Sentences with phrase «one's chattel»

Unfortunately, the rise of conservative administrations across the US has already been blamed for references to both the book's title and the designation of women as chattel with offshoots of their male owners» names.
The GSEs have not purchased chattel loans for almost a decade.
Of an appropriate size for the aperture of the fireplaces and there to be enjoyed as fires in the rooms and not as chattels in themselves: on balance, fixtures.
This bond service or indentured servanthood is in stark contrast with chattel slavery of the New World (African Slave Trade).
A private correspondent writes: «Have you ever heard of any cases on electronic chattel paper that is subsequently printed out (apparently called «papering out» in the biz) and the printed version being considered as an «original»?»
These days new homes on the island are often built of concrete, but Bajans continue to incorporate many of the details found on chattel houses into their modern dwellings.
Workers create the wealth of any enterprise and yet are treated like chattels with no say over their lives at work.
This social transformation represents a remarkable, unparalleled experience; in barely the span of a generation, and with comparatively little violence, a despised and largely disenfranchised minority descendant from chattel slaves used the courts, the legislature, the press, and the rights of petition and assembly of the republic to force a redefinition of their citizenship.
Those loans where the land is not a factor (the purchase of the land is not included or the mobile home loan will be placed on public spots) are referred to as chattel mortgages just like with manufactured homes and the terms of the loan differ.
Instead, borrowers rely on chattel mortgages, which function in a similar manner to regular mortgages, but usually come equipped with higher interest rates.
Will, or should, an electronic bill of lading work the same way as electronic chattel paper?
5.2 On the completion of the above tasks [my Trustees shall hold my E-Material as part of my personal chattels disposed of by my will (or) I give my E-material to (name) of (address)-RSB-.
Some of the best examples of chattel homes can be found in the northern parish of St. Lucy, in the villages of Greenidge and Connel Town near Archer's Bay.
MHI offered a roadmap that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could follow in safely purchasing chattel loans through a strong Duty to Serve requirement.
«I am pleased that FHFA is including chattel loans in the DTS framework, in order to encourage Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to open a wider range of opportunities for aspiring manufactured homeowners.
The tort of conversion is increasingly significant in the electronic world where intangible rights are held for their true «owners» without being evidenced or comprised in a piece of paper or other chattel such as a cheque or certificate.
MHI is building support for and advancing its legislative and regulatory priorities, which include clarifying and modifying CFPB financing rules, requiring the Government Sponsored Enterprises to support chattel lending and improving FHA mortgage insurance programs for manufactured housing.
Women were considered chattel with no rights to their children or their property, the husbands having complete control.
Arlington, VA (December 13, 2016)-- The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) has finalized its Duty to Serve (DTS) rule, which would provide DTS credit to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for the purchase of chattel manufactured housing loans.
Women are considered to be mere chattel by the rebels.
The real point is that treating staff like chattels by using a fingerprinting system that tracks every time they leave their desk, is vile and disgusting.
During the 1990s, manufactured housing ownership increased significantly since chattel finance was widely available.
There we silently reflected on what Africa and the US might be like today if trade had been limited to commodities rather than human chattel.
The sellers, who were being sued for damages for misrepresentation, took the point that there had been chattels price inflation in their transaction which ought to deprive the purchasers of any remedy.
Quid pro quo... Do you believe owning another human being as personal property, i.e. chattel slavery, as described in Lev 25:44 - 46, is immoral?
I'll bet he prays that the US will become a theocracy, execute or oust all unbelievers, murder every gay person, force all women to give up contraceptives and become chattel, and insti t ute the teaching of creationism and intelligent design along with forced prayer in the public schools.
Warehouse, inventory and chattels only $ 225,000.00
If you don't like it that they have a say, I suggest you move to a country where they're nothing but chattel.
He refers to Aboriginals as «blackstock» — like disposable chattels.
«Currently, approximately 70 % of the loan originations are home - only [chattel] loans and the remaining 30 % have land as additional collateral.
Although the Superior Court of Justice was clear that animals were chattels under the law (movable property in Quebec) and that it was applying basic property law principles to decide who should have custody of the monkey, the reality is that both federal and provincial laws have progressively evolved towards recognizing animal welfare for its own value.
1) The amount the Seller receives from the Buyer 2) The amount the Seller Agent is paid by the Seller 3) The amount the Buyer Agent is paid by the Buyer 4) The amount the Buyer receives as a rebate 5) The amount the Seller receives as a rebate (usually attached to a subsequent purchase) 6) The amount of Mortgage Insurance funded 7) The amount paid for the purchase of excluded Chattels or Fixtures, excluded from SPN.
MHI has followed up its comments by initiating an ongoing dialogue with the GSEs to address any concerns they have about chattel loans, providing expertise in the assessment of default risk, opportunities for risk sharing, operational issues and procedures for loss mitigation and foreclosure.
Will there be any discussions about the government getting into chattel lending or how to find more used homes for your communities or dealership?
Hey Christian women, don't blame ME... I'm only stating what your bible teaches... that your basically chattel.
In a world where women as seen as chattels there will be no redress.
But that, of course, presupposes that individual persons are the property of the state, public chattel of which the state is wrongly deprived by the private act of suicide.
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