Sentences with phrase «one's approach to the material»

The groundbreaking work is defined by the artist's innovative approach to materials and application and the architecture of the venue.
Her experimental approach to materials and mediums was prominent from the beginning of her career, with some of her earliest pieces including printing images of body parts on clothing.
Her unconventional approach to materials and her intensive, physical method made her a unique figure in postwar American art.
The filmmakers discuss the unique approach to the material and the various challenges in making the film.
However Y takes a much more serious approach to the material at hand and is a great post-apocalyptic tale.
In her own work, she uses play and other inventive approaches to material to convey these and other ideas.
The tongue in cheek approach to the material adds an interesting touch to the tone of the film.
Opening up the couple's life and taking a more straightforward approach to the material could have made the film immensely more impactful.
These paintings, completed in a subtle color palette, present a new approach to both material and technique.
But more than that: the dominance of this paradigm with all of its built - in theological biases has also been recognized as a block to more inclusive approaches to the material.
We've seen this setup, these jokes, and this spread - thin approach to the material twice already.
The film manages some tense moments and mild intrigue though its intimate approach to the material, yet it never allows much room for character development along the way.
Together, these sculptors constitute a dialogue across the generations, between approaches to materials, different social attitudes and radically different aesthetics.
Her contemporary approach to these materials is divorced from their traditional applications, while still remaining rooted in the history of photography.
Though taking vastly different approaches to materials, both share a sense of sincerity and humor in their practices.
The exhibition highlights the artist's unique approach to material and making, which is defined by its embrace of varied mediums and, in particular, the use of found objects and assemblage.
For his second gallery show at Thomas Dane Gallery, Phillip King CBE PPRA (b. 1934 Tunis) presents an exhibition in two contrasting halves that explore the wide diversity of approach to materials the artist has adopted over the last 60 years.
Calder's unorthodox approach to materials is a unifying thread among the artists, evoked in the work of the inaugural Calder Prize laureate Tara Donovan, who amalgamates readily available industrial materials into large assemblages evocative of natural forms.
The reworked oyili - oji panels in this relief declare Anatsui's transformative approach to his materials — a method that endures in his current work.
«Yates made clear that his movie adaptation would not follow on from the current TV series, but would take a completely fresh approach to the material,» writes Variety.
«The Bridge» takes a subtle matter - of - fact approach to the material which is rather refreshing.
Critics Consensus: The Glass Castle has an affecting real - life story and a hard - working cast in its corner, but they aren't enough to outweigh a fundamentally misguided approach to the material.
Jones works more by feel than premeditated design, pairing a painterly approach to materials with narrative elements that are both surreal and lyrical.
The Night Listener is an interesting film which offers an intriguing premise and a very subtle approach to its material.
This sense of fun is infectious due to Shankman's energetic, colourful direction and his playful approach to the material.
This architectural skill extends beyond the cityscape through to the detailed care taken in the organisation of student spaces, encouraging social interaction across disciplines, to the considered approach to materials and detailing.
Cragg has always had, from an early age, a passionate interest in science and natural history and worked as a young man as a lab technician at the National Rubber Producers Research Association (1966 — 68), an experience that is reflected in his vigorous approach to material.
Doig's unlikely palette and varied approach to the material of paint mediate literal sources into scenes evocative of dreams or recollections.
Black's abstract approach to materials draws from the psychoanalytical approach developed by Melanie Klein, who encouraged a «play technique» for children in place of language to analyse a patient's direct experience with the physical, material world.
While both of these are dangerous in their one - sided approach to the material world, the former will hardly strike the disinterested observer as much of a threat to the American middle class.
The idea for this high - throughput, data - driven approach to materials discovery hit Ceder in the early 2000s, when he was at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge and found himself inspired by the nearly completed Human Genome Project.
Researchers from North Carolina State University, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) have developed a novel approach to materials characterization, using Bayesian statistical methods to glean new insights into the structure of materials.
Our work outlines a basis for using various miscibility tests and future simulation methods that will significantly reduce or eliminate trial - and - error approaches to material synthesis and device fabrication of functional semiconducting blends and organic blends in general.
Through the Energy Materials Network, the Energy Department is taking a different approach to materials R&D that aims to solve industry's toughest energy materials challenges.
It's hokey as all get out, but the reason that Real Steel succeeds is because of the dedicated performances, assured direction and sincere approach to the material.
Schumacher «s sputtering, short - term approach to the material is a disappointment, because there's something in it that ought to make for a good movie, and from time to time makes The Lost Boys good enough.
Lincoln might be most effective with Civil War historians, but I suspect most audiences will appreciate Spielberg's intellectual approach to the material.
His overly cautious approach to this material, together with his unremarkable camera work, is a depressing foreshadowing of his work in the ensuing years, whether on the first two Harry Potter films, the first Percy Jackson film, or perhaps most criminally Bicentennial Man.
The simplistic approach to the material will no doubt please undiscriminating viewers, while those who've seen any romantic comedy will be consistently several steps ahead of the characters.
Mostly, it went down fast, a pace that Mr. Spielberg conveys with accelerated rhythms, flying feet, racing cameras and an enjoyably loose approach to the material.
Writer - director Alain Guiraudie takes an all - natural approach to his material, and not just because most of the men spend the movie in the buff.
What makes this film worth checking out is Danny Boyle's darkly comic approach to the material and Ewan McGregor's devilishly fun performance.
Schroeder brings a decidedly un-Hollywood approach to the material, which is both the source of the film's greatest aesthetic strength (it is unusually attentive to questions of character and form) and most crippling commercial weakness.
It doesn't help that Rob Reiner's approach to the material for the first half of the film's duration plays out political differences, specifically with the Kennedy family, mostly for laughs; in the end I honestly can't say it even feels like watching a convincing depiction of the historical figure, but rather «Vice President Woody Harrelson».
Although Nagy takes a decidedly irreverent approach to the material, there just isn't anything particularly funny or remarkable about the love affair of Harris and Tarnower, nor in the events that transpire in the aftermath of the murder.
That Jackie feels deeply personal and lacks that perfunctory sheen of «historical importance» — that it is a character study rather than a history lesson — speaks to Larraín's humanist approach to the material.
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