Sentences with phrase «one's bad deeds»

At this point we are concerned with sin in the sense of bad deeds.
Our research suggests that people view these «mixed bags» in a systematic way: A bad reputation comes from doing bad deeds.
A good reputation, in contrast, requires not only doing good deeds, but also not doing bad deeds.
I completed the manuscript for BAD DEEDS on May 4, 2014, at 8:34 p.m..
For millennia, pain was a «spiritual signifier» blamed on spirits, deities and demons, or on bad deeds committed in this life or a former one.
Meanwhile, my newly released BAD DEEDS audiobook also is climbing rapidly up the charts.
A person who never commits bad deeds, acts only according to truth and righteousness, always seeks God and tries to act according to His will is endowed with purity of soul and is known as innocent.
THAT catchphrase, now cross-stitched in samplers and pillows, «No good deed goes unpunished,» is upgrading to «No bad deed goes unpublished.»
Why waste time in trying to push away bad deeds (bad karmas)?
And for the film — a genre - bending and visually arresting tale of an adulterous couple whose bad deeds quite literally come back to haunt them — Oshima wound up receiving one of the highest honors of his career: the best director award at Cannes.
So here are a couple of very brief «teaser» excerpts from BAD DEEDS, scheduled for publication in May 2014: He ignored his mother's shouts and stumbled down the darkened stairs... Continue reading →
I'd say they do make sure the punishment fits the crime, if they find other bad deeds or that the bad ones have a long list of offenses I'd bet they get it a bit harder.
Wow, that'd be quite the a-sshole of a god, condemning anyone to torture for ever and ever for maybe a few bad deeds if any in a brief trip on this planet.
Had it not been for the opportunity provided by their Kindle Direct Publishing self - publishing program — an opportunity to reach readers like you with my books quickly and at a bargain price, an opportunity that Big Publishing never would have granted me — my wife and I would be financially destitute; HUNTER and BAD DEEDS never would have been written and published; and I would not have been able to establish my late - life fiction - writing career.
Consistent with that trend, remembering past bad deeds made people with rule - based morality more likely to cheat.
It is statements like yours that scare me the most because not only does it attribute bad deeds to outside forces, detaching humanity from its own actions, but it gives those who can «detect» the demons a mistaken sense of dominion over all others too «blinded» to see things your way, and countless followers who will not question your actions either.
Once you slip, it gets easier and easier to commit certain bad deeds you yourself deemed «evil» or cold.
Based on the study, 61 percent of practicing Christians strongly agree with at least one of the ideas of «new spirituality» — that everyone is praying to the same god / ultimate being, regardless of the name they use for it (28 percent); «that meaning and purpose come from becoming one with all that is» (27 percent); and that good deeds are rewarded with good and bad deeds receive bad in turn (32 percent).
Trump said FBI Director James Comey was the «best thing» that ever happened to his 2016 Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton, tweeting that he «gave her a free pass for many bad deeds
Learners use PEE to build a paper - chain of Scrooge's bad deeds similar to Marley's Ghost's chain in the novel, which can then be used as a classroom display and referred to as part of revision work.
I also plan to chat a bit about my debut thriller, HUNTER, explain what I did to propel up the bestseller lists, answer questions about why and how I write what I do... and also about why BAD DEEDS has taken so long!
I'm very happy to announce that I have just signed a contract with Audible — the world's largest producer of downloadable audiobooks — to produce and distribute an audiobook edition of BAD DEEDS within the coming year.
My only appropriate thank - you will be if BAD DEEDS measures up to your expectations.
HUNTER made it into the Top 10 in three separate crime - fiction categories and the Top 20 in a fourth, while BAD DEEDS entered the Top 10 in one category and the Top 20 in two more.
Meanwhile, boosted by the attention for HUNTER, BAD DEEDS continues to steadily climb the Audible category bestseller lists, moving into the top 100 «Espionage Thrillers,» too (it's at # 85 as of this writing).
On the Audible home page, an advertising bar for Audible Studios bestsellers includes BAD DEEDS
BAD DEEDS picks up where the story in HUNTER left off.
In addition to bringing back many characters that readers enjoyed in the first novel, BAD DEEDS introduces a lot of new ones — including some villains that you'll love to hate.
Karma Bombs are ultimate, screen clearing moves that need to be charged by doing good / bad deeds through random opportunities around the city.
That is why so many Judges decline to enforce non-compete agreements, unless the employee has done some truly bad deed (s) either in planning or in making their departure..
Just like any other kid, Matthew Murdock dreamed of being a lawyer to prevent people from doing bad deeds.
As I promised, here is the sensational cover for BAD DEEDS, brilliantly executed by designer Allen Chiu.
Just to keep you up to date: Today, May 19, BAD DEEDS went off to the formatters.
At the center of every Rockstar experience is a sympathetic protagonist whose bad deeds can't stop the audience from rooting for them, but prior to Grand Theft Auto V, these leading characters lacked a certain level of complexity.
no one born as a criminal or with any other bad deeds... as Quran teached that «Indeed we created human in a best form of the creation» (Al Quran 95:4)... hitlar was not bron as a hitlar....
I'd like to believe that my good deeds and my bad deeds are acts of invisible men... but I can't help but feel empowered by my one and only REAL RIGHT and REAL FREEDOM, free choice.
All you really need to do is replace the devil with «evil» or «bad deeds».
When Santorum says, «Satan», he is just referring to the idea that evil \ bad deeds \ whatever comes from a single source.
But for those with rule - based morality, that bad deed can cause a slippery slope, Cornelissen said.
By contrast, those who tended towards rules - based morality showed the opposite trend, suggesting that past good deeds or bad deeds were prompting similar behavior later on.
For people who are keeping a mental balance sheet of their good and bad deeds, one bad act can be an offset in their minds with a nice one, Cornelissen said.
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