Sentences with phrase «one's chest cavity»

Put 1/2 cup vegetable mixture inside neck cavity and 1/2 cup inside chest cavity of turkey.
The pattern draws the eyes upwards to my face in what almost looks like an inverted chest cavity.
An X-ray is used to see an outline of the entire chest cavity to see what changes or abnormalities may be occurring.
This life threatening scenario may be the result of many disorders such as pneumonia, trauma to the lungs, severe heart failure, smoke inhalation, near drowning, bleeding disorders where the lungs or chest cavity fill with blood, cancer, and paralysis of the larynx.
It's most common in large breeds with deep chest cavities, like Great Danes and Saint Bernards.
Once there, its piezoelectric materials generate a heart - stimulating electrical pulse in response to ultrasound energy beamed to it by another implant in the left chest cavity.
It is actually a type of cancer that infects the cells of the pleura, which is the lining that surrounds the lungs forming a thin barrier between them and chest cavity wall.
Maybe he just amazingly gets it over the summer, but I definitely think SF remains our biggest sucking chest cavity of a need
Look around you at the gym, or in any public place and you will see a common trait shared by the vast majority: forward - slumped shoulders with a closed - off chest cavity.
The first thing we see and can never unsee in The Killing Of A Sacred Deer is a gaping chest cavity: flesh and bone parted to expose the organ inside, pumping frantically away in extreme close - up.
As the blood backs up, fluid is forced from the pulmonary capillaries into the lungs and chest cavity causing pulmonary edema and pleural effusion, respectively (commonly called congestive heart failure, or CHF).
Other tests the veterinarian will likely perform are radiographs (x-rays) of the chest and abdomen, echocardiogram (EKG), endoscopy, nasal and throat swab culture, and a fine needle biopsy of the fluid in the lungs and chest cavity if necessary.
Even to the gore blowing off heads and peices of brain and there chest cavity flying everywhere they wanted it to play like it was a horror movie to scare ur nipples off.
Cats with heart failure often have difficulty breathing as the heart begins to fail and the lung tissue and / or chest cavity fills with fluid that seeps from the backed - up veins.
However, smaller breeds that have deep chest cavities, such as Basset Hounds, are also susceptible.
Her chest cavity filled with 12 liters of fluid.
In reality, of course, it was contemplated that Mr. Johnson's heart would be removed from his chest while he was under general anaesthesia and that it would be transplanted in the chest cavity of his son.
Just as expected, I found the plastic bag of giblets nestled inside the chest cavity, but there was something else rattling around in there I wasn't so sure about, some kind of bone.
Their bellies can be pushed into their chest cavity, which causes suffocation.
Your baby's lungs are developing in the chest cavity and also, your baby's intestines are continuing their development.
The heart is continuing to develop and is beating in the small bulge outside the chest cavity for now.
Part 10: Have surgery to enlarge your chest cavity (optional).
«It's like I've had a heart attack and my heart is in pieces all over my chest cavity,» one Spitzer insider says.
The whale's remains would be largely unremarkable if not for the large number of sardinelike fish preserved inside its chest cavity and around its head.
Mice with mutations in what is called the nude gene don't fully develop the thymus, a small organ in the chest cavity that plays a key role in the maturation of infection - fighting T cells.
As the cancer filled her chest cavity with fluid, her hope began to drain away.
He and his colleagues patched up Khodadoust's heart with a piece of lung tissue, and then drained and cleaned out his chest cavity.
When surgeons opened his chest, they discovered that an infection had destroyed his sternum, and his chest cavity was filled with blood and pus.
The hallmark of CDH is a rupture of the diaphragm that allows organs found in the lower abdomen, such as the liver, spleen, and intestines, to push their way into the chest cavity.
More tellingly, two people had «pleural plaques,» essentially scarring in the lining of the chest cavity, consistent with exposure to mineral and man - made fibers.
Often, that means opening up the chest cavity — a complex and traumatic procedure — and implanting a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) to help the weakened heart muscle keep pumping blood throughout the body.
This can lead to a serious complication called pneumothorax, where air enters the chest cavity, potentially causing collapse of the lung.
The first study found that TRALI occurred in 1.4 percent of surgical patients, with higher rates in specific surgical populations such as those having surgery inside the chest cavity, on major blood vessels, or having an organ transplant.
Again, patients having surgery inside the chest cavity, on major blood vessels, or organ transplants were at greatest risk.
A test revealed that she had a hiatal hernia, a condition in which a bit of the stomach bulges upward into the chest cavity.
This meant that a part of my stomach was bulging upward into my chest cavity in my gastroesophageal area, which was causing acid reflux.
All backbends open the chest cavity and the heart.
This stabilizes the abdominal and chest cavities and provides greater core stability during heavy lifting.
It can be a part of the Valsalva maneuver which involves taking a deep breath and holding it, thus closing the glottis, i.e. the space between the vocal chords and causing an increase in pressure within the chest cavity.
One of the things you'll notice that happen to people as they get older is that their chest cavity caves in more.
Expansion of the chest cavity in this yoga pose is so crucial to correct posture and torso strength.
Interlace your fingers and wriggle up onto your shoulders, opening that chest cavity.
As you breathe, you're actually opening up the chest cavity.
Good posture opens your chest cavity and allows more oxygen to enter the body and brain, contributing to that energy boost mentioned above.
Excess weight places extra stress on the chest cavity and lungs.
Occasionally, a portion of the muscle organ of stomach and the LES will actually protrude through the hiatus (the opening in the diaphragm where the esophagus passes through the chest cavity).
While endometriosis most commonly occurs on the ovaries or immediately around the uterus, tissue can also adhere to the intestines, the bladder, the vagina, or very rarely in the chest cavity or lungs.
When lying down, 25 percent of our blood lies in our chest cavity.
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