Sentences with phrase «one's backlist»

Be aware that some publications will not publish book reviews of backlist titles in their magazines and on their websites.
As digital publishing began to enable the reissue of backlisted titles as ebooks, «agents needed to get those ebooks out into the world.
Especially for backlist books that were sold to traditional publishers and changed significantly, would any authors be willing to «release» (epub or print) both the «original motion picture» (traditional published text) and the «director's cut» (a different version a bit longer that the author liked better)?
My suggestion for backlist titles with complex permissions?
The primary cost factors associated with backlist books are printing, shipping, production costs and author royalties — all of which can be minimal when compared to the cost of initial publishing of the book as a front list title.
With offices in London, and Abingdon in the UK, New York and Philadelphia in the USA, New Delhi in South Asia, and Singapore and Beijing in the Pacific Rim, the Taylor & Francis Group publishes more than 1,600 journals and around 3,700 new books each year, with a books backlist in excess of 20,000 specialist titles.
One of the «Big Five Publishers», Macmillian has announced they will be launching their entire backlist as eBooks.
And we write all the descriptions that appear with our self - published backlist titles on Amazon.
Macmillan ups the number of backlist eBooks available for lending to ~ 11,000.
Another benefit of POD and ebooks is that you can keep your entire backlist in print forever which allows you to gain some traction.
On the bright side, I'm not seeing old books backlisted into obscurity.
While it is true that the number of available ebooks with sales continues to decline — from a high of 88 % in 2014 to just 54 % in 2016 — some of this might be due to the growing number of digitized backlist titles.
Many midlist authors who tend to get the backwash of attention from traditional publishing houses have begun to move over into indie - territory, as well as better - known authors who are still having trouble finding a publisher for their most recent manuscript, or who have out - of - print backlists for which they want to regain the rights and publish themselves.
A traditonally - published author pre-2007 doesn't have to lift a finger to get backlist ebook sales — it's found money.
I've since brought out another new novel and 2 backlist novels on Kindle.
Reach out to PW Booklife, Kirkus Indie, Foreword Clarion and independent book reviewers to help promote backlist books.
«We have been approaching literary agents and smaller publishers about backlist titles with reverted rights with limited success,» Hellman told Mashable.
Led by Lori Bennett, it focused originally on backlist at its 2011 inception and now supports frontlist publication, as well, for Nelson's agency clients and for «guest author clients.»
That can be frustrating for authors whose backlist rights are being tied up.
This is kind of incredible, but if you want the digital backlist titles of Janet Evanovich, Sue Grafton or Lora Leigh for free, this is how you do it.
I've read a lot of books in my lifetime and often own an extensive backlist of certain authors.
To sum up, the AAR realizes that the role of literary agent is changing and that many author clients will be asking their agents for assistance in making backlist titles available in electronic form.
Publishers will soon be rights holders for backlist works and those authors too entrenched to move.
Having a huge backlist helps feed my front and vice versa.
I glanced at one point in the workshop at the thirty plus well - published writers, many with large backlists sitting in file cabinets, and realized there were at least thirty new publishing companies in that room.
Harvest House is among the top ten Christian publishing companies, publishing more than 180 books each year and carrying a strong backlist offering more than 1,200 titles.
He must be right, because nine years later, the Baen Free Library now includes backlist titles from 43 authors, with more books and authors added every few months.
Ken: On the one hand, having a good backlist help your sales so if you're committed to one particular genre like in science fiction, when I released a new series in the fall, it did really well and those readers read my other science fiction series so it had that kind of cascade effect.
Today, Career Press and its imprint New Page Books boast an active, strong - selling backlist of nearly 1,000 titles.
US e-book publishers including Rosetta Books are also approaching UK agents and authors to buy backlist e-book rights, with Rosetta favouring an exclusive Amazon deal as part of the package.
Oyster charges $ 9.95 a month to read as many backlist titles as you want, on the iPad or iPhone.
Now Hoopla has announced a new agreement with HarperCollins Publishers to add their full backlist of audiobooks to Hoolpa's catalog.
Promotions like that bring backlist alive.»
They will try and will buy a lot of books, probably zoom through backlists if they find something they like.
It helps people discover books they might never find otherwise, and it keeps backlist titles selling long after the bricks and mortar shops have taken them off the shelves.
And as literary agent Jessica Faust told me, «Republishing backlist titles not only increases revenue, it's a highly - effective brand - builder for authors.»
Pricing comic backlist like new titles is good for creators and good for publishers.
You'll have to wait until April to get your hands on The Interestings, but I encourage you to put it on your list of must - reads for 2013 — and in the meantime, peruse Wolitzer's backlist if you haven't already discovered this marvelous author.
As a book marketing consultant for more than 10 years, I've coached over 450 authors, worked with numerous publishers, and helped clients hit the New York Times bestseller list three different ways, including fiction, non-fiction, and even backlist non-fiction.
You must also not realize (as you think it's only backlist titles) that there are traditional authors who are putting out NEW books as SP titles in addition to their regular titles, or have left traditional altogether (like Courtney Milan).
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