Sentences with phrase «one's brief play»

Instead, we are left with a simpler and more casual experience that lends itself to brief play sessions.
Clearly the written brief plays a key role in setting up the appeal.
Russ (scatterthought): I enjoyed my first brief play of versus mode, but it didn't really feel like my choices in wordy games impacted the actual gameplay aside from the initial «make it more or less difficult».
Visually, the world of Moss certainly has a lot of appeal, and is a varied enough place across the games rather brief playing time.
I think these kids do better if they come home from school or daycamp, have a little snack, do some chores or homework, have brief play time, and then have dinner.
PRESENTATION While the written brief plays a key role in setting up the appeal, a case is often won or lost during the initial presentation to the appellate judge and how you stay focused on giving succinct and poignant answers to the most difficult questions.
And when Roberto Carlos left the Bernabéu in 2009 he wound his career down with Fenerbahce, Corinthians, and Anzhi Makhachkala, retired in 2012, and then made a brief playing comeback in 2015 with the Delhi Dynamos.
Before this, he'd had a brief playing career.
Crisis on the Planet of the Apes VR is not a game that will leave a lasting impression with its brief play time and some unnatural feeling controls but the climbing works well and the gunplay brings back memories of light gun games.
We give you a brief play by play of our experiences with them.
I had been keeping an eye on the Yoga Tablet 2 10 ″ Windows version and after watching several reviews on - line and having a brief play with one at Mobile World Congress, I decided I would take the plunge.
We weren't able to determine from our brief play whether or not you would be able to organise the feeds beyond just having them in the one feed, but if you only follow a handful of sites it will very helpful none the less.
We weren't able to give the tablet a thorough going over - we will save that for the Asus Transformer Pad Infinity review we are already planning - but in our brief play the models we managed to grab were quick and nimble.
Inside you get the now common (well among Windows Phone 7 handsets) 1 GHz processor and 512 MB of RAM, that means a speedy experience based on our brief play.
From our brief play with the device at the launch event in London we can immediately tell that it is faster, lighter, has a far better screen and, most importantly, is larger than the previous version.
We caught up with Dell and the super large handset at the Windows Phone 7 launch event in London to have a brief play, a quick fumble, and a chance to feel inadequate when we grasped it in our hands.
And speaking of responsive, the keyboard and trackpad are pretty good, too, from my brief play time with them.
In our brief play it did seem a little too slow when set alongside the likes of the Apple iPad 2 or the Motorola Xoom to give you the sort of consumer buzz you want from a new device.
Putting the kittens in a carrier and going to a friend's house for a brief play - and - cuddle session.
If your dog isn't as motivated by food treats, a toy, petting, or brief play can be very effective rewards.
For those pets, the reward could be in the form of a toy or brief play.
It would be wonderful to post a video of a brief play - through, or a trailer - style commercial of some of these heavy - hitting games to show that they are full - on adventures, easily rent - able, or available via the subscription.
In a brief play session at E3, «King's Quest» was alternately amiable and goofy, the sort of bright hand - drawn fairy tale world one wants to get lost in.
As a downside, the brief play time means that some of the characters are pretty undeveloped, as in spite of the amusing dialogue, most of the characters (even the villain) are really shallow.
demo showcasing the free - form parkour mechanics in action as the player made the trek up towards an overpass; the second demo was a brief play - through with YouTube sensation PewDiePie:
We noticed in our brief play that it's not as powerful as the A10X processor found in the Pro range, but it runs smoothly and efficiently, especially if you aren't being super demanding.
We were given a brief play to find out.
We noticed some design flaws in our brief play: when docked, for example, the whole device tipped over after opening it up past 110 - degrees; plus we accidentally undocked the tablet from the keyboard when it was closed a couple of times as well.
We caught up with Dell and the super large handset at the Windows Phone 7 launch event in London to have a brief play, a quick fumble, and a chance to feel inadequate when we grasped it in our hands.
Inside you get the now common (well among Windows Phone 7 handsets) 1 GHz processor and 512 MB of RAM, that means a speedy experience based on our brief play.
A brief play intervention to improve synchronous interactions and play skills in low income mother - child dyads.
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