Sentences with phrase «one's awesome husband»

The aforementioned awesome husband keeps my high quality kitchen knives wicked sharp.
Grateful: The three «Fs» — friends, family, and a freaking awesome husband who's willing to support me in the ups and downs of an exciting entrepreneurial career!
That is SOOOO awesome your husband makes soup on the weekends!
My totally awesome husband got me this Lilly Pulitzer top for Christmas and I've worn it a couple times a week since then.
We never see Jules» various meetings with the prospective CEOs, instead forced to take her word that they went as poorly as she insists, while a third - act subplot involving her seemingly awesome husband is horribly mishandled, completely missing the point of his actions.
She had just described Chris Hixon — who was the school's athletic director — as an awesome husband, father and American.
You can't maintain 10 flirty friendships and expect to make space in your heart for one awesome husband or wife.
Luckily, I have an awesome husband who helps in the kitchen a lot and usually cuts it up for me.
For the rest of the day I was just generally lazy until it was time to eat a steak dinner made by my awesome husband.
That's awesome your husband helps you chop / prep veggies Heather!
In honor of Earth Month (and my awesome husband who happens to have an April birthday), I would like to share an asparagus soup recipe.
i feel fortunate to have a flexible schedule and an awesome husband who does his equal share if not more.
But, each and every year her awesome husband remembers to send me a card with a photo of the kids and a beautiful saying and photo of my friend on the back.
For me personally, I bed share with my 9 month old but I am lucky to have a king sized bed, an awesome husband and a baby that doesn't mind mommy hogging the covers.
I also have an awesome husband who shares all of the responsibilities.
There have been many of times when daddy, my awesome husband Rodney, catches us dancing, playing silly games, or jibber - jabbering about nonsense.
Here is a pic of my awesome husband.
Besides her professional life, Janel enjoys spending time with her sweet son who is a student at Purdue University, her awesome husband (who she has been married to over 20 years) and her two rescue dogs Roxie and Snickers.
When she's not at her computer you can find her spending family time, organizing or decorating her home, reading a good self - help book or pretending she knows how to cook but she usually leaves that to her awesome husband!
(Or do I just have an awesome husband?)
She loves making no - budget horror flicks with her friends, cooking, crafting, exploring, and being silly with her two kids, awesome husband, and lazy cats.
Ringing in the new year in the comfort of my quite home with comfy pjs and my awesome husband is how I like to greet the new year!
this is probably on of my recent favorite things to do — chasing the sunset and taking amazing shots along with my awesome husband.
4 sisters is going to make that kid an awesome husband someday!
Now I could be way off topic, but I'm telling you this because behind every shoot there's a girl (me) and a photographer (my awesome husband), working together (mostly), and trying to get it right (as much as we can).
-- Thank you very much for subjecting me to this question Brittany LOL in 10 years I hope to have an awesome husband that I've gained at least 15 new passport stamps with, a beautiful home with a large «cloffice» I can run my full time blog out of, a dog, 2 kids, and an ability to eat 3 whole pizzas a week and not gain weight.
My awesome husband is making us gluten free pancakes from scratch and our poor pup -LSB-...] Read more...
my name is taiah and i am a 25 year old submissive female with an awesome husband who is looking for a girl who we can both connect with on many levels and show affection and love too.
It's a first - person account of finding love after loss by psychologist & weight - loss guru, Dr. Donna Goldstein, who worked with one of our Love Mentors ® to find and marry her awesome husband.
Kimberly lives in Virginia with her awesome husband and their three awesome daughters.
She had it all, the awesome husband, two lovely children, but, as she found out, having a family and being forced to be away from them for hours and hours every single day can be tough.
All photographs taken by my awesome husband: Marwan Hassan.
Laura has a super cute 7 year old son named Jakob and an awesome husband.
This awesome husband + wife duo from Cape Town, South Africa has been having an epic time travelling the world.
Klein lives in Boone, North Carolina with her awesome husband and two super cute kids, and is Associate Professor of Fibers in the Art Department at Appalachian State University.
I'm Sally - mama to my sweet A and wife to my awesome husband Mr. C. I'm a stay at home mom turned mom blogger in Orange County.
When I'm not helping you with your Real Estate needs I am the proud mother of two amazing boys and a wife to my awesome husband.
My awesome husband has most of the planks done on the walls.
I showed you the empty shelves that my awesome husband built.
By us, I mostly mean my awesome husband Daniel who is the brains behind the renovation.
Things that make me happy: tulip season my crazy dogs that drive me nuts but are still oh - so - cute my awesome husband who makes the coffee for us every morning HGTV bookshelves full of books blog giveaways:)
Living in 896 sq ft with one awesome husband, two labs and two cats can be challenging.
mine was so bad I almost ditched my awesome husband and didn't marry him....
My awesome husband asks for so little and contributes so much, that how could I not relent?
FYI, those things are NOT waterproof, so my awesome husband had to seal it for me so I could put flowers and not end up with an indoor lake.
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