Sentences with phrase «one's chances of recovery»

You will have a much better chance of recovery by seeking medical help than trying to recover by yourself using alcohol detox remedies.
Environmental regulations, including rules on mercury and carbon emissions, are locking in those losses, with almost zero chance of a recovery for coal's share of the electricity market.
Although canine paralysis involves a lot of patience and attention, it has the highest chance of recovery compared to other kinds of conditions.
The other involved the «increased risk of harm» standard for people with less than a fifty percent chance of recovery.
Without a plan, you have little chance of recovery.
Chances of recovery decrease with every minute passing by.
Earlier in the 20th century research showed that children in hospitals who were isolated and deprived of love died, whereas those with similar illnesses who received love had much more chance of recovery.
If cat flu is diagnosed early and is treated immediately, the cat has an excellent chance of recovery.
All cases are individual, as are all courses of feline stroke treatment, but most cats have a good chance of recovery after about a month.
In some cases, multiple parties should be named to ensure the maximum chance of recovery.
Early intervention gives your teen the best chance of recovery.
By diagnosing and treating the problem early, your cat will suffer less and stand a higher chance of recovery.
The doctors said I had less than a 20 percent chance of recovery.
From learning how to deal with a bee sting or cleanout and bandage a wound, to more advanced steps, such as safely transporting an injured pet or performing CPR, knowing first aid can provide you with peace of mind and your pets with a better chance of recovery from their illness, injury, or other emergency.
If you know all three and use them in your fight, then you will have the best possible chance of recovery and lasting health (incidentally, very few people ever explain what is probably the most important of these three principles).
Early diagnosis improves chance of recovery and involves routine laboratory tests, ultrasonographic abdominal imaging, and fine needle aspiration of the liver.
If your dog requires surgery again, it will be left intubated after surgery for as long as possible to allow for a better chance of recovery with fewer problems.
Staying in the Euro means an incredibly severe depression and very low chances of recovery in the next 20 years.
One study followed 115 people with depression for six months and found that those with higher levels of B12 had a greater chance of recovery from depression, leading scientists to believe there is an association between B12 and mental health.
They found that for obese rats on a high - fat diet, when a heart attack hit, it was larger and more punishing, causing more damage to the heart muscle and leaving less chance of recovery compared with equally obese rats on a low - fat diet.
These are not views shared by the Liberal Democrats, who see last night's result as their biggest chance of recovery since their electoral wipe out last year.
More than 30 patients have been treated for SCID, and more than 90 percent of those children have been cured of their disorder — an improvement over the 50 percent chance of recovery offered by bone marrow transplants.
Vets will be given discretion over how they spend their allowance as long as the pets they choose to treat have a reasonable chance of recovery and their owners meet certain financial criteria.
The product will often be combined with other dog cancer drugs to help maximize an animal's chance of recovery [11, 12, 13, 14], and ensure pain relief [15, 16].
It is time for Japan to follow the lead of China and the United States and close down its market so that elephant populations stand a real chance of recovery,» said EIA president Allan Thornton.
Although there is little chance of recovery for the Atlantic Forest, researchers say that some hope remains for the few persisting species clinging to life in the fragmented ecosystem.
Led by resident veterinarian Caryl Knox, the uShaka Sea World Veterinary and Animal Care team liaised with veterinarians and scientists both internationally and locally to ensure he received the best possible chance of recovery.
Denominational executives felt there was little chance of recovery.
«If the injury occurs early after the birth, there's a much greater chance of recovery,» explains Edgerton.
For some reason, Rottweilers, Doberman Pinschers, and other black and tan breeds are especially prone to Parvo, and seem to succumb to parvo faster and with less chance of recovery than any other breed.
In most cases, there is a high chance of recovery.
If any of these circumstances apply, or if some other situation has caused you to lose respect for your partner, your relationship has the best chance of recovery with the help of a therapist.
If more than 6 hours pass between lily ingestion and treatment, your cat's chance of recovery decreases from fairly good to guarded - to - poor, and you can expect some long - term kidney damage.
We know from experience that microchipped pets have the best chance of recovery because the microchip is a permanent form of identification, which is easily scanned.
While in the intensive care unit at Bethesda, doctors told Michele that her husband had a 1 percent chance of recovery, and if he survived, he would be vegetative.
Working closely with your veterinarian and / or specialist will give you the best chance of recovery for your pet.
Right now, the Euro is overvalued relative to the Greek economy, and is further hurting any possible chances of recovery.
This is based on the realistic recognition that as long as a man stays on the Bowery his chances of recovery from alcoholism are very small.
It must be pointed out that the educational level and past occupational attainment of this group were higher than typical samples of homeless alcoholics, improving their chances of recovery.
Because of the overall gains in treatment, the chances of recovery are improving steadily.
If there is a brain injury, we can tell if they have a chance of recovery or not.
Something I am absolutely sure of is that the more open we are about the roots of our problems and the more air and light allowed to shine on them the better chance of a recovery.
«Defensively we've seen how many times people get in front of him at the near post; when he gets caught out he has no chance of recovery.
It's rare we see cars crashing at Albert Park's Turn 14 (and also not often we see Ricciardo binning it) but when drivers lose control of these new 2017 Formula 1 cars, there's no chance of recovery.
In 2010, the American Heart Association (AHA), in order to improve a victim's chances of recovery and to simplify teaching of CPR skills, updated its CPR guidelines.
It gets ugly in those places — and further reduces the chance of recovery for the region!
Instead of property being melted down, altered, or sold, investigators will have the chance to review a database to determine whether a stolen item was sold to a pawn shop increasing our chances of recovery,» said Chief Alan Rozansky of the Erie County Sheriffs» Narcotics Unit.
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