Sentences with phrase «one's beautiful planet»

To see something like this made me realize how beautiful our planet actually is.
This remote controlled model has beautiful planets orbiting an illuminated sun.
We live on a remarkably beautiful planet, filled with diverse man - made and natural creations, spanning all corners of the world.
Abstract: Mother earth is considered as one of the most beautiful planets in the Universe.
Swapping out one meat and dairy - heavy meal with a delicious, plant - based one that nourishes our beautiful bodies and beautiful planet at the same time.
Explore a Devastated, Darkly Beautiful Planet: Revion Prime is an alien world, with environments inspired by the work of macabre artists like H.R. Giger and H.P. Lovecraft, that challenges you to unearth its dark history by connecting fragments of the past.
As meandering as Chronicles X can be, and as confusing and opaque as its dozens of interconnected systems are, it is never a disappointing time just exploring the incredibly varied and artistically beautiful planet of Mira, a real accomplishment for a genre that has no shortage of well - conceived worlds.
Witness beautiful planets and their fantastic inhabitants, collect gold and use various power - ups.
We also have a conversation with the director of the new A Beautiful Planet, and more video game news than you can shake a stick at.
People think out more and more methords to save our earth, blue beautiful planet.
NASA has shown us views of the Big Marble, the breathtakingly beautiful planet on which we live because it studies space and the Earth.
Florida About Blog We are nature photographers focused on creating compelling images of all the wildlife, scenery and outdoor adventure on this big beautiful planet of ours Frequency about 1 post per week.
Our solar system is in the middle of the galaxy and right in the middle of our solar system, discounting the gas planets, is our own beautiful planet, earth.
In fact, it's the closest any spacecraft has ever come to Saturn — just 1,900 miles from the beautiful planet's cloud tops.
What I truly don't understand is that there are seemingly so many more pressing issues going on... on our beautiful planet today that need fixing.
If you're new to the idea of creating less waste, being a thoughtful consumer, and caring for this beautiful planet that points us back to the Creator himself, here are a few easy first steps.
What comes to good and evil I feel that the symbol of Adam and Eva in paradise eating of the «Three of life» refers to us as souls letting us be born with free will to this beautiful planet where we have to live in duality choosing between good and evil, until we are evolving beyond the duality of good and evil.
Hurricanes, floods, earthquakes are all part of natural occurances on this beautiful planet of ours.
- Agree, both are evil and wished neither were ever born on this beautiful planet earth.
It's not sustainable for everyone on this beautiful planet to eat that way.
Next Monday — don't eat meat and do your bit to save this beautiful planet of ours.
Being surrounded by the people I love, just enjoying the simple pleasures, we're all so lucky to be on this beautiful planet together!
Banrock Station has been helping to protect our beautiful planet since 1995 when the Banrock Station Environmental Trust was established to re-invest profits from the sale of Banrock Station wines into environmental projects around the world.
An internationally recognised example of Accolade Wines investing to protect our beautiful planet
Thanks for raising a glass to help protect our beautiful planet.
For nearly 20 years, the Banrock Station Environmental Trust has re-invested profits from the sale of Banrock Station wines into environmental projects around the world, and our commitment to date exceeds AUD$ 6 million to more than 130 projects in 13 countries to help protect our beautiful planet.
Since 1995, Banrock Station has delivered quality wines to people across the globe, while making a significant and lasting contribution to environmental projects that are «helping protect our beautiful planet
This day also acts as a reminder of a call to action for all of us to be kinder and gentler to this beautiful planet we call home.
Never be embarrassed again by your baby's dirty diapers with this beautiful Planet White Wet / Dry Bag.
Celebrating Earth Day with children is a great way to help them learn about our beautiful planet, and our responsibility to care for it.
I am interested in living a life conscious of my thoughts and my actions and leaving as light a footprint as I can on our beautiful planet.
It's time to celebrate our beautiful planet!
Members are committed to helping to preserve our beautiful planet by business practices that employ energy savings, resource conservation and utilizing sustainable materials whenever possible
It's that time of year again — Earth Month, and more specifically, Earth Day — a time to take stock of all of the eco-friendly things we are doing in our lives, and all of the ways that we can do more to protect our beautiful planet.
Lets mobilise and change things before it is too late to save our beautiful Planet Earth.
By day it shows our beautiful planet and its countries.
As a hydrologist, I am fascinated by the natural phenomena of our beautiful planet.
Discover views of Earth from space in A Beautiful Planet, the newest IMAX 3D documentary film.
I'm not usually one of those «check out this beautiful planet photo» people (jk, I am).
This is my fourth time on a plane, and currently, I'm watching Greenland pass by below me, and I feel peaceful, calm, and in awe that man has created a machine that can show us so much of this beautiful planet in such a short amount of time.
The magnificent redwoods reminded me that we are all interconnected on this beautiful planet.
It's ridiculous to think that all the woman on this beautiful planet have exactly the same body function on exactly the same day each and every month.
It's all so you can feel proud knowing that your clothes helped serve the beautiful planet you're roaming.
That may very well be the difference between dying tomorrow or enjoying many more years on this beautiful planet.
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