Sentences with phrase «one's brilliant use»

I hope you all know teachers who make brilliant uses of technology.
Feel free to share your own brilliant uses for leftover turkey; I'd love to know what to do with the rest that I threw in the freezer just now.
It's an absolutely brilliant use of one of the great teachings of yoga: «we are all connected».
Just a totally brilliant use of colour and graphics in a variety of layouts.
It's a really brilliant use of augmented reality, and actually solves a problem that I'm sure many of you have had to deal with.
I am crazy about her elegant yet whimsical style and brilliant use of color.
With brilliant uses of color, a cyberpunk aesthetic and some exceptionally memorable character designs, this iteration seems to be working on the same level as its hyper - popular anime predecessors.
It's an excellent premise with makes brilliant use of PlayStation VR's limitations to produce an addictive puzzle game.
OOOOH brilliant use of the ice cube tray as well!!!!! CARLA recently posted... Fear and aging.
Although it's undeniably fun and features brilliant use of both the roleplaying theme and cool animations the combat system is also easily the weakest aspect of the entire game, largely because of how easy it is and how very little thought it requires, by which I mean it requires no thought at all.
Whether it be a full - blown simulator or a primitive kart racer, creation tools have been put to brilliant use so many times we've lost count.
Brilliant using Epson salt in your candle holders, stealing that idea!
The action absolutely soars, and again Webb makes brilliant use of 3D with breathtaking webslinging and innovative fight scenes.
Amid the touching narrative that will make you consider the profundity of connection, the work is beautifully executed with brilliant use of light and landscape.
OOOOH brilliant use of the ice cube tray as well!!!!! CARLA recently posted... Fear and aging.
What an absolutely brilliant use of seashells, and it's so very attractive.
It was a brilliant use of social media.»
Expertly designed from the inside - out with a brilliant use of space and attention to detail in that each room shares many common features.
Jonathan Edwards's success as a preacher was as much due to his brilliant use of images as it was to his brilliant thought.
His specific stands received less attention than his brilliant use of «compassionate conservative» language to take the hard edges off his views.
But despite her brilliant use of process thought, Moore is not satisfied with it.
I second the brilliant use of almond oil!
What a brilliant use of excess apples!
But when I looked it up, turns out in Italy this kale is always cooked with fat — pork, bacon, or your brilliant use of olive oil.
Pumpkin and Rice Soups -(Local Milk) Brilliant use of smoked salt here adding depth to a winter squash and apple blended soup base.
I blame it on Buenos Aires» brilliant use of them — atop gorgeous salads, in tortilla espanola, alongside fresh - out - of - the - oven - bread.
Mourinho's side look well placed to secure a Premier League title and could well make a good fist of a Champions League triumph to boot and this is down in no small part to the Portuguese manager's brilliant use of successive transfer windows.
At one of Alan Rosenblatt's Internet Advocacy Roundtable discussions last week, Heather Holdridge from Care2 brought up some brilliant uses of text messaging that political campaigns can use as a starting point.
For the whole of last year, the bill's professional PR campaign made brilliant use of the «brutal simplicity of thought» that is the trademarked motto of Lord Saatchi's global marketing company, and the key to all successful advertising.
An impressively detailed allover design and brilliant use of color give this rug's traditional aesthetic a fresh perspective.
I love the brilliant use of pink and turquoise (this one's actually turquoise, not teal!)
I like how the one used the purse as a pop of color and the other uses a brilliant use of different textures.
These brilliant uses for the leafy green will fill...
From cutting seamlessly between scenes with the brilliant use of sound effects, to quick cuts to show the progression of time, to the long takes exploring a character breakdown, there are many technical aspects about this film to gawk at.
Hercules is the most favorite Disney movie of all time especially including the brilliant use of gospel music!
The all new Critics» Choice Music + Film Award was created to honor a single filmmaker who has not only inspired moviegoers with his cinematic storytelling, but has heightened the impact of film through the brilliant use of source and soundtrack music.
Anouma and his team made brilliant use of motion controls in Skyward Sword, so I can't wait to see what they do with the GamePad!
Through its brilliant use of an SSX - styled trick system and the way that the developers have managed to make blocked shots as important and every bit as exciting as slam dunks, NBA Street has taken the arcade basketball genre to all - new heights.
Indeed, John Krasinski's horror hit is all about sound and makes brilliant use of silence as a storytelling device.
remains fresh and innovative, with brilliant use of light and shadows and many hauntingly effective images.
The Hitch touch is all through this delightful confection: the quick - witted innocent (Robert Donat as affable Canadian tourist Richard Hanay) plunged into conspiracy, the icy blonde (Madeleine Carroll) literally handcuffed to the man who thaws in the warmth of his charm and resourcefulness, the ingenious set pieces and brilliant use of locations, and of course the world where no one is as they seem.
Echoes of «Taxi Driver» and «Drive» weave their way through this unforgettable film, but it's also very distinctly a Ramsay production, featuring stunning sound design, striking imagery, and brilliant use of music — in this case, another great score by the one - and - only Jonny Greenwood.
A scene where Abe fights a gang of vampires while jumping back and forth off of moving horses during a stampede is mind blowing, aided in a great way by the brilliant use of 3D.
And although Lanthimos and regular co-writer Efthymis Filippou took the Best Screenplay award in Cannes, it's the film's sheer all - of - a-piece execution — from pacing and composition, to brilliant use of contemporary composers including (Kubrick fave) Ligeti and Gubaidulina, and expertly modulated performances — which holds you in its steely grip and just never lets go.
Alexander Payne's Sideways emerges as a full - fledged film, with a brilliant use of cinematic language and pacing, but also has a novelistic breadth without spilling much over the 2 - hour mark.
There is also a brilliant use of Mexican TV soap operas contrasted with the Norwegian yacht crew watching Leo on the closed - circuit system.
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