Sentences with phrase «one's blunder»

No longer the master strategist, he has committed a series of blunders of quite breathtaking naivete.
The head of Puerto Rico's public utility company, PREPA, resigned Friday afternoon following a series of blunders in the effort to restore Puerto Rico's power grid.
Ross McKitrick makes a habit of making blunders with the numbers, doesn't he.
With the smartphone and tablet revolution dominated by ARM, with Windows and Apple moving to ARM, we can probably say that, with the magical superpower of hindsight, Intel selling its XScale business to Marvell will probably go down as one of the biggest blunders in technology history.
What followed was a further series of blunders from one of the world's largest airlines.
Are you overlooking common resume blunders on your resume?
Deferment of checked baggage is one of the most common blunders committed by airlines.
· Judith Briles reveals How to Avoid Publishing Blunders and How to Become a Confident Writer and Author.
Climate alarmists make major blunder in reporting Antarctica ice loss results: «Total ice loss from latest study is «consistent» with, not «double» prior study measurements»
Ever made a huge blunder at the office?
We've compiled the worst resume blunders as advised by career experts, formatted these mistakes, and created a fictitious «worst resume ever.»
David Cameron for THAT honours list, after blundering by calling an EU referendum, fighting an unconvincing campaign and quitting as PM and then as an MP, despite saying he'd stay in the Commons.
Slow down to avoid such big blunders when sending personal documents.
It's hard enough to avoid blundering into the minefield of the weak male ego as it is!
Naming La La Land as best picture last year instead of the real winner, Moonlight, was the worst blunder in Oscar history: an official backstage was too busy tweeting to focus on giving Warren Beatty the correct envelope.
Last generation might not have been the best time for SEGA fans, the start of 2006 was pretty rocky with SEGA totally ruining the image of Sonic the Hedgehog and releasing a slew of blunders through out the generation.
In one of the biggest PR blunders for a big tech brand that we've seen for some time, Sony... Read more
Ultimately it was decided that the accounting firm of PwC - short for PricewaterhouseCoopers - will be kept on board for the 90th ceremony next year with a few new precautions to prevent the same blunder from happening again.
To avoid such blunders from our side, we have employed the most experienced and talented writers to handle the research and writing tasks.
JC Michael Portillo described David Cameron's decision to hold the EU referendum as the greatest blunder ever made by a British prime minister.
If anything, what the Canadian copyright crisis reminds us is how loosely an author corps is formed in a national setting, and how vulnerable it can be to unthinkable policy blunders like the Copyright Modernization Act of 2012.
We can all admit to making a few obvious financial blunders at some point or another that we should have known better about.
Until we do we are just blundering around in the dark.
without worrying about blundering into another lane.
Through a post made over at TSSZ, we're now aware that Sega recently acquired three very specific domain names with one misspelled purposely to avoid any potential marketing blunders caused by someone owning - and maybe promoting - Shemnue as their own.
Queens State Senator James Sanders made a potentially career - ending political blunder when he filed last December to challenge long - sitting Congressman Gregory Meeks.
That was a colossal blunder for which the planet has been paying ever since.
If you've never written a resume before — or even if you have — you might be guilty of a few blunders common not just among nurses, but in the healthcare industry as a whole.
The hail got my beets, and a few other blunders got some miscellany.
While you will obviously avoid everyday writing blunders such as typos, data errors, poor grammar, and untruths, it is important to look deeper for subtle mistakes that could cost you an interview slot.
I just hope me being so open about my first blunder doesn't deter folks from wanting to work with me in the future.
-LSB-...] written an opinion piece on the Social Liberal Forum website about why the Labour Party is making a major strategic blunder by embracing the -LSB-...]
Disregarding inflation in the financial planning process is another major financial planning blunder.
The Bournemouth side were a victim of their own predicament following consistent pressure from Arsenal to commit a big blunder which resulted to Sanchez opener in the game.
Either way, you can't qualify for federal, state, or college - sponsored aid without it, so you're committing a serious blunder if you don't apply.
Surely we don't need to make the same policy blunder with preschool that it appears we may have made with kindergarten.
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