Sentences with phrase «one's black thumb»

I have a total black thumb, so we are just praying the massive amount of plants we bought live to see next month.
Lately I've talked a lot about my love for plants, and how I'm so proud of myself for defeating the dreaded black thumb.
I have a naturally black thumb, so I'm kind of excited that I've been keeping plants alive this fall!
«If you've never grown anything before, a single «no show» or «wimp out» can easily fertilize an attack of Black Thumb syndrome.
But for black thumbs in the audience having houseplants that die can just contribute to plant guilt.
I am the biggest black thumb in all the land, so I opted for some INdoor window boxes [HERE] filled with faux succulents, all from Hobby Lobby!
black thumb here, with little time on my hands... but i've wanted something «alive» in the house for a long time!
If only mine wasn't the Great Black Thumb, we might enjoy growing it.
I shopped my house to style it up, and added this pretty little faux Fiddle Leaf Fig in the corner, because hi, I have a serious black thumb.
I have a TERRIBLE black thumb and I feel so guilty every time I kill a plant, so I've given up and buy nice fakes.
«I've seen companies broken up because they hired a chief gardener and didn't recognize that he had a black thumb
I'd love to learn how to grow things (I have a black thumb) and prepare awesome food with what I grow.
I don't have a garden but I, too, am no longer cursed with a black thumb AND MY PLANTS ARE ALIVE / THRIVING.
I have a black thumb too, and city living limits having any real garden space Good thing we have farmers markets Dietitian Jess recently posted... Recipe Redux: Fresh Veggie Quinoa Salad
Tips for a black thumb: grow potatoes!
Kale is something I grow every fall / winter and it is forgiving of a black thumb!
Whatever is the equivalent to a black thumb in the kitchen, I have!
I have a black thumb, so this would totally help!
I have a black thumb.
Cut into about 2 - inch lengths and briefly blanched in the microwave, I used them as the basis for a quick salad that also made good use of preserved lemons from my fridge, as well as lemon thyme and lemon verbena, both growing miraculously in my backyard, despite my oft - black thumb.
I have whatever the equivalent is of a «black thumb» when it comes to baking lol!!
(Don't worry, these are safe from my black thumb.)
My black thumb keeps me from growing tomatoes, or much in the way of food stuffs other than herbs, but I know that a properly green thumb and a few tomato plants can keep you in tomatoes for months.
Yes, I do have a black thumb.
Hence how I ended up growing chili pepper plants in tiny pots indoors last season (they did surprisingly well given my black thumb).
Zucchini bread might be the very first thing I ever baked or cooked on my own, when I was a kid (my mother doesn't have the black thumb I do, so I grew up around excesses of zucchini) but I haven't made it in years.
For one, they are super-easy to grow inside, right on your counter top — trust me, I have a black thumb and I can grow oodles of them — and two, they are an amazing way to get that much closer to eating healthy.
I now read up to 10 books a week, cultivate a thriving indoor garden despite old beliefs that I have a «black thumb,» hone my interior styling and cooking skills, and write a lot.
Have a black thumb?
I don't typically make vegan pesto, in fact I stopped making homemade pesto altogether once my black thumb killed every single basil plant I bought.
6) In case you didn't know, I have a black thumb.
So basically I'm just a bad neighbor with a black thumb.
I totally have black thumb and praying I wont kill something like this!
I have a black thumb so I loved all the links!
I love having a garden, but I have a black thumb, so my mom does most of my gardening.
Okay back to the orchid thing... Orchids are one of my favorite flowers, but I seem to have somewhat of a black thumb.
I am the same with a black thumb... however one trick I learned with orchids was when I was working at a fancy restaurant in Texas we had them EVERYWHERE and we watered them once a week with ice cubes — apparently the slow melting of it keeps them hydrated at a slower pace!
I have a black thumb and refuse to accept that reality, so I'm constantly surrounded by half - dead plants and my husband is rolling his eyes while he figures out how to save them for me.
I have a black thumb, but Charlie has a very green thumb, so I guess it evens out.
Yes, even those with a black thumb will love succulents.
I have a black thumb so looks perfect for us!
Even though I'm pretty convinced that I have a black thumb, I love love love flowers.
To give our little garden a fighting chance against our black thumbs we purchased a truck load of nutritious potting soil.
Blush floral arrangement: When you have a black thumb like me, fake flowers are usually the best option
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