
Having now used OST at my school in staff meetings, in our strategic planning process, and even my own classroom, I have to agree with OpenSpaceWorld that «OST is a simple way to run productive meetings for five to 2,000 + people, and a powerful approach to leadership in any kind of organization.»
The most interesting story coming out of the landmark Vergara and Harris decisions is the coming irresistible - force - immovable - object collision of reformers» aggressive new litigation strategy and teachers unions» stout - defense approach to leadership.
The leadership curriculum Our leadership curriculum was launched at the beginning of this year and is designed to be a flexible and coherent approach to leadership development, supporting school and academy leaders at every stage of their leadership career.
In the same way collaboration is seen as a strength of the feminist approach to leadership where «women encourage participation, share power and information to enhance other people's self - worth, and get others excited about their work» (Sinclair, 2014, p. 22).
With distributed leadership comes distributed accountability, it is not some open - ended approach to leadership, in fact the converse is true.
This comprehensive, integrated approach to leadership evaluation is designed to build a collaborative community of teachers, leaders, and central office administrators with a focus on continuous improvement for all.»
His «All Hands In» approach to leadership increased financial support to the Partnership by 300 %, effectuating the growth in the number of community schools in Albuquerque by 85 % in just five years.
In all, the district's approach to leadership largely turns the popular «career ladders» idea on its head.
His expertise in design and implementation is complimented by his scholarly approach to leadership, learning, and instruction.
Support individual and organizational growth with a differentiated approach to leadership and capacity building, and
New and aspiring principals will find ASAP to be a quality, fast - track approach to leadership development, with targeted content, research, and references in each module.
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