Sentences with phrase «one's brief stint»

Save for a very brief stint, I had never online dated prior to this experiment, so I was curious and clueless a perfect.
It's been leaning against the wall in my living room since it's brief stint over the kitchen window.
After brief stints in New York City and Europe, and periods of failing mental health and erratic behavior attributed to schizophrenia diagnosed in the 1930s, Altoon settled in Los Angeles in 1956 on the eve of Ferus» opening.
After brief stints as a boxer and an insurance salesman, he paid his dues for several years on the Chitlin» Circuit honing his craft as a stand - up comedian.
Mateja Kežman 2004/05: 25 appearances, four goals Another to have had a nomadic career since fleeing Mourinho's nest, the former Serbia striker retired after brief stints in Belarus and Hong Kong.
With a lack of competition and cover behind Marcos Alonso on the left flank, Palmieri will be pivotal having impressed in a relatively brief stint with Roma over the last two years.
While he's supported by a strong cast of A-listers (Vin Deisel plays fellow soldier Shroom, Kristen Stewart gets a few brief stints on camera as Billy's sister Kathryn), the use of an unknown actor gives the role an authenticity that would likely have been lost on a big name, no matter how capable.
Before finding his calling as a writer, Andre Dubus III (b. Oceanside, California) worked for brief stints as a bounty hunter, private investigator, carpenter, bartender, actor, and teacher.
They take us though the audible world of the west, and back with such subtlety and grace with brief stints of adventure.
For, the two would not only fall madly in love but she would serve as the rock who kept his nose clean after a couple of brief stints behind bars.
He came with a patchy art education, garnered on the GI Bill, that included brief stints at the Kansas City Art Institute, the Academie Julian in Paris and the storied but short - lived Black Mountain College in North Carolina.
Wylie's brief stint trying to launch a startup was largely defined by his quest to fund his endeavor.
Before becoming a full - time science writer, Andy Extance worked for six and a half years in early - stage drug discovery research, followed by brief stint in silicone adhesive and rubber manufacturing.
A director of Caltex since December 2007, Mr Gailey had a relatively brief stint as chairman, only taking over the role in December 2015.
Returning to England in 1946, Ballard spent brief stints at medical school and in the RAF, before publishing his first novel in 1961, The Drowned World, in which he argued, quite rightly, that global warming could ultimately cause the flooding a number of the world's major cities.
Cara is an experienced Internet, media and technology lawyer, having worked in - house for the past fifteen years, with a few brief stints in culinary school.
Amedore, whose brief stint as a Senator went down into the record books as New York's shortest (he was actually seated before the final vote count swung against him in January 2013), answered his own phones in his Albany - area office at the start and reiterated much of his campaign rhetoric from 2012.
There are reliably kooky turns from Jason Sudeikis as a slightly inept lunkheaded hitman, Leslie Jones as a sass - talking special agent, Kate McKinnon as a flatulent weirdo (seriously, this lady is a national comedy treasure), and an all too brief stint from Ken Marino as an FBI informant neighbor.
Steve Carell's tenure has ended, Will Ferrells brief stint is over, but The Office still needs a boss.
After a surprisingly brief stint in the queue, I and a friend got into a 4 player brawl against a couple of strangers.
Pedro G., who did a very brief stint on the state payroll, was paid more than $ 150,000 by Soundview and the management firm, Cuomo said.
Grannis, who said he wasn't responsible for the leak, is now working for state Comptroller Tom DiNapoli after a very brief stint with Environmental Advocates.
His medium for doing this was to create investment partnerships, which he created after brief stints at Buffett - Falk & Co. (his father's investment business) and the Graham - Newman Corporation (run by Ben Graham).
There are three playable characters that fulfill a speed, power, and balance trifecta, and every once in awhile the player will encounter different weapons to use for brief stints.
Here are some of those players — all of whom have enjoyed glittering, but brief stints behind the mic...
As an adult he studied at Cambridge and, after a very brief stint as a journalist, has spent his entire adult working life in Westminster politics.
Recently, my co-founders and I made the decision to move our tech startup Codeship — a developer - tool company — from the comforts of Vienna to a brief stint in Berlin and then most recently to Boston.
After a restaurant hosting job and a brief stint with UPS, he enrolled full - time in Syracuse University's Institute for Veterans and Military Families, the first - in - the - nation cross-disciplinary institute to focus on veterans.
Hired by the Japanese automaker as a designer in 1994, the 50 - year - old Briton also did a brief stint at Sony, a company he remembers fondly, if nostalgically.
Katie previously covered the community and arts, education and science sector when she joined the team in 2016, after a brief stint as a recruitment consultant.
During its brief stint at the top of the Canadian corporate hierarchy — before a series of scandals crashed its share price and gutted its C - suite — Valeant Pharmaceuticals International got used to breaking records.
Even with a brief stint on the DL this year, he is still a force to be reckoned with capable of changing the course of a ballgame in unimaginable ways.
During Munshi's brief stint at Yahoo, he oversaw 350 researchers, Munshi said in an interview with Fortune.
A brief stint at an executive search firm was followed by a partnership with a former boss that also didn't stick.
His brief stint in jail would forever alter the US and the world.
After a brief stint at Siebel Systems (acquired by Oracle in 2006), McDermott joins SAP to run its North America operations
Until the early 2000s, See's stayed west, except for a brief stint in the»80s when Huggins opened a few stores in St. Louis and Texas.
There, the comedian tells stories about his early years on stage, drag racing on Woodward Avenue, and his brief stint in prison for drug violations, before landing his iconic role on the ABC sitcom «Home Improvement.»
When he graduated in 1988, he worked a brief stint in Silicon Valley as a processes control engineer, overseeing the manufacturing of computer circuit boards for the company Zycon, but he never felt settled in.
After a brief stint at a personal injury law firm, Cohen opened up a solo practice.
After a brief stint trying to become Instagram famous on the beaches of Bali, Morgan came back to the real world and joined Eighty - Eight.
After a brief stint at Woman's College in North Carolina and a few years teaching «social ethics» at the Hartford Seminary, the relentless clacking of Berger's typewriter earned him a return ticket to the New School in 1963.
Returning to London, she completed sixth - form studies at Coloma Convent, Croydon, and after a brief stint in an office trained to be a teacher, commencing a lifelong ministry to young people.
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