Sentences with phrase «one's birth culture»

She strives to promote a gentle and informed birth culture through her free educational blog and by participating in local campaigns to raise awareness about important issues in maternal health care.
She strives to promote a gentle and informed birth culture through her free educational blog and by participating in local campaigns to raise awareness about important issues in maternal health care.
In our modern, medical birth culture, we often treat birth as if it is a procedure that we require medical professionals to perform.
Want to know what it's really like in a birthing room and in America's birth culture right now?
But rather the very birth culture that is perpetuated in first world countries.
Our families who have pursued adoptions from Bulgaria share ideas about incorporating birth culture, parenting and other adoption related topics with one another, drawing on each other's creativity and commitment to their children.
But picked it up again nearer to the birth and created some birth art that means so much to me and used it to prepare psychologically and emotionally for the birth, something which we have so little help in doing in our medicalised birth culture.
Adoptive parents are told that they must incorporate their child's birth culture into their life in order to raise healthy Read more... Listen >
What I had meant to say was that if Dr T is going to use the Netherlands as an example to support her claim that home birth is not safe, when France has an even higher perinatal rate (with an almost non-existent home birth culture), then she's cherry - picking her stats and misleading her readers.
Join Spence - Chapin this summer in South Korea to deepen your connection to your child's birth culture through sights, sounds, smells, food, and language.
Critics will likely welcome the current decline in international adoptions, citing concerns that foreign adoptions remove children from their «birth culture», exploit poor birth mothers and enable illicit child trafficking.
We also love when there ARE home birth families in these classes, as it helps normalize the home birth model that is making a come back in our birth culture.
This is not a hobby or something we do to change the birth culture.
I want to raise our daughters to be confident and secure and to have an appreciation for their birth culture.
We are alert to the loss of birth culture and the potential for loss of healthy racial identity.
Absolutely, especially when looking at the US home birth culture.
«if Dr T is going to use the Netherlands as an example to support her claim that home birth is not safe, when France has an even higher perinatal rate (with an almost non-existent home birth culture), then she's cherry - picking her stats and misleading her readers.»
Sometimes recovering from birth means having someone there to listen and talk things through with; someone who understands how important it is to be listened to and who understands our birth culture in Ireland.
America's birth culture is highly polarised, and as such you will find extreme and lunatic views at both ends of the spectrum.
We also love when there ARE home birth families in these classes, as it helps normalize the home birth model that is making a come back in our birth culture.
Our birth culture has moved too far away from listening to women who trust themselves.
As our birth culture becomes more and more medical, we seem to be losing traditional wisdom and ways of working with families throughout pregnancy and birth to keep them healthy and well - set up for a healthy, natural birth.
Our campers participate in many activities, which promote learning about their birth culture, including arts and crafts, cuisine, language, history and music.
Deepen your connection to your birth culture by traveling to South Korea.
She is passionate about supporting families through the adoption process and beyond, continuing their adoption journey by helping children learn about their birth culture as well as see other families like theirs.
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