Sentences with phrase «one's bewilderment»

Overall, I came away with a few ah - ha moments and other times a sense of bewilderment of process necessary to render a single facial expression.
We always hope for consistency from referees and no two games can be compared exactly, but anyone who saw Ross Barkley's horror tackle on Jordan Henderson recently, which Dean only thought worthy of a yellow card, can only shake their head in bewilderment in his treatment of Feghouli.
The look of pure horror grows on Beatriz» face, as does her sense of bewilderment at how people can behave this way.
all i can visualize at this moment is JESUS sitting on a stump scratching and rubbing his forehead, mind fulled with bewilderment of how MAN has corrupted his basic plan.
The back - and - forth smacks of another controversy in recent weeks, when E! Online published a tongue - in - cheek listicle expressing bewilderment in the face of rising YouTube stars.
She has roots from her overdue hair appointment and a look of bewilderment as if saying...» is it supposed to be like this?
He told Amy that he shut down to deal with his sense of bewilderment about how to respond to her and that he needed her support.
I just sit here in bewilderment on how they can't see the similarities in the attitudes but focus only on the differing ways of getting the same message out there.
They created an illusory prosperity, which only they really benefited from anyway, and then expressed bewilderment when it all crashed down around them.
Shelton's high school coach at Damien, Mike LeDuc, expressed sheer bewilderment at how hard his senior guard pushes himself.
I am filled with utter bewilderment in the face of this singular event and would have found it difficult to accept as real, were it not captured in the testimony of hundreds of onlookers, including jaundiced journalists with their cameras.
Observers who attended yesterday's start of the music - downloading trial of Joel Tenenbaum seemed to be scratching their heads in bewilderment over the defense.
Hence genuine bewilderment as to why Jeremy's support remains so stubborn in light of awful polling, a parliamentary party in revolt, and reports about the leader's incompetence.
If the mushrooming of theologies constitutes a source of bewilderment for the student and teacher of theology, how much more devastating must the situation be for practicing clergy?
Yeah that feeling of total bewilderment as you stare at the 437 different shades of yellow.
Neeson commands a lot of these scenes, conveying checked anger and frustration, as well as general bewilderment at the unfolding scenario.
When the breeze was in our favor, we stared in complete bewilderment at what the earth hid in its bowels and what humans could do when they uncovered such power.
The internet is replete with articles touting the pros and cons of both, which does nothing more than to push you even deeper into bewilderment.
Some of us of a certain age will admit to a degree of bewilderment Read more -LSB-...]
In both cases we confessed our faith in medical science, health professionals and institutions but at the same time, we betrayed a moral bewilderment grounded in spiritual impoverishment.
Clive Lewis caused bewilderment among Labour MPs today by saying he wants to be in government with Green MP Caroline Lucas.
For me, film's that tend to cause this level of angst, frustration and bewilderment go on to become timeless classics and all time favourites.......2001: A Space Odyssey, Only God Forgives.
It was a thing of great bewilderment to see the people die.
There was real bewilderment inside Wembley at half - time following the events of the first half, but thankfully the players cleared their heads quickly during the break and blitzed Rochdale with four goals in the opening 20 minutes of the second period to put the tie to bed.
I'm so glad I found it this late in life, like a formerly blind man seeing a sunrise, so was my reaction to Wesley Snipes throwing Gary Busey like a torpedo, my constant bewilderment at how they'd cram more and more skydiving and subculture into the movie, the inconsistency of Snipes» mood and general actions leading me to believe they simply rolled cameras and he refused to do a second take.
The path to Doug frantically motors the trio all over the city, dealing with Tyson's animal demands (The Champ nabs big laughs playing his Phil Collins - loving self), random flashes of unlikely gangster violence, and their own bewilderment as they can't quite grasp the enormity of their evening, frequently stumbling over immeasurable trouble the mild - mannered guys can't believe they caused.
I stood there for a moment, in mute bewilderment.
You know, the bordering - on - breakdown exhaustion, the dozen poops a day, the clogged milk ducts, the raging hormonal shifts, the whole I - have - no - idea - what - I'm - doing bewilderment of new parents.
I have longed for Vertoghen after we concluded the Vermaelen deal, I'm still in bewilderment why we never went for him.
Why, an American might ask, are Koreans so dominated by familial desires, whereas a Korean might ask with equal bewilderment how an American could justify fulfilling a personal dream, even if it meant flouting parental wishes.
Composer Vince DeCola gets a small featurette for his best - known score, and he explains with mixed bewilderment and pleasant surprise when fans started contacting him about releasing his music.
Ms. Sheedy reinvents herself as a tough, fascinating presence, while Ms. Mitchell's earnest bewilderment also serves the story well.
Pranks and jokes can reveal deeper truths, says Lyons, echoing Freud's observation in his 1905 book Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious that «the effect of a joke comes about through bewilderment being succeeded by illumination.»
Watching some Louis C.K. late last night probably has something to do with bewilderment upon reading Austin noting fred's «fragrance»... lol.
If we are genuinely baffled about how best to describe the moral status of that human subject who is the unimplanted embryo, we should not go forward in a way that peculiarly combines metaphysical bewilderment with practical certitude by approving even such limited cloning for experimental purposes.
Sell all your cleverness and purchase true bewilderment.
Alfred North Whitehead criticized theology for shrinking «from facing the moments of bewilderment inherent in any tentative approach to the formulation of ideas.»
The typical Protestant either shrugs and smiles at all this or asks in sincere bewilderment what difference it makes.
She'd have left all the lovely hair, which looked like gentle bewilderment, just as the lifted head and the ears looked like waiting grown old, like trust grown old.
People who upheld community tradition seldom spoke to her, and when they did it was with the sort of benevolent bewilderment that others might display toward the village idiot or the town drunk.
In bewilderment instead of a grasp, the uncertain choice instead of the unquestionable forward march is of course threatening.
I experience a combination of slight envy together with bemused bewilderment when others share how they spend their downtime.
Today when it is necessary to human survival itself that the nerve of hope for that better society be kept alive, there is widespread bewilderment and anxiety.
Nobody expects to win the champions league, when bayern or madrid go out of competition its not the look of amazement surprise bewilderment shock or dumbfoundment that they convey... its them being utterly gutted.
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