Sentences with phrase «one's book promotion efforts»

That's the type of book promotion effort this book publicist can get behind!
But we can say, with certainty, that online book promotion efforts will grow increasingly more important.
You don't have to go anywhere, or make s series of bookstore and library stops in various cities, to feel good about your traditional book promotion efforts.
Advance book promotion efforts include, primarily, efforts to garner book reviews and build a social media platform.
Every radio show appearance, and every newspaper and magazine interview, that you can do by telephone adds to your visibility and gives your overall book promotion effort a boost.
That's the most amazing book promotion effort I've heard of in recent times!
Sometimes, book promotion efforts provide instant PR opportunities.
There are two aspects related to timing that can optimize book promotion efforts.
Building your fan - tribe will be enormously important in your ongoing book promotion efforts.
We have many authors at Outskirts Press who have accomplished this, and it is a milestone in their continuing book promotion efforts.
I'm working on book promotion efforts until Santa Claws himself slides down my chimney and tells me to unplug my computer and take a break.
Just as authors and publishers currently consider it critical to get their books into the search engines, and to allow their book discovery to happen both organically and through concerted book promotion efforts, they may — according to ThoughtCatalog — soon be focusing on book discovery through Trajectory.
After countless client conversations, I've found some really common practices that you'll be best to stay away from, as well as ideas for how you can improve existing book promotion efforts.
Even without the recession, no one can predict from one moment to the next the ways in which the publishing industry will evolve, and the ways in which book promotion efforts will need to change.
There are many authors and publishers out there (and you may be one of them) who believe the impact of online book promotion efforts is negligible, and that the only book publicity that matters is real - world buzz (that is, getting book reviews in traditional magazines and newspapers, and scoring interviews on radio and television shows).
That doesn't mean, if Google singles you out as the de facto expert on your topic, that you can fire your book publicist and cease all other book promotion efforts.
Plus it adds a personal touch to your book promotion efforts.
Does that mean that those of us who are using social networking as part of our book promotion efforts should tweet more, hoping that our Twitter followers see at least some of those tweets?
But the best advice this book publicist could provide to most authors who want to self publish their books would be this: to maximize your chances of selling the greatest number of books as a reward for your book promotion efforts, work with LightningSource.
What can the self publishing company you're considering do to help make your book promotion efforts worthwhile?)
If that's something you want to do as part of your book promotion efforts, feel free to do so.
And, while your virtual book tour is a big part of your book promotion effort, keep working on your traditional book promotion efforts.
TV and radio show interviews, and newspaper and magazine articles, all help your book promotion effort, and few authors would argue that book promotion is a luxury.
As Rein has found, it's never too early to ramp up your book promotion efforts — and you can never have too many extra helping hands on board.
Most of your book promotion efforts are most likely geared to driving...
Most of your book promotion efforts are most likely geared to driving potential buyers to Amazon.
In short, my book promotion efforts require two phone lines.
Historically, book promotion efforts have been related to book sales (book publicists of integrity won't tell you exactly how the two are related, because we can't know for sure — but we do know that there's usually a correlation between the two).
Its unique features can help you be even more targeted and effective with your book promotion efforts than either Twitter or Facebook.
Then if your audience occasionally see tweets about your book, they are less likely to be irritated by your book promotion efforts.
Ignoring this fact is something that can literally kill your book promotion efforts before they even begin.
Here are some more goodies to help you maximize the effectiveness of your book promotion efforts?
Blog commenting is a great way to fix that and boost your book promotion efforts.
And, having some ideas for what you'd like to do will aid in your book promotion efforts.
Consider your book promotion efforts as part of your insurance plan to generate more book sales.
It didn't immediately hit me, but within a few minutes, I realized that book promotion efforts put forth that day would be a waste of time and energy.
We're highlighting some top book marketing tweets, courtesy of bloggers, marketers, authors and others, to help you with your book promotion efforts.
For Group B, write a brief, personalized note to each person about your book promotion efforts, and offer 1 - 3 concrete ways they could help you — e.g., tweet about the book on a specific day, excerpt the book on their blog / site, run a Q&A, etc..
Take your book promotion efforts online!
Results of the book promotion effort?
Below are just a few of the reasons you might use photos in your book promotion efforts:
Naturally, I rushed him the author photo and book cover, and I congratulated myself on continuing my book promotion efforts even during a week when you wouldn't expect anyone to be at the other end of pitches.
But morally, I think Frey is completely unjustified in telling tales about Oprah as part of his book promotion efforts.
Our book promotion services will help you get your book promotion efforts started.
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