Sentences with phrase «one's brief scenes»

The film contains brief scenes of social drinking at home and the depiction of women drinking in a bar.
A handful of brief scenes establish an instant connection with any viewer to ever have been, or have had, a parent.
In one all too brief scene, the film finds humor, parody, and the irresistible sense of playful surprise it should have had all along.
A few sexual comments are heard too, and one brief scene implies an intimate encounter between a man and woman who have just met.
It features Naruto, Bee, and Sasuke, but does include a very brief scene where Jiraiya comes down with a Rasengan and then Naruto and Sakura are together punching Kakashi!
At the end of the film, actual brief scenes from The Room appear on a split screen next to the same recreated scenes in The Disaster Artist.
However, he does get to have brief scenes with Peter O'Toole (Bright Young Things, The Final Curtain) and Julie Christie (Snapshots, No Such Thing).
Among the supporting players, the movies sees fine performances from the likes of Diane Lane as Rusty's sometimes girlfriend, the then - little - known likes of Nicolas Cage (Coppola's nephew and the son of August), Chris Penn and Vincent Spano as members of Rusty's gang, Laurence Fishburne as a local go - between and Sofia Coppola, billed as Domino, who is funny and charming in a few brief scenes as Lane's bratty younger sister.
But it only needs the character's symbolic value, underdeveloped though it is, and so gives us only a few brief scenes of dialogue-less interaction that don't signify a great deal and tell an instantly - forgettable, barely - there story.
I kept wishing that she had exchanged roles with Ruth Hussey (Grant and she share only one brief scene together but I get more heat from that exchange than anything else in the whole film) but nobody's listening to me anyway.
In the setup for the NewsHour's 11/17/16 Myron Ebell story, they showed a very brief scene at the United Nations» Morocco Climate Conference where an unidentified «man» was seen declaring that the US would shred the Paris Climate Accord, before being escorted away by UN security police.
Justin: This mutant viewing is rated «R» for brief scenes of nudity, violent uses of bad puns, and disturbing images of violence against monkeys.
Oh, there is a very brief scene early on where Sulu is shown greeting and embracing his husband and young daughter.
The few, brief scenes involving the detective flirt with the idea that Ruth's victimization exists chiefly within her own mind, but the film eventually opts to validate her victim complex.
In a Frederick Wiseman - ish way, some of his subjects appear for only a single brief scene, while some recur throughout, and they're certainly a broad selection: an aristocrat who hires his family home out for film shoots, paramedics, an eel fishermen, some transsexual prostitutes, and a man trying to stop insects from destroying palm trees.
But honestly, a cast like this turns even brief scenes into showstoppers.
To quell the growing chorus of skepticism about whether Red could make good on its promises, the company started showing a few brief scenes shot with the chip.
Brief scenes fade in and out, ranging from lyrical vignettes to nightmarish visions.
Parents can expect brief scenes of street violence and comments about the Nazi interlopers, along with a handful of profanities and one strong sexual expletive.
But while the making of that movie's famous shower scene is depicted along with some other brief scenes from the film, Hitchcock focuses more on the filmmaker's marriage and obsession with his work.
The first brief scene was meant to precede the discovery of a new dead kid, but the extreme wide photography rendered the key visual a mere dot in the field; and the second scene involves local police chief Murphy with the town mayor at a grocery shop.
Olivander's shop is eerily beautifully, yet so brief a scene it is so easy to miss.
Besides, they clue the audience in to the tongue - in - cheek nature of their «true crime» story by repeatedly displaying a giant Paul Bunyan statue at the entrance of Brainerd, Minnesota (only one brief scene actually takes place in Fargo, North Dakota).
Brief scenes portray a patient in the hospital and with a doctor.
After one small brief scene, for instance, Jackson focuses in on one of Gandalf's enemies as he falls off a cliff, only to return seconds later, instead of the fight occurring only a few feet away.
a) In a second scene — e.g. the wonderful Judy Dench briefing scenes of James Bond.
Of course, neither exist, being the work of one Harrison Ford - whose brief scene in Bruno is worth the price of admission - and not content with being one of the best actors of his generation, now he's making a videogame for Facebook.
While I recognize the dangers of drawing too many object lessons from Hollywood cinema, that brief scene encapsulates much of the public's misunderstanding and misapprehension of the Canadian parole system.
It's a weirdly bleak affair which could have worked, if it wasn't for the juxtaposition from the rest of the Sonic cast; where we have super cute characters like Charmy Bee talking about fighting in a war, and brief scenes where Infinite appears to kill equally endearing anthropomorphic creatures trying to fight back.
Rupert Grint and Emma Watson are both strong in roles they have come to embody, while Tom Felton shines in his all too brief scenes as Draco Malfoy, and Matthew Lewis finally gets to impress as the courageous Neville Longbottom.
There's a ferocious if all - too - brief scene in which Adriana Barraza's Silvana loses her cool and the movie looks as if it might head toward truly dangerous, artistically enriching terrain
Except for one brief scene at the opening, a glimpse at Anne and Georges» public life, the entire film takes place within their apartment, and those long still uncut takes challenge us to keep watching, to not look away from Anne's pain and Georges's love.
Arwen, Elrond and Galadriel are present for brief scenes and as unlockable characters, but make little impact.
Geoffrey Rush is such an imaginative actor that he can encompass this man's entire conflicted make - up — the ambition, humility, obstinacy, sadness — in a single brief scene.
It even includes a few brief scenes of Eric Stoltz, who was originally cast as Marty and shot five weeks worth of footage before being recast.
Brief scenes of sensuality and female buttock nudity are also seen when Victoria strips off her dress and dives into the pair's swimming pool.
He had found himself, for the first time ever, directing the film solo for the very brief scenes that were being shot that day, but still was able present a calm and affable demeanor.
Director Niki Caro keeps the camera pointed away from both Jewish and Christian faith, besides a brief scene of two Rabbis praying as they face certain death on the business end of a Nazi flamethrower.
But in this novel no brief scene follows to resolve the ambiguity.
Nowhere surpassed in the Old Testament are, Elijah himself; Ahab, in briefer scenes but especially in chapter 21; even Jezebel, especially in the line omitted in the Hebrew manuscripts but authentically preserved in the Greek translation, the Septuagint, at 19:1 — «If you are Elijah, I am Jezebel!»
A brief scene in «The Hangover» shows a stripper played by Heather Graham nursing her baby while talking to the three leading men — all of whom appear visibly uncomfortable and unable to look away from her breasts.
Opening with a brief scene in which Glatze as a pastor meets with a conflicted teen, the film shifts back 10 years in time to 1998 San Francisco, where Glatze was the managing editor of XY, a magazine for gay male youth, and was living an out - and - proud lifestyle with his boyfriend Bennett (Quinto).
She only has one brief scene, but she excels in it, much like she did in the original film.
These brief scenes — no more than a minute each — provide crucial historical context (as we'd otherwise never see her familial interactions), but arguably tell us more about Katja's future than her past.
Fred is a most welcome presence in his brief scenes.
The worst is a brief scene in a strip club and has brief minor nudity.
A brief scene features Aiden's brother, Noah, having loud (clothed) sex, doggy style with his next - door neighbor, while still dressed in their (non-sexual) ComicCon costumes.
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