Sentences with phrase «one's bond payments»

The state also provides additional aid to match local tax effort above the required levy, and districts can obtain state aid for help in making bond payments.
These bonds have no call features, so the timing and distribution of bond payments can not be altered by any foreseeable occurrence.
If the company can't make those payments, it won't go into default like it would for a missed bond payment.
Cash flows from bond payments that are received during the month are retained in the index until the end of the month and then are removed as part of the rebalancing.
They may not just bond the payment obligation of the party obtaining the bond.
Now that interest rates look set to rise again, bond investors will go back to what they know: safe, secure, regular bond payments.
The best way to do so is to ensure you are already done paying for your home mortgage or bond payments before you retire.
He arrests people who fail bond payments or fail to appear in court.
They may also bond the payment obligations of all persons on the project.
Lawmakers are nearing an agreement that would rescue Puerto Rico just weeks before an expected major default on bond payments.
County officials plan to pay the annual $ 2.4 million bond payments for 30 years using an estimated $ 2.5 million a year the county will receive from the Oneida Indian Nation.
Without debt restructuring, Puerto Rico will be forced to default as it faces nearly $ 2.5 billion in bond payments from May through July, government officials have said.
However, one disadvantage of issuing government bonds is that as the government bond payments are made in the local currency of the country, there is a risk of inflation of the currency and in case of inflation, the value of the currency paid to you for the government bonds that you own may decrease.
Dividends tend to grow over time, whereas most bond payments do not.
Amother tech stock, Tesla, may well be fighting for its very life as its balance sheet looks dire while its massive bond payments are due over the next 1 1/2 years.
End of June: When bond payments to the ECB come due.
The island is facing a crucial week with several bond payments, including a July 1 deadline to make a $ 655 million payment on its general obligation debt.
First, the Puerto Rican government will try to unilaterally decide which bond payments it needs to skip in order to keep the lights running.
As it happens, US can print its money, so its ability to make the next bond payment is never in question.
McMahon said he and Legislator Brian May plan to propose legislation requiring the county to save a portion of the new sales tax revenue to create a debt fund, which could be used to make bond payments if revenues from the casino settlement fell short.
The three, underused garages, built with the help of $ 70 million from the Empire State Development Corp. and $ 237 million in bonds issued by the city's Economic Development Corp., haven't been generating enough revenue on game days to cover bond payments.
Since the crash, a down - spiral is underway in the $ 2.8 trillion municipal - funding system, in which local governments don't have the revenue to meet bond payments, they can't get new financing, municipal bond rates are rising, and, to worsen it all, crazy credit default swap deals have been foisted on localities.
The move didn't dissuade Sampson, who has been pushing a plan to refinance tobacco bond payments that New York receives from tobacco companies.
Companies also have a much easier time suspending dividend payments on preferred shares, which they can do at their discretion, than they do halting bond payments, which would mean bankruptcy.
Bonds Bond payments are taxed as straight income, which means if you're in the top bracket in Ontario, you'll have to pay about 46 % tax.
«Beyond that, clients have all the exemptions and deductible expenses, some portion of their total receipts are taxed at (lower) dividend or capital gains rates, muni bond payments are not taxed by the federal government at all (unless you are in the AMT), losses are harvested out of the investment portfolio, and many advisory clients have a host of other lines filled out on their tax forms that blunt Uncle Sam's fingers in your client's wallet.»
Moreover, UBS has entered into partnership with a distributed clearing company Clearmatics, which enhances the «third - generation cryptocurrency» Ethereum and supplies scheduling capabilities required by UBS to automate smart bond payments.
The sale of the bonds by Silverstein Properties came after the site's owner, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, rejected the firm's bid to have the agency guarantee bond payments, reports Bloomberg.
Using the money to lower your overall bond payment or repayment time frame is one of the more powerful ways of utilizing the grant, and with retrospective applications, this is usually the only way to do so.
This means that from early on the investor's rent will probably cover his monthly bond payments (depending on the size of his deposit) and the overall return after, allowing for taxes, levies and agent's fees, will again have been 11 %.
The interest and principal payments on the loans are then used to make the interest and principal payments on the bonds
In In January of 1933, when Stevens was 12, Ernest Stevens (center) along with his father (to his right) and his brother, Raymond (to his left), were indicted on charges that they embezzled money from Illinois Life to make bond payments on the Stevens hotel.
After a congressional debate on a bill on Puerto Rico's debt crisis was hastily canceled Thursday following months of negotiations due to remaining disagreements, investors were bracing for a so - called debt moratorium that could lead to up to $ 2.4 billion in missed bond payments.
Tens of thousands of bond payments are returned to the Treasury Department each year.
While Venezuela has kept current on its bond payments, it has paid some coupons late, leading ratings agencies to declare a selective default and keeping creditors guessing.
Unlike the bond payments that went into default on Monday, the ones coming due are on general obligation bonds — the kind many investors have been led to believe would never go into default because the issuer's full faith, credit and taxing authority stand behind them.
They set the scenario in 2013, when the fictional state of New Jefferson — said to be the third largest U.S. state — faces a $ 1.5 billion bond payment.
At the same time, the Venezuelan government has $ 120 billion in debt, and although it has not yet missed a bond payment, worries are rising about its ability to meet its obligations.
David Kotok, chairman at Cumberland Advisors, discusses Puerto Rico defaulting on two bond payments and what it means for the bond market and the country.
The order is the first taken under the Puerto Rico Emergency Moratorium and Financial Rehabilitation Act enacted this past week, which gives the governor emergency powers to deal with the fiscal crisis, including the ability to declare a moratorium on all bond payments.
It gives you a sense of how far a company's earnings can decline before it will begin defaulting on its bond payments.
You can reinvest your bond payments into more bonds for faster income growth but the lower rate of return means that growth is not likely to be very fast.
Fannie and Freddie guarantee loans to secondary market investors, while Ginnie Mae guarantees mortgage - bond payments.
For example, if a borrower defaults on their mortgage, Fannie and Freddie are responsible for the losses on the loans they guarantee to investors, while Ginnie Mae is financially responsible for the bond payments to the holders of Ginnie Mae securities.
Venezuela's state - owned oil company is struggling to make bond payments, and could put US oil company Citgo up for sale to Russia's Rosneft.
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP)-- A spiraling Puerto Rico debt crisis reached a new milestone as the island missed nearly $ 370 million on a bond payment Monday and officials warned of worse to come if the U.S. Congress doesn't help it dig out from a mountain...
In addition to refinancing the loan, the district restructured its bond payment to provide a more level repayment schedule.
If a country ever skips or if it is late with a bond payment, then is considered to be in default.
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