Sentences with phrase «one's body stores»

The rest of the pregnancy weight gain is a woman's body storing fat and energy for pregnancy and beyond.
It can also replenish body stores of carbohydrates in the form of glycogen.
The human body stores energy from food for future use as saturated fat, which is a cleaner burning fuel source than glucose.
See number two above and you're back to that stressed body storing calories as fat easier under stress.
It is important to balance the toxins released from body stores with the bandwidth of the natural detox system.
While most fat cells in the human body store energy, everyone has a small subset of brown fat cells that do the opposite — burn energy and generate heat.
The reason behind low - carb diet is that when carbohydrates are consumed by the body, these carbs are converted into glucose and body stores glucose as fat.
The energy, protein, and other nutrients in breastmilk come from the mother's diet or from her own body stores.
There is also evidence that low body stores of magnesium increase the risk of abnormal heart rhythms, which may increase the risk of complications after a heart attack [4].
Hips and groin are regions where body stores most of its tension.
Under ideal circumstances... (Say a person is very well nourished and they have good body stores of all the different nutrients floating around in their tissues, blood and cells) Fasting would lower the load on the body of various...
It must be remembered, urine is a waste product from the body, and the many and complex compounds contained in this waste substance serve to tell us more about what the body has retained, as well as wasted, rather than what the actual body stores of minerals are.
The body burns less fats and more sugar as it works at a higher percentage of its total power output — a problem because even a very lean body stores about 100 times more calories in fats than it does in sugars.
The timeline for the development of scurvy varies, depending on vitamin C body stores, but signs can appear within 1 month of little or no vitamin C intake (below 10 mg / day)[6,7,21,22].
Whether a public body stores personal information in its own offices, across the street or throughout the world, all public bodies are legally required under FIPPA to protect that information.
According to the report submitted the University of Leicester, human body stores data in trillion GB.
Never starve yourself to lose weight you will lose huge amounts of muscle and go back to the old famine, body storing fat thing we mentioned earlier.
Not only do added sugars displace nutritionally superior foods in the diet, but they may also deplete nutrients from other foods that have been consumed, as well as from body stores, in order to enable their proper oxidation and liberate their calories as energy.
While other fat in the human body stores energy, brown fat burns energy to generate heat, maintaining our temperature in chilly climes.
Body stores of potassium are depleted in chronic diarrhoea so foods high in potassium are important, for example, bananas, orange and pineapple.
We know the science of how the body stores energy in fat.
A massage release muscle tension, which is how your body stores stress.
Our bodies store vitamin A, vitamin D, and iron — however in time those stores are depleted.
Remember, the body stores these vitamins for a period of time.
We know that our bodies store amino acids in their muscular and liver amino acid pools.
But a new discovery revealed 2 vegetables you should almost NEVER eat, because they spike your blood sugar, cause Type 2 Diabetes and make your body store annoying belly fat!
Frequent urination can help eliminate toxins that the body stores in the liver and kidneys, and thereby prevent the dangerous conditions that occur when toxins are allowed to remain in the body.
Because glucose is being used as the primary source of energy, fats are not needed, and your body stores them.
Additionally, ginger helps protect the bodies stores of the super anti-oxidant & free radical destroyer glutathione.
store bought candy contains anti-nutrients, which deplete needed vitamins or minerals from your body
The body stores glycogen in its liver and muscles; most people's bodies have enough glycogen to about last 20 miles, or a fifth of an ultra.
The typical distance covered by a top - level, outfield player in a match is 10 — 13 km and during this the bodies stored energy levels drop by approximately 90 %.
Newborn babies can produce glucose from their body stores of energy until they are breastfeeding well and are more likely to do so when they remain skin to skin with their mothers.
Basically, your body stores up fat during your pregnancy to provide the extra calories needed for milk production.
Vigorous dieting also produces other negative effects as the body stores toxic substances in fat.
The nutrients that your body stores go first to your baby and then to you.
The body stores your summer vitamin D for use in the winter.
In general I find it is not just your genes which determine how your body stores fat or uses sugar, but also the eating habits you have learned from your parents.
A recent study in Ireland, for example, has uncovered evidence that famine survivors preferentially pass on a gene that helps the body store fat.
Human bodies store a lot of heat, and in the vacuum of space the only way to dump that heat is to let it radiate away (on Earth, cold air could conduct the heat away more rapidly, but we're in space here).
The first study showed that our propensity to gain fat, and where the body stores it, are influenced by genetics.
Now a team of scientists has shown that even cells in the skeleton — which we commonly think of as mere scaffolding — exude a hormone that helps the body store fat and regulate sugar levels in the blood.
Probably, but a hormone that controls how the body stores fats may keep diabetes and other metabolic disorders in check
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