Sentences with phrase «one's assent»

«In accordance with Budget Implementation Act C - 45, Jobs and Growth Act 2012, which received royal assent on December 14, 2012, the Canada Employment Insurance Financing Board is being dissolved».
H&C applications submitted prior to royal assent of Bill C - 31 will be assessed under the old Act and would therefore not be subject to the limitations contained in the Bill.
Far - reaching and critical amendments proposed by Bill S - 14, An Act to amend the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act, received royal assent on June 19, 2013.
Tapping keys on a keyboard that cause a copy of a signature to appear in a document is arguably not distinct enough from other kinds of keyboard use to make it stand out from the other actions of a person to make it a distinctively symbolic act of assent in the way that a manual signature is distinct from simply typing or writing prose.
At the same time, for carefully weighed reasons (almost all of them based on my understanding of the world as a social scientist), I can not give assent to the left - liberal - liberationist politics that has become monopolistically established in non - evangelical Protestantism.
Governor Masari commended the assembly for speedily scrutinizing the budget for assent into law describing it as a landmark.
Although I was raised in a Christian family and charismatic, fundamentalist church, attended a Bible college, and had professed the Christian faith for years, it wasn't until this experience that my intellectual assent of God's truth became deeply personal.
After the Senate President, Dr. Bukola Saraki, read Osinbajo's letters to senators at plenary on Wednesday, Senator Dino Melaye, who sponsored the National Lottery (Amendment) Bill, raised a point of order and dismissed the Acting President's reason for not assenting to it.
Bill C - 61 underwent Canada's Legislative process, having passed both the House of Commons and the Senate in identical form, and most recently, receiving Royal Assent by written declaration in order to make the bill a law.
Did I not know about the Inquisition, and about John Calvin's standing by with assent as Geneva burned the heretic Servetus four centuries ago?
Not long after controversial Bill 45 and Bill 46 received royal assent from Lieutenant Governor Donald Ethell this week, the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees submitted a statement of claim against Bill 46 laws to the Court of Queen's Bench.
The Senate on Wednesday called on President Muhammadu Buhari to review his position in withholding assent on the bill to establish Peace Corps of Nigeria.
Pailin, David A., The Way to Faith, An Examination of Newman's Grammar of Assent as a Response to the Search for Certainty in Faith London: Epworth Press, 1969, 224.
«Like Willem de Kooning, Kirkeby is a virtuoso at creating unity from... visual chaos... We Americans tend to think that Abstract Expressionism is a style of the past, dependent upon a worldview that no longer commands assent.
The conscience will be enlightened only in the moment in which it has given real assent.
Before starting the assessment, students signed assent forms in which confidentiality was ensured.
A compromise agreement is a contract and, as such, there must be mutual assent of the parties and consideration.»
Any legislation would still need to be considered by the Lords and given Royal Assent before it becomes law.
It seems intuitive: treaty change requires assent from 27 other countries, something that will take years to secure — if it proves possible at all in the current climate.
Lack of religious commitment may not be a crime in a poet, but a poet has to believe in something for his poetry to gain assent, the willing suspension.
And yet, that was considered perfectly normal given the circumstances at Chelsea where managers toed the players» lines just as the rest of the board (Buck, Emenalo) nod in assent at every thought Roman Abramovich has ever had.
One parent or parent surrogate (subsequently referred to as «parents») of each adolescent provided written informed consent, and the adolescents provided written informed assent before adolescent interviews.
Even the SNP has nodded assent if it were to become a realistic option.
If notional assents err in lacking reality's check, experience can as well.
It must be said at once that he has one decisive argument on his side: that it is a phrase unique in Judaism, where Amen signifies assent to something said, or links one to a prayer, but never introduces sayings, and that the developing Christian tradition tends to modify it to something much less startling.
He added: «We are aware that a bill passed by the two chambers of the National Assembly is awaiting assent and we are also aware of the interest generated by Section 25 on the sequence of elections.
Individuals who agreed to participate signed parental consent and child assent forms and were given measures to complete at home and mail back to the researchers.
Bill C - 15 passed the House, passed the Senate, and was waiting for Royal assent when Parliament was prorogued in 2009 — in case anyone ever asks you to name one good thing about prorogation.
For instance, if a highly unpopular bill made it through Parliament thanks to blatant corruption and there were armed rioters in the streets, the monarch would probably be able to provide a constitutional safety valve by refusing assent to the bill on the advice of a senior minister with some security responsibilities.
Speaking for the government yesterday, Field Marshall Lord Brammall told peers: «It is unthinkable that in this day and age our democratic government should actually commit armed forces into a substantial war situation without the manifest assent of parliament.»
In the Buddhist tradition the liberating truth is not mainly a matter of rational assent but of practical understanding of the cause and cure of human suffering.
Liberal legislation that received royal assent today means publicly traded companies are now required to disclose the number of women and others from equity - seeking groups, such as visible minorities, on their boards and in senior management.
«Jesus is Lord» is a proposition, but a proposition that compels assent only when Jesus» earthly ministry, death, and resurrection are understood as (collectively) the pivotal and definitive moment in the long history of God's covenantal love for His erring people.
,» the journal First Things protested «an entrenched pattern of government by judges» and raised the possibility that «conscientious citizens can no longer give moral assent to the existing regime.»
I do think God will hold those teachers accountable for the rift between believers because they have either caused and / or are perpetuating the divide by demanding assent to these additional doctrines.
According to President Akufo - Addo, it is entirely appropriate that the former President, who was responsible for ensuring that the Western University College of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, through presidential assent on 12th November, 2004, becomes UMAT's first Chancellor.
Double digit ownership of voting shares certainly is a threshold most competent regulators set as requiring active assent for any bank investment.
Thus Vatican II stated: «In matters of faith and morals, the bishops speak in the name of Christ and the faithful are to accept their teaching and adhere to it with a religious assent of soul.»
Jesus does not want only verbal assent from his followers but a life of obedience where his disciples actually perform in deeds the will of God.
As indicated previously, religious faith does not primarily mean assent to some belief for which there is insufficient evidence.
What the relativity of values does show is that no one system of preferences can win assent for all people and under all circumstances.
More often than not, people assent even when they have illegal drugs, weapons, and all other manner of illegal things!
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