Sentences with phrase «one's basic humanity»

One unintended consequence of rescue efforts was that some shelters, rescues and individuals, in the name of animal rescue, disregarded basic humanity for the people of the Gulf Coast, especially those economically disadvantaged, and decided that poor people don't love their pets and they needed saving from them.
Screenwriter Alex Garland uses the cliché of the romantic triangle to instill a sense of familiarity with and the most basic humanity within these characters, as they traverse an insidious, rotten system designed to keep the truth from them and ensure they are the oblivious pawns in a no - win game.
«It is a time when we reflect on not just our own mortality but we reflect on the fact that there's a very basic humanity to each and every one of us, which causes us to extend our thoughts and prayers to each and every one of us who might be a complete stranger but are now united in this collective grief.»
Anyway I agree America has done some terrible and unwise things sometimes, and clearly all races and cultures share the same basic humanity.
And men — Trump's base, at least among whites — shouldn't be so willing to sacrifice women's basic humanity for a political victory.
It's about basic humanity, and I didn't find it exploitative in the slightest.
Handcuffing them goes against their basic humanity.
It works only when integrity and honesty and basic humanity are presupposed within the business community itself.
If we're not careful, over time it can rob us of our basic humanity and it can fundamentally alter us in ways that aren't pretty.
It is people such as this «Pastor» who should be prayed for - for you have truly lost your Christian goodness and compassion, and your most importantly your basic humanity.
They are reckless and arrogant in my opinion, seem to be lacking thoughtful management skills, and also appear to have lost a certain level of basic humanity... which unfortunately, I've seen all too often in the relentless pace and unrealistic expectations of technology companies.
This isn't to say I'd be thrilled to join other pumping moms in a communal Mothers» Room, but if work culture continues to skimp on providing supportive environments for raising a healthy family, including flex time, paid leave, subsidized quality care and just the basic humanity that allows us to see each other as more than just workers boosting a bottom line, I'd take the company of other moms like me so I wouldn't feel so alone as a working parent.
He said «basic humanity» required creating the system.
Accusing the Tories of lacking «basic humanity» is a stock - in - trade for Labour.
Anti-gay rhetoric and glib dismissal of our basic humanity can no longer be countenanced — at any time or in any place.
In both cases, once society stopped blaming people for their conditions, began listening, and acted out of tolerance, compassion, and basic humanity, health problems were addressed.
Garland tries too hard to make these characters relatable in predictably «feminine» ways — as partners and caregivers, to themselves and others, which is to say, as specifically emotional beings — instead of just emphasizing through cinema their basic humanity.
A smarter, more humane tactic would be for them to appeal to the basic humanity of those who are immune.
It also helps Marcus recognize their basic humanity when he washes away the paint on one warrior's face (as he drowns the soldier) and learns the enemy has the same flesh tone as himself.
«There's a lot about the institutional quality of schools that feels misaligned with our basic humanity,» said Matt Kramer, CEO of the Wildflower Foundation, which supports a network of micro-schools.
We share our basic humanity with a multitude of generations who have preceded us in an array of cultures.
Yet, ignorant of the basic humanity of an individual with a severe disability, he wants to deprive them of educational services.
It demeans their basic humanity by robbing students of their innate opinions, inherent knowledge, powerful actions, and secure wisdom that as adults we can only benefit from.
I wanted to say that the same principle applies to the well - known and the privileged, even to a person who occupies a throne: all of us share a basic humanity; we're born and we die.
It is important not to be or become desensitized to others around the world because when we do, we become desensitized to our basic humanity
Examining technology and ideas of interconnectivity in the virtual reality age, Aitken ponders the impact on our basic humanity.
However, the use of clay and elements from the natural world offer an opportunity to re-connect with the basic humanity of the material on a more modest scale.
Given the basic humanity of geometry, it may come as a surprise to find that many contemporary painters, both figurative and abstract, think plain geometrical figures are chilly, «intellectual,» inhuman things best kept out of art or buried deep beneath lots of colorful, painterly gestures, thrustings and parryings.
New Era questions how technology and ideas of interconnectivity in the virtual reality age can impact our basic humanity.
In the UK, in 2017, the Home Secretary ignored medical expertise, basic humanity and the law to sign off a barbaric policy to lock up traumatised torture survivors.»
we must fight and continue to make this a crime, as it already is, against childhood and basic humanity.
In order to establish power and control, the colonising powers positioned the groups being colonised as inferior to themselves, ignoring their basic humanity as well as their cultural identity, existing power structures and ways of life.
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